CINCH R18.3 Software Risk Management

CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH R18.3 Software Risk Management

CINCH Software
Risk Management Manual
Version 18.3 M2
December 2019

What's in this manual?
Symbols & conventions
Additional resources
Part 1: Setup & Cards
Chapter 1: Risk Management Setup
Futures & Options Setup
Broker Maintenance
Hedge Accounts
Hedge Items
Trader Account Access
User Credentials Setup
Ticker X-Ref Entry
User Extensions Setup
Part 2: Procedures
Chapter 2: Futures & Options
Hedge Account Cash Management
Futures & Options Entry
Trade Maintenance
Trade Matching
Trade Options Exercise
Trade Roll
Chapter 3: Reports & Inquiries
Options Price Schedule Entry
Price Schedule Entry
Projection Entry
Contract Position Report
Contract Position Setup
Long Short Report Option
Position Entry
Long Short Report
Long Short Inquiry
Long Short Reconcile
Long Short Reconcile Inquiry
Mark to Market Reports
Trade Reports
Unpositioned Contract Inquiry
Futures & Options Open Inquiry
Trade P&S Gains Inquiry


The various components of the Risk Management module enable grain handlers to better control their price exposure. The main contracting sections allow the user to enter into purchase and sales contracts for current deliveries as well as allowing to hedge or enter into futures purchase and sales contracts. To facilitate these contracting activities, there are several other windows available that allow the user to enter additional related data to be used in inquiries and reports that provide current and future positions to assist in controlling risk.
This information was current as of December 2019. Refer to the ReadMe/What's New documents accompanying updates for the most updated information about CINCH Software Risk Management.
This introduction is divided into the following sections:

What's in this manual?

This manual introduces the user to CINCH Software Risk Management and presents important information on using the system. It is divided into the following parts:

  • Part 1: Setup & Cards. Explains how to setup user options for CINCH Software Risk Management.
  • Part 2: Procedures. Shows the user how to use CINCH Software Risk Management. This includes information on how to enter futures contracts, options, and projections, as well as creating up-to-date contract position and mark to market reports.

Symbols & conventions

This manual uses the following symbols and conventions to make specific types of information stand out.



The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts, and suggestions.

The warning symbol indicates situations the user should be especially aware of when completing tasks. Typically, this includes cautions about performing steps in their proper order, or important reminders about how other information in the software may be affected.

The conventions table explains how we refer to chapter, sections, acronyms, and other information in the document.



Creating a batch

Italicized type indicates the name of a section or procedure.

File >> Print

The (>>) symbol indicates selections to make from a menu. In this example, from the File menu, choose Print.


Small capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence.

For Information on common button functionality (Save, Clear, Delete, Notes, etc.), please refer to Microsoft Dynamics™ GP System User's Guide Manual, Page 30-36.

Additional resources

To access the online documentation, choose Help >> Contents, then select the type of information you're looking for.
Use the following tools to learn how to use Microsoft Dynamics™ GP & CINCH Software. Many of the documentation resources are provided in online format, either as an online help file or as an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file.

To learn about Microsoft Dynamics™ GP

_To find information about a window that's not displayed, choose Help >> Index, type the name of the window and choose Display._Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Orientation Training (Help >> Orientation Training) to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, an overview of accounting, how to move around in Microsoft Dynamics GP, and how to perform basic procedures in each module.
Use the Sample Reports (Help >> Sample Reports) to view samples of Microsoft Dynamics GP reports, in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format.

_To find information about a window that's not displayed, choose Help >> Index, type the name of the window and choose Display._To complete day-to-day tasks

Use the online help for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Help >> About This Item, or press F1) to view context sensitive assistance about windows, fields, alert messages, and procedures. The user also can choose the help icon button in each window. Use the online manual (Help >> Printable Manuals) to view the printed manuals online in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format.h1. Part 1: Setup & Cards
This part of the documentation describes what the user needs to do to set up CINCH Software Risk Management. These tasks generally need to be completed only once, but the user can refer to these instructions at other times to modify or view existing entries. This information includes the following topics:
The following information is discussed:

D2HML|C1H Manual

Risk Management Setup & Cards

Futures & Options Setup

Futures & Options SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

Settings for Futures & Options

The Futures & Options Setup window is used to enter setup information for the Futures & Options module.
1.Open the Futures & Options Setup window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Trading Setup)

