AGRIS Customer Documentation

Agent pre-install utility for MyGrower and or Mobile app access

If your team is ready to install MyGrower customer portal or access for AGRIS mobile apps it is done very easy if you are on 19.1.0 SU2 or higher. 


If using 19.1.0 or higher. 

  1. Work with Customer Support to apply the updated AGRIS software license. 
  2. Open Agris on your database server and select Utilities>Diagnostics>Agent pre-install utility.
  3. Review findings and correct items found if needed.   If all things pass please continue by doing the following

    1. Take a screenshot of the results.

    2. Contact Greenstone to schedule your install.

If using 19.1.0 SU1 or older, please follow the steps below instead:

  1. Work with Customer Support to apply the updated AGRIS software license to your AGRIS server
  2. Access the AGRIS database server and navigate using file explorer and click on the drive containing AGRIS
  3. Click on APPS folder
  4. Click on AGRIS folder
  5. Click on Bin folder
  6. Click on file named “Agris.Sys.AgentCheck.exe”
  7. Fill out fields to the right
  8. Click the “check” button
  9. Take a screenshot of the results.

  10. Contact Greenstone to schedule your install

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