CINCH 18.4 - Product Announcement

CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH 18.4 - Product Announcement

Released on: August 31, 2020

What products are involved?

  • CINCH Agri-Suite - Grain, Sales, Seed, Miscellaneous

  • CINCH Document Exchange

  • CINCH Patronage

  • CINCH Portal

  • CINCH Savings & Loan

Note:  CINCH Portal for 18.4 will be released soon.

What are the highlights?

  • Compatibility with mid-year update to Dynamics GP (18.2.1100). 

  • New CinchX Functionality including two new AgXML services:  AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Export and AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import.  

  • New CINCH Functionality including supporting Multi-Lots in Bulk Shipment Entry, and many other CINCH windows.

  • Extensive Enhancement List including usability tweaks, efficiency enhancements, and many other improvements such as new filter in the Tickets In Progress lookup and new ship-from and remit-to fields on many screens.

What are some of the new features and benefits?

Below are a few of the highlights found in CINCH 18.4 with benefits including maximizing ability, reducing time and increasing efficiency in entering and processing transactions in CINCH.


New Feature/Enhancement



New Feature/Enhancement



Added ability to post Purchase and Sales contracts without a ticker if the contract does not have a net price. 

Allows for a more efficient process flow of handing basis contracts.

Added new setting ‘Disable Delete of Sub-Items/Pricing on Sales Contract’ which is referenced when an item is changed on a saved sales contract.

Saves previously entered data from being deleted thereby saving time by not having to re-enter data.

Added Ship From and/or Remit To Address IDs to many screens.

Better visibility of this information.  Saves time going to view this information in other windows.

Added filter for Current User Class to the Tickets In Progress Lookup screen.

Makes for a more efficient view of tickets in progress.  

Added a warning for overweight or overweight expired permits to screens that handle weight such as Inbound Scale Ticket Entry and others.

Gives user timely warning of important information impacting legality issues for the trucker.


The Branch Transfer Entry screen has been updated to display the Received Weight within the expansion of the scrolling screen.

The addition of the Received Weight helps the user with the efficient processing of the branch transfers.


Added a new way to select the unit cost when invoicing a drop shipment.

Enhances the user experience when processing drop ship transactions.


Enhancements made to Bulk Shipment Invoicing to require shipments assigned to load orders within based on branch.

This requirement will help control the process flow of incomplete shipments.

Cinch X

Two new services were added:  AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Import and AgXML 4.0 Purchase Load Export.  Functionality was added to handle the Agris oneWeigh Auto-ID, and enhancements was made to multiple other existing CinchX services.

Further bolsters the CinchX functionality offerings by providing inbound/outbound processing of purchase loads as well as handling AutoID's with CINCH-oneWeigh systems.


Support Microsoft Dynamics GP 18.2 Mid-Year 2020 Release (18.00.1100)

Meets the Microsoft requirement to stay current with the GP Life Cycle.

Added support for Nebraska Lien Holder import.

Nebraska customers will now be able to efficiently handle lien holder lists avoiding the manual entry of a lot of data.

Multiple CINCH user interface enhancements.

Provides for more efficient use of CINCH and a better user experience.

Available for an additional fee:

Contact Sales at 800-393-0075 or your Greenstone Account Manager for more information.

Schedule your upgrade:

Contact the Greenstone Customer Support team at mysupport@culturatech.com or 877-674-7419 (Option 1, 5).

Want more news?

  • Maintenance and support of CINCH 16.0 (on Dynamics GP 16.0 R2) will continue until November 30, 2020.  Thus the 2019 year-end update will be the last year-end update for CINCH 16.0.  To schedule your upgrade from CINCH 16.0, please contact the Greenstone Customer Support team via email at mysupport@culturatech.com or by phone at 877-674-7419 (Option 1, 5).

  • Check out the new Greenstone Outstanding in The Field podcast.  It is also available on iTunes.


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