Examiner Reports

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Examiner Reports

How to install and run the Warehouse Examiners Reports

Transfer Reports

First, transfer the reports into AGRIS
Go to Utilities>Transfer Reports and Forms

Select #5 Custom Transfer Options

Enter 1 for reports and hit ok

Sort the list of reports by report name by clicking on the title bar of that column
There are 7 reports you need to transfer into AGRIS and they all begin with AAWCO.

These reports can now be found in your user defined reports. For example, the open contracts report can be found under user defined contract reports.

Determine Where to Save

Now you need to set where you want these reports to save. Currently, they will save in your dataset folder. If you want them to save somewhere else, you will need to change the path on the report itself.
In the example below, I created a folder in the dataset folder called Examiners, I went into Contract Reports>Report Writer Features>Selected my report>hit ok
In the directory box, I put the path to my folder I created. Do not change the file name or type.

You will need to do this for each report.
GRN>Report Manager>Contract Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 1of7: Open Contracts
GRN>Report Manager>Delivery Sheet Reports>User Defined> AAWCO Export 2of7: Unpaid Delivery Sheet Report
GRN>Report Manager>Ticket Reports>User Defined> AAWCO Export 3of7: Tickets w/no Sheet
GRN>Report Manager>Storage Receipt Report>User Defined> AAWCO Export 4of7: Company WHS RCPTS
ACP>Report Manager>Voucher Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 5of7: Trade Payables
ACR>Report Manager>Invoice Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 6of7: Trade Receivables
BNK>Report Manager>Bank Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 7of7: Bank Reconciliation

Set up Report Stream

Go to Maintenance>Report Stream Maintenance

Hit insert to create a new stream. It will ask if you want to insert before the stream you have highlighted. Yes will insert it before, no will put it at the end of the list.
Put in a description for your report stream, something like Warehouse Examiners Reports.

Choose if you want it to proceed if an error happens or not. I always suggest you say yes to log completion of process steps for the first few times you use a report stream, until you know it is working properly. This is a rarely ran report, the file won't get very big anyways.
Answer yes or no to do you want to set up a report steam password. If you say yes, no one will be able to run the stream without the password.

It will tell you no reports found, just hit ok.

It will ask if you want to add a report to the stream, hit yes.

It will bring up the report types, you will need to go into the types to select the appropriate reports.
Contract Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 1of7: Open Contracts
Delivery Sheet Reports>User Defined> AAWCO Export 2of7: Unpaid Delivery Sheet Report
Ticket Reports>User Defined> AAWCO Export 3of7: Tickets w/no Sheet
Warehouse Receipt Report>User Defined> AAWCO Export 4of7: Company WHS RCPTS
A/P Voucher Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 5of7: Trade Payables
A/R Invoice Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 6of7: Trade Receivables
Bank Reports>User Defined>AAWCO Export 7of7: Bank Reconciliation
After adding each report it will ask if you wish to continue if an error comes up, choose yes or no.

When you are done your stream should look something like this:

Set Up File Translations

Go to CFT>File Translations>AAWCO Warehouse Examiners

The file path should be the one you put on the reports. Leave the names and extensions the same. Append to AAWCO means that it will add it to the end of the file instead of overwriting the file. Determine if that needs to be a Y or N with your examiner.

The first time you go into this, you will not have begin translation as an option. You will need to select AAWCO Warehouse Examiner Configuration.

Double click on the line and enter your id for CCC.

Hit next. Double click on each line to enter the ranges for your warehouse receipt numbers.

Once they are all entered, hit save and exit.

To run the reports

Go to Reports>Report streams

Select the stream for Warehouse Examiners Reports

It is going to ask if you want to view edit report dates. This depends on how you have your date group set up. You can always hit yes and change date group one to the dates you need for the audit reports. This will not change your date group setting for the system.

Press ok to begin the stream

You will see it go through each report like this.

Once it is done it will close and take you back to the stream selection screen. Your reports will be saved in your file.
Now you need to translate from AGRIS format to AAWCO format.
Go to CFT>File Translations>AAWCO Warehouse Examiners

Hit ok
Select #1 Begin translation

You will see a screen like this while it is processing.

Now if you go into your folder, you will see only the .dat file for the examiners.


~Written by Betsy Ropp 11/19

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