2. Source Document – Select Source Document for Futures & Options. This will be used for general ledger transactions.
3. Select Post to General Ledger for general ledger transactions to be created for futures & options transactions. If unmarked, no entries are created.
4. Select Post Through General Ledger Files for transactions to be posted all the way through general ledger. You can only mark this option if you have also selected Post to General Ledger.
5. Select Lock Trader ID to lock the Trader ID field in Futures & Options Entry.
6. When the Set default Hedge Factor to 1.0 checkbox is marked, any Hedge Factor setup in Item Extensions Maintenance window will be overridden by the default value of 1.0.
7. Enter prompts for 4 user defined fields. The user will see these prompts in various Futures & Options Entry screens.
8. Enter or select the Bank Fee Account. The Account will default on the Hedge Account Cash Management window.
9. Trade Match Auto Apply Order determines the default order trades will be auto applied within Trade Matching. The drop down list has the following options:

  • FIFO, when selected the system will match the oldest trades first. FIFO is the default setting and if setting is not defined FIFO will be used.
  • Trade Date – FIFO, when selected the system will match any trades with the same Trade Date, then start matching any of the remaining trades starting with the oldest date.

10.Choose OK to save changes.

Broker Maintenance

Broker MaintenanceD2HML|C1H Manual

Setting up New Brokers

The Broker Account Maintenance window is used to create brokers that will be attached to futures and/or options trades.

  1. Open the Broker Maintenance window. (Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Broker Maintenance)

2.Enter the Broker ID and Description.
3. Enter all Broker contact information. (Contact, Address, Phone, etc.)
4. Enter Commission and Fee information.

  • Select a Calculate Method of: None, Each Trade, or Each Contract.
  • Select a Charge Method of: None, Per Trade, or Per P/S.

5. Any Hedge Accounts that have been assigned to this Broker in Hedge Account Maintenance will be displayed in the Account Number scrolling window. You can highlight an Account and drill back to the Hedge Account Maintenance window for more information.

Hedge Accounts

Hedge AccountsD2HML|C1H Manual

The Hedge Account Maintenance window is used to setup hedge accounts which are assigned to specific brokers. Different accounts are setup for each hedge account for journal entry purposes. The Hedge Account is then used in Futures & Options Entry to restrict the contract to one certain broker. The transactions for each hedge account can be queried and reported on individually to help in reconciling to your broker's statements.

Setting up Hedge Accounts

1.Open the Hedge Account Maintenance window
(Cards>>Cinch Grain>>Hedge Account)

2.Enter a Hedge Account.
3. Mark the Inactive checkbox, to not use the hedge account on transactions.
4.Enter the Broker to be associated with the Account. Only one broker can be assigned to each hedge account.
5.Enter a Description for the hedge account.
6. For the hedge account to be for a specific branch, select the Branch ID. Leave the Branch ID field blank to be available for all branches.
7. Margin Account – Account used when writing journal entries for this hedge account.
8. P/L Account – Account used for Gains or Losses when writing Journal entries.
9. Commission Account – Account used for Commissions when writing journal entries.
10. Fees Account – Account used for Fees when writing journal entries.
Note – there are no general ledger segment modifications made when creating general ledger journal entries.
11. Default Contract Size – Select from Full or Mini. The contract size will default in to Futures & Options Entry.
12. For information purposes, enter Email Address, Website and User Defined 1 & 2 for the hedge account.
13. Hedge Item and Hedge Factors setup per Hedge Account will only be used during the Cinch Document Exchange Trade Import.

  • Select a Hedge Item, the item used to create position records for the contract.
  • The position records can be viewed from the trade as well as the Long Short Inquiry. The quantity will be based on the hedge factor and the hedge percent.
  • Items with multiple hedge items will be displayed in the existing Long Short Report with quantity displayed for the first hedge item using the hedge factor, but not the hedge percent.
  • If a hedge item is not setup a contact (purchase, sale or trade) is created the main item will be used as the hedge item with a factor of 1.00000 and a percent of 100.00000.
  • Description, displays the hedge item description.
  • Hedge Factor is used to convert from the contract unit of measure to the hedge item unit of measure.
  • Percentage is the percentage of the total contract quantity that the hedge item will be positioned as:
    • If the percentage amount is greater than 100% the user will be warned they are over hedging the item, but will be allowed to continue.
    • If the Percentage is less than 100% the user will be warned they are under hedging the item, but will be allowed to continue.

14.Choose Save to save hedge account information.

Hedge Items

Hedge Items

D2HML|C1H ManualHedge Items can be used in Futures Contract Entry to replace an item that is not publicly traded. Default hedge item(s) and factor(s) can be setup for an item in Item Extensions Maintenance. This hedge item(s) will default to sales contracts and futures/options transactions.

Assigning a Default Hedge Item and
Hedge Factor to an item

1.Open the Item Extensions Maintenance window
(Cards>>Inventory>>Item>>Additional>>Item Extensions)

  1. FMS Commodity is used with the integration of FMM (Feed Mill Management). The item used to position the FMS created sales contract.
    • To generate Long Short Inquiry position records for Sales Contracts created from FMS Integration, the user has the option of setting up a Position Entry that will automatically create position records based upon the delivery start or end date or opening up the Cinch Sales contract and adding a ticker or a position record for the market month of the pricing.

