AGRIS Customer Documentation

Report Streams

The AGRIS Report Stream feature is a powerful way to automatically run one or multiple reports on a scheduled basis.

Setup Steps

  • Navigation:  Maintenance > Report Stream Maintenance

  • If you have no Report Streams, press "OK" on the screen like this:

  • Press "Yes" to Add A Report Stream?"

  • If you already have Report Streams, press "Insert" on the screen like this:

  • It will ask if you want to Insert Before [ existing report ].  Chooses Yes or No (it does matter).

  • Complete the screen below with something like this:

  • Press "Yes" if you wish to "Set Up Stream Password" or "No" if you do not want to password protect it.

  • Select the applicable reports per the green box (Note: the example below is for the AAWCO / AGRO Grain Warehouse Examiner related reports).

  • So for "1) Print GRN Contract Report"  AWWCO EXPORT 1of7: OPEN CONTRACTS", go to the GRN Pkg and select CONTRACT REPORTS.

  • Then choose 2) User Defined Reports > Select on this screen:

  • Then choose "AWWCO EXPORT 1of7: OPEN CONTRACTS"" on this screen and press "Select".

  • On the screen below, choose "Yes" if you want to continue to the next step in the stream if there is an error OR No if you want to stop the stream when there is an error.

  • Continue this process until you have the other steps complete and the screen looks like this:


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