AGRIS Customer Documentation
How to Purge Transaction Tracking
Transaction Tracking is an audit file that you may maintain of every document in your system and when it was last updated.
Systems like the CFT and outside systems like MyGrower use document tracking to determine what it needs to extract out to another system.
This is an example of documents for name/address listed in document tracking.
So if you run the purge for this, you will lose “setup” documents just because they have not been updated in a while.
So the question is, how do I purge this because it is one of the largest files in our dataset.
How to purge Document Tracking.
Select each tracked document line from Document Tracking, stop tracking and delete the records, then rebuild the document tracking which will be built based on the existing (non-purged) transactions in the dataset.
AGRIS > Utilities > Document Tracking.
Take a screenshot of this screen. You will need THREE screenshots to cover all the document types. A list of what is already turned on is required. Save the screenshots.
Or you can write down what you have turned on. But get this list BEFORE doing anything else.Example Screenshot to Show what is turned on.Select <Multiple> button at the bottom of the screen.
Now click on each line that is turned on to mark with an X.
Once everything is selected, hit <Continue>.
Select Option 2)Turn Document Tracking Off
Then select YES to delete existing documents.
This will purge the documents out of Document Tracking.
Now using your screenshots or lists, use the <Multiple> option again.
double-click on each line to turn on, then select Continue.
Select Option 1. Turn Document Tracking on.
AGRIS will recreate that document based on the non-purged transactions in the dataset.
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