AGRIS Customer Documentation

Hrvyst Pre-Go Live Checklist

Before you are ready to go on Hrvyst Hedge, here are a few things that you need to ensure are in place.

Here is a Table of Contents to serve as an overview of this Checklist.


Proceed to the BIN Storage Management module.

  • Proceed to the GRN steps if you do not use the Storage Management (BIN) module.

  • If using Variety / Class proceed to print reports below

Print the Setup Options - Storage Management Advanced Report and provide it to and discuss it with the Hrvyst implementer. Proceed to the next step if you do not use the Storage Management (BIN) module.

Navigation: BIN > Report Manager > Commodity Reports> 1) Print Commodity Reports > Commodity Listing - #00100

Here is the Range Selection Criteria screen:


The report will look something like this:


Print the Commodity Export Spreadsheet #00700 report and provide it to and discuss it with the Hrvyst implementer.

Each Commodity / Varietyclass location listed must be added to Hrvyst.

Navigation: BIN > Report Manager > Commodity Reports > 1) Print Standard Reports > Commodity Export Spreadsheet #00700

Here is the Range Selection Criteria screen:

The report will look something like this. Pay special attention to the “Vari” and “cl” columns (D and E). Special considerations may be necessary if you are using Varieties and Classes on Contracts.

Commodity Export Spreadsheet #00700

Proceed to the GRN Commodity Management module.

Print the Commodity Codes list and provide it to and discuss it with the Hrvyst implementer.

Each Commodity location must be added to Hrvyst.

Navigation: GRN > Report Manager > Advanced Reports > 1) Print Standard Reports > 12 Commodity Codes Report Id #80010

Here is the Range Selection Criteria screen:

The report will look something like this.

Print the Contract Types list and provide it to and discuss it with the Hrvyst implementer.

Navigation: GRN > Report Manager > Advanced Reports > 1) Print Standard Reports > 22 Contract Types - Report Id #80700

Here is the Range Selection Criteria screen:

The report will look something like this.

Verify that Commodity Boards, futures and near months are set for all locations.
Print the Standard Contract Remarks report.

Navigation: GRN > Setup Information > Standard Contract Remarks > Print

Here is the lookup screen - press the Print button:

Here is the Range Selection Criteria screen:

The report will look something like this:

Standard Contract Remarks
Standard Contract Remarks


Print the Setup Options - Commodity Management Advanced Report and provide it to the Hrvyst implementer.

Navigation: Maintenance > Location Maintenance > Advanced Reports > 1) Print Standard Reports > 29 Setup Options - Commodity Management - Report Id #80990 > answer “Y” to both questions.

Here is the Range Selection Criteria screen:

The report will look something like this:

Proceed to the Maintenance menu.

Print the Location Codes Advanced Report and provide it to and discuss it with the Hrvyst implementer.

The locations for each Commodity / Varietyclass must be added to Hrvyst.

Navigation: Maintenance > Location Maintenance > Print > “Y” to both questions.

Here is the Range Selection Criteria screen:

The report will look something like this:

Proceed to the NAM Name/Address module.

Print Name Address transaction code field lists and be ready to compare them to Hrvyst

Navigation: Name/Address > Setup Information > Transaction Codes.

Here is the list of available Transaction Codes available to print:

Name/Address - Transaction Codes.

Follow Setup Instructions to Enable the Integration.

Grant applicable employees with AGRIS import contract rights enabled. How to Configure AGRIS for the Hrvyst Integration | AGRIS Web Service Security
Set RJO Hrvyst CFT datasync Name settings to Active to successfully send names (Once confirmed backdate, restart service to send remainder overnight) How to Configure AGRIS for the Hrvyst Integration | For Name Id Extract:
Set RJO Hrvyst CFT datasync Hedge settings to Active with Time and Date to today’s date. How to Configure AGRIS for the Hrvyst Integration | For Hedge Transaction Extract:
Configure and set Import modify functions and features as necessary.
Test the ability to send and / or receive sample Name Change, Hedge change, Contract transactions.
Identify at least 2 people who can start and stop the RJO Hrvyst CFT and understand how to research a message status in CFT.
AGRIS Monitor Widget is enabled on each user’s dashboard who will be responsible for checking the status of the interface.
Partially priced contracts in AGRIS should be accounted for from AGRIS Datahub.
(Examples will be provided based on validation of contracts from @lwyman (Unlicensed)
Review and understand how to research errors on transactions in the datahub.

Greeenstone Data Hub

Review that the next 4 steps were completed successfully.

Set the dataset for the agent to the live dataset
Set the dataset for the RJO provider to the live dataset
Confirm that credentials are valid for both Hrvyst and AGRIS
Email contacts are valid and set to a group email or multiple people at your company.
Identify at least 2 people who know how to log in and review transactions.


Employees entered in Hrvyst have a corresponding AGRIS account and have been confirmed these employees are configured in Datahub.
Beginning balances are verified.
Unpriced contracts are accounted for and validated.
Position balanced
Any test accounts using the production credentials to access Greenstone Datahub are disabled.
Locations are validated with AGRIS related locations
Commodities are validated with AGRIS related commodities.
AGRIS Misc Tran codes have been cross-referenced and values exist for each option in AGRIS.


Primary and secondary review employees are identified and trained on review processes for invalid or non-delivered transactions.
Employee list - Cross-reference completed for Hrvyst team members to map to AGRIS id’s


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