Printing the Stock Sales Report

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Printing the Stock Sales Report


Use this job aid to print the stock sales report that is sorted by stock class and then patron name id, with subtotals by stock class. The report contains the following information: patron name id, social security number, transaction date, transaction number, invoice/voucher number, certificate/equity number, amount payable, stock credits, credits balance, number of shares, dollar value of stock issued, and stock balance.

To print the stock sales report:

  1. From the Toolbar, click PAT for Patronage.

  2. From the Patronage menu, select Report Manager, and then select Transaction Reports.

  3. Select Print Transaction Report.

  4. Select Stock Sales Report.

  5. At the Adjust Parameters? prompt, click Yes.

  6. Leave the optional boxes on this window blank for all information, or type beginning and ending information, and then click OK.

  7. In the Equity Source Code Beginning and Ending boxes, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the equity source code you want to print the report for, or leave blank for all equity source codes, and then click OK.

  8. Click OK.

  9. In the boxes on this window, type an option - 0 for all values, 1 for equal to, 2 for not equal to, or 3 for greater than, 4 for greater than or equal to, 5 for less than, or 6 for less than or equal to.

  10. Click OK.

  11. In the Stock Type and Transaction Number boxes, type a subtotal option - 0 for no subtotals, 1 for subtotal this level, 2 for new page this level, or 3 for subtotal and new page.

  12. In the Legend Line box, type a description of what options you selected to print this report.

  13. In the Print Activity Detail box, type Yes to print detail, or type N to eliminate detail from the report.

  14. In the Print Grand Total Information box, type Yes to print grand total information, or type N to eliminate the grand total information from the report.

  15. In the Replace Name Id with Alternate Name Id box, type Yes to print the alternate name id on the report, or type N to print the name id on the report.

  16. Click OK.

  17. In the Printer box, type the number associated to the place you want your report to print.

  18. In the Print Type box, type the number associated to the characters per inch to print the report in.

  19. In the Copies box, type the number of copies of the report you want to print.

  20. In the Pages From and To boxes, type the page number range you want to print the report for.  Leave the boxes blank to print all pages.

  21. Click OK.

Learn more about the Stock Sales feature:

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