Creating a Blend to Sales Order in AgroGuide

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Creating a Blend to Sales Order in AgroGuide


Use this job aid to create a blend to sales order with releasing of blend.

To create a blend to sales order:

  1. From the Toolbar, select AGY for AgroGuide.

  2. From the AgroGuide menu, select AgroGuide.

  3. To select a client, type the name of the client in the Client box, or click   to access a list of clients in Name/Address. From the drop-down list, select the client.

  4. Then Select Formulation.

  5. If you want to use an existing formulation, in the Formulation Id box, click Lookup , enter information to find a formulation by, and then select the formulation from the Formulation Lookup window.

  6. The Client Name, Farm, Field, Subfield, Area, Regulatory State/County and Soil Texture will populate when choosing to Blend through the AgroGuide option, because you selected the options first prior to selecting the Formulation button.

  7. On the Requirements tab, enter the information required to generate the formulation. note: For more information on the requirements page, please refer to job aid: Creating a Formulation.

  8. Click the Formulation Tab.

  9. Review and add/edit changes to the Formulation screen to complete the Blend. note: For more information on the formulation page, please refer to job aid: Creating a Formulation to Blend.

  10. Click Active Sales Order if the setup question for Release Blends is turned on then the following screen will follow   , if the Release Blends function is turned off, then the following screen will appear:

  11. Click Pending Sales Order and the above screens will appear a pending sales order can not be invoiced out or affect the committed quantities of the item.  The pending sales order will need to be edited to Active in order to be invoiced out.

  12. Clicking on Active Sales Order with Release Blends Turned on.

  13. In the Current Release Quantity, type in the quantity to be released for this blend at this time.  This allows the ability to create a blend for more than one person without having to creating multiple blends.

  14. In the Current Release Area, type in the acres to be released on this blend.

  15. In the Apply to box, Using the lookup to find the Client for this portion of the blend.

  16. Assign a Farm, Field, Subfield at this time by using the drop down arrow or clicking the new button to create a new farm,field or subfield.  This information is not required to create blend to sales order.

  17. Assign a State/County using the drop down arrows or keying the information in.  This information is not required.

  18. Type in a Township for this blend.  This information is not required.

  19. Type in Range/Section for this blend. This information is not required.

  20. Select a Crop to be associated with this blend.  This information is not required.

  21. In Land Note type in information associated with this blend. This information is not required.

  22. Assign an Applicator to this blend.  If the applicator is not setup, click Edit to create the applicator.

  23. In the License No. and License Expire Date, it will populate with the information provide from the applicator setup. This information is not required.

  24. Assign Applicator Equipment to this blend.  If the applicator is not setup, click Edit to create the equipment.  This information is not required.

  25. In the Application Date: Click on Conditions fill in the information, if applicable. Click OK.

  26. Assign a Tender Driver to this blend. This information is not required.

  27. Click Ok to save any changes made.

  28. Blending Screen.

  29. The Invn Locn box contains the inventory location associated with the item. If an item does not have a default inventory location, click the Stop Sign icon , and select the inventory location for the item from the Inventory Lookup List.  If the system is set to use only one location, the Lookup button will be disabled.

  30. Select the Batches tab and enter the batch information.

  31. No. Batches will show based on how the blender is setup.

  32. Un-check use full batches, if you want equal batches.

  33. In the Batches box, move the scale to the line to make changes to the blender and or loadout.

  34. Select the Application tab to view/change/add the tender driver, applicator, license number, license expire date and applicator equipment.

  35. Select the Analysis tab to view the quantity, the actual delivered quantity, and the analysis percentage of each nutrient ordered. note: This screen can not be changed.

  36. Select the Comment tab to add comments about a specific batch.

  37. Select the Farm/Field/Subfield/Crop tab to view the farm/field/subfield/crop/crop area.

  38. Click Print to print blending tickets, regulatory documents, or analysis tags.

  39. Click Inventory to display the current inventory status of the items within the blend.

  40. Click Ok to generate the sales order.

Learn more about the Formulation feature:

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