FMM has items in various post processing states, such as Cracked Corn, Ground Corn and Cleaned Corn. CINCH Grain Bank commodities are normally received to an item number, such as Corn. FMM groups these items in a Category; CINCH will group these items using the "Hedge Item" field. When an Item Number has a Hedge Item, CINCH will consume grain bank based on the Hedge Item NOT the actual item.

  1. FMS Cmdty Factor is used to convert from the FMS sales contract unit of measure to the hedge item unit of measure.
  2. Choose Additional/Hedge Items to open the Hedge Item Entry window to allow user to configure the hedge factor or percentage for an item or to setup multiple hedge items for a single item.

    • Hedge Item, is the item used to create position records for the contract.
      • If multiple Hedge Items are defined contract quantities will be reported on the LS Inquiry based upon the hedge factor and percentage on the contract for each hedge item.
      • The position records can be viewed from the purchase contract, sales contract or trade as well as the Long Short Inquiry. The quantity will be based on the hedge factor and the hedge percent.
      • Items with multiple hedge items will be displayed in the existing Long Short Report with the quantity displayed for the first hedge item using the hedge factor, but not the hedge percent.
      • If a hedge item is not setup when a contract (purchase, sales or trade) is created the main item will be used as the hedge item with a factor of 1.00000 and percent of 100.00000.
    • Description, displays the hedge item description.
    • Hedge Factor, is used to convert from the contract unit of measure to the hedge item unit of measure.
    • Percentage is the percentage of the total contract quantity that this hedge item will be positioned as.
      • If the Percentage amount is greater than 100% the user will be warned they are over hedging the item, but will be allowed to continue.
      • If the Percentage is less than 100% the user will be warned they are under hedging the item, but will be allowed to continue.
    • Exclude from Price Calculator checkbox, is the default setting for the sales contract price calculator screen.
      • If an item is strictly for hedging purposes and will not be part of the price calculation this checkbox should be marked.
  1. Choose Save to save hedge information entered for this item.

Trader Account Access

Trader Account AccessD2HML|C1H Manual

Assigning Hedge Accounts to Traders

The Trader Account Access window will allow the user to assign Hedge Accounts to specific users (Traders) in the system.
1.(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>System>>User Setup>>Additional >>Trader Account Access)

2. The User ID will default from the User selected in User Setup.
3. Select the Accounts the user to be able to see from the Available Accounts window and choose Insert to move them to the Selected Accounts window.

User Credentials Setup

User Credentials SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

Assigning DTN Credentials to Users

The DTN Credentials Setup window will allow the user to assign DTN web service credentials to specific users in the system. This will then allow the user to get commodity price quotes from DTN to populate various price schedules within Cinch. For this integration it will require a subscription to the DTN web service and the DTN Integration Cinch Add-in Components to be installed.
1. Open the User Credentials Setup window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>System>>User Setup>>Additional >> User Credentials)

  1. Enter User, a valid GP user.
  2. Select Source:
    • DTN is currently the only supported integration service.
  3. Enter the External User ID, the login name to be used by the DTN Integration to access the DTN Web Service.
    • The DTN service subscription will determine the prices that will be available, either futures or options or both.
    • If the entered External User ID is already setup for another user, user will be prompted.
  4. Enter the Password, the password associated to the login name to be used by the DTN Integration to access the DTN Web Service.
    • This is a password field, therefore it is encrypted in SQL and only shows keystrokes and not the key values.
  5. Confirm Password, reenter password to validate the password.
  6. Save button will save the user credentials.
  7. Clear button will clear the window without saving information.
  8. Delete button will delete the selected user credentials.

Ticker X-Ref Entry

Ticker X-Ref EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

Cross Referencing Ticker Symbols

The Ticker X-Ref Entry window will allow the user to cross reference Cinch Ticker symbols to integration services tickers.
1. Open the Ticker X-Ref Entry window:
(Drilldown on Ticker X-Ref from:
Transactions>Cinch Grain>Commodity Trading>Futures Price Schedule, or
Transactions>Cinch Grain>Commodity Trading>Options Price Schedule, or
Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>System>User: Additional>User Extensions, or
Cards>Cinch Sales>XML – Export XRef>XRef Ticker Entry)

  1. Enter the X-Ref Type to assign tickers to.
    • You may have several different types depending on if you have multiple import integration services.
  2. Enter a Description for the X-Ref Type.
  3. The Scrolling window will fill with all of the Cinch Ticker Symbols and Ticker Descriptions.
    • Displayed Tickers can be filtered by selecting the Fill Using. Options are All Tickers, Active or Inactive. By default all Tickers is selected.
    • Enter the DTN Ticker in the X-Ref Ticker field that corresponds to the Cinch Ticker.
  4. Choose Save to Save the X-Ref Type and Vendor information.
  5. Choose Clear to clear the window without saving changes.
  6. Choose Delete to delete the selected X-Ref Type.

