Creating A Manufacture Order

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Creating A Manufacture Order


Use this job aid to create a manufacture order. Creating a manufacture order increases the quantity on order for the finished product and increases the committed quantity for the components. When the manufacturing process is applied to the manufacture order, the quantity on order of the finished product is decreased, the committed quantity is decreased for each component, the quantity on hand for each component is decreased, and the quantity on hand of the finished product is increased.

To create a manufacture order:

  1. From the Toolbar, click INV for Inventory.

  2. From the Inventory menu, select Manufacture Orders.

  3. Select Add New Manufacture Orders.

  4. In the Location Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the location code where you want to maintain the manufactured order, or type the location code where you want to maintain the manufactured order.

  5. In the Choose Default? feature permits you to duplicate an existing order without having to re-enter all of the information from the source order. For example, if a manufacture order has already been created, select the manufacture order when adding the new manufacture order. box, type Y to base this manufacture order on an existing manufacture order , or type N to create a new purchase order.

  6. Click OK.

  7. If you chose No in Step 5, in the Manufacture Order # box, a unique document number displays. Continue with Steps 9 - 44, and then go to Step 60.

  8. If you chose Yes in Step 5, continue with Step 45.

  9. In the Order Date box, the default processing date displays, if this date is not correct, type the new date.

  10. In the Order Status acceptable status codes are indicated in the legend to the right of the box. The nine pending status codes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. Refer to corporate policy and procedures regarding pending status codes.  In the box, the default status code displays, and can be overridden as necessary.

  11. Click OK.

  12. In the State/County, Salesperson, Zip Code, Frght Mrkt Zone, Origin Location, and Delivered boxes, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the appropriate information, or type the appropriate information.

  13. In the 1st Grn Ticket# and Grn Contract # box, type any optional information. Suggested uses for these boxes include freight terms, approval code, and a quotation's expiration date.

  14. In the Shipper Name Id and Agent/Broker Id boxes, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the appropriate information, or type the appropriate information. Suggested uses of these boxes include freight handler, hauler, shipping lines, third party that arranges the purchase/sale, and transportation agent.

  15. The Their Order # input box can be used to cross-reference the document tracking number assigned by the selected vendor to the Manufacture order. This information may be useful when contacting the vendor to confirm or discuss the order. If known, type the vendor's reference number in this field.

  16. Click OK.

  17. At the Is This Correct? prompt,click Yes.

  18. In the Item Location box, the default location displays. If permitted in Setup Information, the location code can be overridden.

  19. In the Item Number each inventory item on an order is referred to as a "line item". In the Item Number box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the item number, or type the item number.

  20. Click OK.

  21. In the Order Qty box, type the number of items you want to order.

  22. In the UOM (unit of measure) box, the default unit of measure of the selected inventory item displays, if the default is not correct, type the units of measure to place "on order" with the selected vendor.

  23. Click OK.

  24. In the Qty Released box, type the quantity to be released for the next shipment.

  25. Type the expected delivery date in the Shipment Date box in MMDDYY format. If the DD is set to zero, then the shipment may occur on any day during the month and year.

  26. Type the expected expiration date if applicable in the Expiration Date box in MMDDYY format or use the calendar button.  

  27. In the ENDS YYY-MM-DD box the date you want this to end or leave blank as applicable.

  28. In the Order Status Acceptable status codes are indicated in the legend to the right of the box. The nine pending status codes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. Refer to corporate policy and procedures regarding pending status codes. box, the default status code displays, and can be overridden as necessary.

  29. In the Edit Formula? box, type N or Y as applicable.

  30. In the EPA#/TargetPest Line Remark box, type any appropriate remark or comment. The contents of the remark box are available for printing on a user-defined order form and on order reports.

