AGRIS Customer Documentation

Setting up Formulation Setup -General


Use this job aid to set up the required parameters and default values for the formulation and blending processes of AgroGuide.

To setup formulation - general:

  1. From the Toolbar, select AGY for AgroGuide.

  2. From the AgroGuide Menu, select Formulation Setup, then select General.

  3. In the Formulation Approach indicates to the system which approach is to be taken with formulation. Least Cost will perform calculations minimizing the cost to the dealer. Least Price will perform calculations minimizing the cost to the customer. Traditional will perform calculations as taught in agronomy school.  Frame, click one of the options to set your default formulation approach. 

  4. In the Formulate To Quantity Frame, click one of the options to set the default blend to quantity, and then type the quantity in the box to the right.

  5. In the Keep Analysis When Adding contains how the formulation engine handles the calculation of the analysis when adding fertilizers and chemicals to a formula. frame, mark the appropriate check box to have the calculation of formulation analysis done when adding fertilizers and/or chemicals to a formula.

  6. Mark the Hide Margin box if you do not want to have the reverse margin appear on the Formulation window's Formulation tab. 

  7. Mark the Require Pest on Chemical check box to require the entry of a pest when adding a chemical to a formulation.

  8. Mark the Automatic Pest Select Popup if you want the pest box to default in every time you add a chemical.  If you do not want this screen, leave the box unchecked.

  9. Mark the Hide Negotiated Price Checkbox check box if you do not want this option to appear on the Formulation window or formulation ticket.

  10. Mark the Include Chemical Items in Blend Price check box to roll the chemical price into the blend price, or do not mark the check box if you want the chemicals billed on a separate line.

  11. Mark the Include Seed Items in Blend Price check box to roll the seed price into the blend price, or do not mark the check box if you want seed items billed on a separate line.

  12. Mark the Include Other Items in Blend Price check box to roll the other item price into the blend price, or do not mark the check box if you want the other items billed on a separate line.

  13. Mark the Area cannot be zero on Blend to Area check box to require the entry of the area when blending to area. Note: This option only applies if in the Formulate to Quantity frame you select the area option and type zero as the area.

  14. Mark the Turn Off Regulatory Quick Check check box to turn the regulatory quick check functionality off.

  15. Mark the Don't display Formulation Sales Order Status window during Formulation to prevent the display of the Sales Order Status window.

  16. Mark the Formulate To Grade box if you normally select this option when creating the formulation.  This will set the Formulate to Grade as the default.  

  17. Mark the Do Not Display Zero Price Warning On Any Item to prevent the display of a warning message on any items in the blend that are zero price.

  18. Mark the Do Not Display Zero Price Warning On The Water Item to prevent the display of a warning message on just the water item that has a zero price.

  19. In the Nutrient Control Frame, click the arrow to select the default Nitrogen and Phosphate sources.

  20. Mark the Formulate to Nutrient Forms check box to display the nutrient forms that are associated with the formulation group when creating a formulation.

  21. Mark the Display Nutrient Forms in Analysis check box to display the nutrient values in the analysis.

  22. In the Nutrient Order Frame, identify the sequence in which the nutrients are to display in the Ordered, Delivered, and Analysis lists.  To change the position of a nutrient in the Ordered List, select the nutrient to be moved and then click <<. The nutrient is now on the Available List. To rearrange the entire list click <All to move all of the nutrients to the Available List. To move the nutrients back on to the Ordered List, select the nutrient to be moved and click >>. To move all of the nutrients back at one time, click All >.

  23. In the Sales Order Pending Reasons frame, click the arrow to select the pending reasons for formulations that are quotes and credit holds.  The descriptions of the sales order pending reasons can be setup in Inventory>Setup Information>Order Entry Setup Options.

  24. Click the Formula Tab.

  25. In the Dry Formula Frame, type the default percentage of dryer in the formulation. The dryer percentage only appears for dry formulas.

  26. Mark the Use Filler In Dry Formulas check box to use filler in dry blends.

  27. In the Liquid Formula frame, type the default percentage of water to use in liquid blends.

  28. In the Cold Suspension Formula Frame, type the default percentages of clay (dryer) and water to use in cold suspension blends.

  29. Mark the ignore salt out temp, to ignore the salt out temp when creating a cold suspension blend.

  30. In the Tank Mix frame, type the default water volume to be used in formulation tank mixes.

  31. In the Default Maximum Overages on Blend to Grade, for Traditional Approach %, type in the % of overage to allow on a blend to grade. The default for Traditional will be .5%. For Least Cost/Price Approach %, type in the % of overage to allow on a blend to grade.  The default for Least Cost/Price will be 1.00%.

  32. In the Hot Suspension Formula Frame, type the default percentage of clay (dryer) and water to be used when formulating hot suspensions.  Type the default water temperature and the default percentage of P this is the percent of phosphate, in the blend, that the phosphate reacts. The percentage must be between 0 and 100. from the Phosphate Reactor.

  33. In the Clear Liquid Formula Frame, type the default percentage of water to use in clear liquid formulations.

  34. Click Apply.

  35. Click the UOM/Decimal tab.

  36. In the Formulation Units of Measure Frame, click the arrow to set the default unit of measure for gross weight, weight, area, dry volume and liquid volume. AgroGuide will default in a pre-set UOM for each formula UOM.

  37. In the Decimal Precision Frame, type the default precision for the ordered and analysis rates for N,P,K, micro-nutrients, and nutrient forms.

  38. Mark the Truncation N P and K check box to shorten the NPK analysis to the exact number of decimal places. No rounding will occur.

  39. Mark the For metric customers - always formulate to lbs/acre requirements to change the Formulation window > Requirements Tab > Nutrient Requirements frame to read Lbs/Acre, the Formulation window > Formula Tab > Weight/Area to read lb/ac, Volume/Area to read gal/ac or ft3/ac, Estimated Density to read lb/gal or lb/ft3, and the Delivered Column to read lb/ac, to change the Formulation Items by Rate Fertilizer window > Nutrient Requirements tab to read lb/ac,  to change Fertilizer Site Setup and Chemical Site Setup windows item density to lb/gal for liquid and lb/ft3 for dry, and Seed Site Setup window item density to lb/ft3.

  40. Click Apply.

  41. Click on Analysis Tag.

  42. Mark Print Analysis Tag to default at printing of the blend and field tickets to also print the analysis tag

  43. Click Apply.

  44. Click Labels.

  45. To change the label description of the following fields: Client, Farm, Field. Sub-Field, State, and County, type in the description that will be associated with that level.  Example: Change Client to Grower.  AgroGuide will set the defaults for the descriptions.  Enter "NA" to disable subfield or field level.

  46. Click OK.

Learn more about Formulation Setup features:

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