Reconcile Transactions

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Reconcile Transactions

Table of Contents:

Menu Selections

Bank Maintenance menu Reconcile Transactions 

Reconcile Transactions provides an enhanced user interface that allows the user to organize transaction view by column sort, filter, and grouping.  The enhanced interface also supports reconciling to a bank statement and exporting transaction list to an Excel spreadsheet.  

Reconcile Parameters

User begins the Reconcile Transactions process by providing a Starting Reference Number and Date Reconciled.  Both the new and classic options use the same form to input reconcile parameters.  Input values determine which transactions are available for reconciliation.  Starting Reference Number determines the starting point.  If left blank the available transaction list will begin with the oldest active transaction.  Date Reconciled input sets the "reconcile through" date.  Any transaction with a date later the date reconciled will be displayed, but cannot be reconciled.  These transactions will have their "Select" column value set to an asterisk.

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Transaction Selection

The Transaction Selection form is comprised of a multiple sections, Reconcile Header, Transaction Selection Grid, and Action Message and Buttons.  The user may resize the form by clicking the Maximize or Window button located on the right side of the form's title bar or by using the mouse to drag the form border.  AGRIS's main form cannot be minimized when the Transaction Selection form is displayed.  Standard AGRIS user interface features that not available on this form are 1) Home and Go buttons, 2) Form positioning based on previous form's location, 3) Status bar containing Feedback, Application, and Help buttons, 4) F1 - Help and F12 - Application Information function keys, 5) Saving grid preferences, and 6) Idle time out.

1) Reconcile Header
Reconcile Header section displays information identifying the bank account, bank balance on file, uncleared transaction totals, reconcile date, and bank statement reconcile amounts.

2) Reconcile Date
Reconcile Date is the date entered on the Reconcile Parameters form.  Active transactions prior to and through this date are available for reconciliation.

3) Bank Statement Reconcile
Bank Statement Reconcile section assists with reconciling transactions to a bank statement.  This section accepts an optional beginning bank statement balance.  Selecting or deselecting transactions updates deposit / withdrawal running totals and ending bank statement balance.

4) Transaction Selection Grid
Transaction Selection Grid lists all active transactions that match the reconcile parameters.  The "Selected" column displays transaction selection state.  Selection state values are blank for un-selected, "X" for selected, and "*" for unavailable for selection (transaction date is later than reconcile date).

Column Features
Column features allow the user to tailor the grid view.  Column features are display order, sort, filter, group by, and summaries.  Column view changes are not not preserved upon closing the Transaction Selection form.

  • Display Order - Column order may be changed.  To change column order, hover mouse icon over a column header, press the left mouse button, and drag the column left or right on the column header row.  Click HERE to see Column Order in action.

  • Sort - Rows may be sorted by a single column.  To apply a column sort, hover the mouse icon over a column header and press the left mouse button.  A sort order icon, up or down arrow, will appear to the right of the column header text.  Column sort order defaults to ascending when column is sorted for the first time.  To switch between ascending and descending order, hover the mouse icon over the column header and press the left mouse button.  Click HERE to see Column Sort in action.

  • Filter - A filter may be applied to one or more columns.  To add or manage a column filter, click on the funnel icon located on the column header's right side.  A drop down filter list will appear.  By default the filter list contains the options "All" and "Custom".  The list also contains each unique data value displayed in the column.  Click on the list item to apply the filter.  Selecting "All" will turn filtering off.  Selecting "Custom" allows user to create a customer filter based on one or more filter criteria.  Click HERE to see Filter By Column in action. 

  • Group By - One or more columns may be used to organize the grid view into groups.  To create a column group, hover the mouse icon over a column header, press the left mouse button, and drag the column header to the "group by" section located above the column header row.  To remove the grouping, just drag the column header outside of the "group by" section.  Click HERE to see Group By Column in action. 

  • Column Summaries - Each column supports displaying column summary information for the entire grid and by column grouping.  Column summary display options are Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, and Sum.  Average and Sum options are only available on numeric columns.  To assign a column summary, click on the sigma icon, ∑, located to the right of the column header next to the filter icon.  On the summary selection form, check the summary option to display.  Click HERE to see Summary By Column in action.

Grid navigation can be accomplished by either using the vertical scroll bar or standard navigation keys.  Supported navigation keys are Up and Down arrow, Page Up and Down, and Ctrl-Home and End.

Row Selection
Grid supports single and multiple row selection.

  • Single Row - A single row is selected by highlighting the row and pressing the enter key or "Select" command button, or by double clicking the mouse on the row.  When the enter key or "Select" command button is used, the next row in sequence will be highlighted, ready for selection.  Double clicking on a row will not advance to the next row.  The current row will remain highlighted.  Click HERE to see Single Row Select in action.

  • Multiple Rows - Multiple rows can be selected by using the Shift or Ctrl keys.  The Shift key is used to highlight a contiguous sequence of rows, while the Ctrl key allows selection of multiple individual rows.  To highlight rows in sequence, hold down the Shift Key and use the navigation keys or click on the end row in the sequence.  To highlight individual rows, hold down the Ctrl key and click on rows.  To finalize the selection press the Enter key or click the "Select" command button.  When selecting multiple rows, if all rows have the same selection state, their state will be reversed.  If all rows do not have the same selection state, then all rows will have their state set to "selected".  Click HERE to see Multiple Row Select in action. 

Clear Sorts and Filters
The Clear Sorts and Filters button removes all active column sort, filters, groupings, and summaries and returns the grid view to its original state.  Modified column display order is not reverted.

Export To Excel
The Export To Excel button exports all grid rows into an Excel spreadsheet file. Process allows user to specify the file destination.  Click HERE to see Export To Excel in action.

5) Action Message Section
Message section displays process action or status messages.

6) Action Buttons
Action Button section contains four buttons, Select, Select All, Continue, and Cancel.  Select button selects or un-selects highlighted rows.  Select All button marks all rows matching filter criteria as selected.  Continue button presents Save Changes confirmation message which allows the option to begin or skip update process.  The Cancel button closes the Transaction Selection form and returns back to Bank Maintenance menu.

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