  31. Click OK.

  32. Once you have finished adding the items, Leave the Item Number Blank To End Adding Line Items and click OK.

  33. Click Continue.

  34. In the remarks With the Forms Design module, the remark boxes can be tailored to the needs of the individual site. For example: the first screen of remarks may be reserved for the vendor's copy of the order and the second screen of remarks could be printed on an in-house release form. boxes, type any pertinent information. The boxes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. The values in any of the remark boxes can be carried forward to the voucher from a purchase order (or to a delivery ticket and/or invoice from a sales order) if the descriptive titles match.

  35. Click Next.

  36. In the remarks With the Forms Design module, the remark boxes can be tailored to the needs of the individual site. For example: the first screen of remarks may be reserved for the vendor's copy of the order and the second screen of remarks could be printed on an in-house release form. boxes, type any pertinent information. The boxes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. The values in any of the remark boxes can be carried forward to the voucher from a purchase order (or to a delivery ticket and/or invoice from a sales order) if the descriptive titles match.

  37. Click OK.

  38. At the Do You Want To Print This Order Form? prompt, click Yes.

  39. Select Print Active Lines Only to exclude filled or canceled line items, select Print Active and Underfilled Lines to print active and underfilled lines, select Print Active, Underfilled, and Filled Line to exclude canceled lines, Print Lines with Any Status to print all lines.

  40. Select a sales or purchase order form.

  41. In the Printer box, type the number associated to the place you want your report to print.

  42. In the Copies box, type the number of copies of the report you want to print.

  43. In the Pages From and To boxes, type the page number range you want to print the report for. Leave the boxes blank to print all pages.

  44. Click OK.

  45. If you chose to base this manufacture order on an existing order, in the Location Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the location code where you want to maintain the manufacture order, or type the location code where you want to maintain the manufacture order.

  46. In the Default Order # box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the default order number you want to base the manufacture order on search selection boxes display that can limit the selection of orders from which to choose. Each box is optional and may be left blank to include orders with any value in the specific box., or type the default order number you want to base the purchase order on.

  47. Click OK.

  48. Click Next until you find the default manufacture order.

  49. Click Select when the correct default manufacture order displays.

  50. In the Manufacture Order # box, a unique document number displays.

  51. In the Order Date box, the default processing date displays, if this date is not correct, type the new date.

  52. In the Order Status Acceptable status codes are indicated in the legend to the right of the box. The nine pending status codes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. Refer to corporate policy and procedures regarding pending status codes. box, the default status code displays, and can be overridden as necessary.

  53. Click OK.

  54. At the Is This Correct? prompt,click Yes.

  55. Click Continue.

  56. In the remarks With the Forms Design module, the remark boxes can be tailored to the needs of the individual site. For example: the first screen of remarks may be reserved for the vendor's copy of the order and the second screen of remarks could be printed on an in-house release form. boxes, type any pertinent information. The boxes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. The values in any of the remark boxes can be carried forward to the voucher from a purchase order (or to a delivery ticket and/or invoice from a sales order) if the descriptive titles match.

  57. Click Next.

  58. In the remarks With the Forms Design module, the remark boxes can be tailored to the needs of the individual site. For example: the first screen of remarks may be reserved for the vendor's copy of the order and the second screen of remarks could be printed on an in-house release form. boxes, type any pertinent information. The boxes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. The values in any of the remark boxes can be carried forward to the voucher from a purchase order (or to a delivery ticket and/or invoice from a sales order) if the descriptive titles match.

  59. Click OK.

  60. At the Do You Want To Print This Order Form? prompt, click Yes.

  61. Select Print Active Lines Only to exclude filled or canceled line items, select Print Active and Underfilled Lines to print active and underfilled lines, select Print Active, Underfilled, and Filled Line to exclude canceled lines, Print Lines with Any Status to print all lines.

  62. Select a sales order or purchase order form.

  63. In the Printer box, type the number associated to the place you want your report to print.

  64. In the Copies box, type the number of copies of the report you want to print.

  65. In the Pages From and To boxes, type the page number range you want to print the report for. Leave the boxes blank to print all pages.

  66. Click OK.

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