AGRIS Customer Documentation
Creating a Formulation to Blend in AgroGuide
Use this job aid to create a formulation to blend in AgroGuide.
To create a formulation to blend:
From the Toolbar, select AGY for AgroGuide.
From the AgroGuide menu, select AgroGuide.
To select a client, type the name of the client in the Client box, or click to access a list of clients in Name/Address. From the drop-down list, select the client.
Then Select Formulation.
If you want to use an existing formulation, in the Formulation Id box, click Lookup, enter information to find a formulation by, and then select the formulation from the Formulation Lookup window.
The Client Name, Farm, Field, Subfield, Area, Regulatory State/County and Soil Texture will populate when choosing to Blend through the AgroGuide option, because you selected the options first prior to selecting the Formulation button.
On the Requirements tab, enter the information required to generate the formulation. note: For more information on the requirements page, please refer to job aid: Creating a Formulation.
Click the Formulation Tab.
In the Item box click the lookup icon to display the Formulation Item Filter window and select from the items setup within AgroGuide, OR click the ellipse icon to select the item from within Inventory
On the Formulation Item by Rate window, identify the appropriate Rate by area, Liquid Volume Rate, Seed or Fertilizer by Nutrient Requirements note: this window will pop up when adding a new item to the formulation.
Click the Item Property icon to view the properties associated with the item.
In the Rt column, click the ellipse icon to edit the Rate for an item
Mark the Inc check box for each item to include the item in the formulation.
In the item grid box, the fields that can be changed on the fly are quantity, total weight (lb), lb/ac, gal/ac, and est. unit price. Make the change and press <TAB> key to recalculate the field(s).
The Prices frame contains the price information for the formulation. To change the calculated Price of the Blend, type the new value over the existing value and press the <TAB> key to recalculate the Price prorated across all the Blend Items.
Click Costs to view Costs and to view or edit Margin, and Surcharge information. The Analysis frame is replaced with the Cost/Margins frame.
Click Analysis to view the nutrient analysis ordered, delivered, and the guaranteed analysis associated with the formula. The Cost/Margins frame is replaced with the Analysis frame.
Mark the Negotiated Price to hold prices all the way to the invoice for this blend. If you make any changes to the price on the formulation screen, the negotiated price checkbox will automatically check.
In PL (Price Level) box, select the price level that you want associated with this blend
In the PS (Price Schedule) box, select the price schedule that you want associated with this blend.
If you marked the check box to Blend to Grade, the Keep analysis when adding frame will be available. Select or deselect either the fertilizer to formula check box or the chemical to formula check box, to control how the system calculates the formula when adding fertilizers or chemicals manually. Mark the check box(s) to have the analysis remain the same when adding fertilizers or chemical to a formula. Unmark this check box, to create a new analysis reflecting the added nutrient value.
The Statistics frame contains statistical information about the formulation. If you change the coverage area, the formulation values are updated to reflect the coverage area change
In the Comment box, type comments or notes to associate with the formulation. These comments print on the Formulation Ticket.12. Click Print to print a Formulation Ticket and/or Regulatory documents.
Click Print to print a Formulation Ticket and/or Regulatory documents.
Click Clear to clear all manual inputs on this screen.
Click Setup to add or edit setup factors related to the formulation or blend process
Click Show All to show all of the items that are in the selected Formulation Group. Click Collapse to return to displaying only the items being used within this formulation. • Note: This allows for quick access to add or adjust items from the Formulation Group for this formulation.
Click Reprice to reprice blends to the price level or price schedule identified for this customer.
Click Inventory to view the item quantities required for the formulation and the item quantities actually in Inventory. Mark the Display All Inventory check box to display the actual quantities in Inventory of the formulation items across all of the locations.
Click Active Sales Order to create an active Sales Order document number and move to the Blend window.
Click Pending Sales Order to create a pending Sales Order document number and exit back to the Formulation startup window
Click Blend to save the Formulation Id and move to the Blending window
Click Save to save this Formulation Id and exit back to the Formulation startup window.
Learn more about the Formulation feature:
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