W-2 Diskette Reporting

AGRIS Customer Documentation

W-2 Diskette Reporting


Use this job aid to output W-2 information onto a diskette. Note: The city and the state must be separated by a comma in the default location. Be sure to remove the comma upon completion of the diskette reporting.

To report W-2 information onto a diskette:

  1. From the Toolbar, click PAY for Payroll.

  2. From the Payroll menu, select Print W-2 Forms, and then select W-2 Diskette Reporting.

  3. In the Enter Diskette Drive box, type the diskette drive letter.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Place a formatted diskette into the drive letter you typed in Step 3.

  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Payment Year (Tax Year) box, type the year you are reporting the W-2 Information for in the format XXXX.

  8. In the Personal Id Number box, type your company's federal identification number.

  9. In the Type of File Indicator box, type O for original submission or type R for resubmitted.

  10. In the Type of Employment box, type A for agriculture, H for household, M for military, Q for medicare qualified government exempt, X for railroad, or R for regular.

  11. In the Establishment Number box, if applicable, type either your company’s establishment number or coverage group/payroll record unit number, if not applicable, leave this box blank.

  12. In the Company Name box, type your company's full name.

  13. In the State Tax Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the state tax code you want to report W-2 information for , or type the state tax code that you want to report W-2 information for.

  14. In the Contact Name, Phone Number, and Phone Extension boxes, type information for the person at your company who should be contacted if there are any questions regarding your company's W-2 submission.

  15. Click OK.

  16. At the Please Be Sure All Information is Correct prompt, click OK if the information is correct, or click to edit the necessary information.

Learn more about Print W-2 Forms feature:

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