Stock Addition Splits

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Stock Addition Splits

Stock Addition Splitter
This document is put together to guide you through the stock addition split / transfer feature to minimize effort when dealing with incorrect / or complicated billing of a stock addition. 

This feature allows users to do the following 1) Change the Remit To  2) Setup multiple due dates based on selecting products that need to be paid on a separate date.    By using this feature the payables team will reduce processing time required to manage / adjust stock additions, especially when paying multiple vendors with multiple due dates within the same shipment received.
System Security
Customize > System Security
There is one new security options to enable Split and Transfer Stock Additions:
Third-tier security under INV, Stock Additions
"Split/Transfer Stock Additions"
Minimum security level is 5 (Edit)
This security option enables the Split/Transfer Stock Additions

Using Stock Addition Splits/Transfers
INV > Stock Additions > Stock Addition Splits.
Allows you to select a line item and move ALL its contents to another voucher, creating a new document.


  1. You cannot transfer a line if a payment is applied

  2. You cannot transfer a line if it has already been transferred.

  3. You cannot transfer a line back to the original invoice, it always creates a new one.

  4. You cannot choose a quantity. It takes the whole amount of the line.


  1. Keyed stock addition in to wrong name id. Instead of reversing the voucher and re-keying, just transfer to a new, correct name id.

  2. Key in a stock addition for multiple items. Now as the invoices arrive, you move the line(s) that you are being invoiced for, to a new voucher. So the first voucher acts as a holder of all items received. The transferred vouchers created after that can be lined up with the bill of lading documents and matched up to the Vendor's invoices.


Inventory Activity Reports
The inventory activity report can be limited to only pickup lines that were created by transfers or that were originals. You cannot print this field, only use it as a range selection.
Options 1 for Origin voucherOption 5 for Destination Voucher (newly created voucher)Blank for everything

Inventory Audit Reports

Range selection criteria can be used for limiting things to the V = Stock Addition Transfers only
And you can print this field on the reports.

~ Documentation Written By: Janet Krumholz 12/16

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