Scale Communication Issue: "No Response" [Quick Tip]

Scale Communication Issue: "No Response" [Quick Tip]

Harvest is officially rolling for much of the Midwest and having a functional scale is important to keeping trucks flowing.

There are three common scale communication errors:

  • Comm Error

  • Invalid Data

  • No Response

We are going to focus on “No Response” for this guide.


“No Response” Error Troubleshooting

“No Response” usually refers to the computer not receiving data from the scale. This is seen in the “chalk board” or the black part of the screen in ticket entry. There is a simple way to check if the computer is receiving data from the scale.

  1. Navigate to: One > Setup Information > Connection Summary

2. Select your scale

3. Click the three dots “” next to your communication port

4. Select the “Test” button.

5. Select the “Open Port” button.

  • We want to see a continuous flow of data like pictured below.

  • If you don’t see a continuous flow of data (as pictured above), then the OneWeigh Computer isn’t receiving data from the scale, pictured below.

This is an indicator of a communication issue that could be: Wrong port, bad serial cable, if your scale is IP the network may have dropped out, etc.

It is important to see the data flow continuously to have a scale operate.


Austin Kocher 9/22/22

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