User Extensions Setup

User Extensions SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

Assigning User E-Price Retrieval Defaults

The Use Extensions Setup window will allow the E-Price Retrieval defaults for both Futures and Options X-Ref types to be defined per user.
1. Open User Extensions window:
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>Tools>Setup>System>User: Additional>User Extensions)

  1. Enter the users default Futures Ticker X-Ref, setup in Ticket X-Ref Entry, to be used from Price Schedule Entry for the DTN Integration.
  2. Enter the users default Options Ticker X-Ref, setup in Ticket X-Ref Entry, to be used from Options Price Schedule Entry for the DTN Integration.

Part 2:Procedures

This part of the documentation shows the user how to use CINCH Software Risk Management. This includes information on how to enter futures contracts and projections, as well as creating up-to-date contract position and mark to market reports.
The following information is discussed:

  • Chapter 2: Futures & Options. This chapter will explain how to create futures & options in the system. It will also explain how to maintain hedge accounts and perform various actions on trades (posted futures or options).
  • Chapter 3: Reports & Inquiries. This chapter will explain the different risk management reports and inquiries available in CINCH, as well as the tools needed to utilize them.
  • Chapter 2:Futures & Options

    This chapter will explain how to create Futures & Options transactions, and how to maintain trades by matching, rolling and exercising.
    This Chapter is divided into the following sections:
  • Managing Hedge Accounts
  • [Creating Futures & Options transactions
  • #CreatingFuturesandOptions]Maintaining Trades

D2HML|C1H Manual

Risk Management Procedures

Hedge Account Cash Management

Hedge Account Cash ManagementD2HML|C1H Manual

Managing Hedge Accounts

The Hedge Account Cash Management window can be used to record transactions for one or more hedge accounts. When trades are made for hedge accounts, transactions are automatically adjusted for the broker commissions and fees, etc. The user can use this window to make any necessary manual adjustments.
1.Open the Hedge Account Cash Management window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Hedge Acct Cash Mgmt)

2. Select from the following Transaction Types:

  • Deposit – will be used to deposit money into one or more Hedge Accounts from a checkbook in the system. When selected, the user will be required to select a Checkbook ID and enter an Amount. The system will create a decreasing bank adjustment with a debit to the Hedge Account and a credit to the Checkbook Cash Account.
  • Withdrawal – will be used to withdraw money from one or more Hedge Accounts to a checkbook in the system. When selected, the user will be required to select a Checkbook ID and enter an Amount. The system will create an increasing bank adjustment with a debit to the Checkbook Cash Account and credit to the Hedge Account.
  • Transfer – will allow the user to transfer monies from and to different hedge accounts. These hedge accounts must be all associated with the same Broker. When this option is selected, the Checkbook ID and Amount fields will be disabled. The system will create a journal entry with a debit to any Hedge Accounts in the Deposit column and a credit to any Hedge Accounts in the Withdrawal column.
  • Adjustment – will allow the user to make a debit or credit adjustment to different Hedge Accounts. When selected, the user will be required to enter an Adjustment Offset Account and Amount.

3.Select the Broker that will be affected by the transaction.
4.The Transaction Date will default with the system date, but can be changed if necessary.
5.Select the Checkbook that will be affected by the transaction if required.
6.Enter the transaction Amount if required.
7.Enter the Adjustment Offset Account when performing an Adjustment.
8. If the Transaction Type is Deposit the Bank Fee Amount and Bank Fee Account fields are enabled.

  • Bank Fee Amount field is entered by the user and represents the total amount of the bank/wire fees.
  • Bank Fee Account defaults from the Futures and Options Setup but is editable.
  • The Hedge Account Cash Management Deposit will create an additional Debit and Credit for the Bank Fees on the Bank Transaction Posting Journal. The Debit created is for the Bank Fee Account for the Bank Fee Amount. The Credit created is for the Cash Account for the Checkbook ID for the Bank Fee Amount.

9.Use the scrolling window to enter the Hedge Account and Debit/Credit Amount for each account as necessary.
10.Choose OK to complete the transaction.

Futures & Options Entry

Futures & Options EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

Creating Futures & Options Transactions

The Futures & Options Entry window is where the user will create either Futures or Options transactions. This window will store transactions in a batch until confirmation is received from the broker stating that the trade has been successfully placed. The user will also be able to enter Trades directly in this window by entering the correct information and posting the trade immediately.
This window allows multiple trades but they should only be used in the case where the trades are dependent on each other. In other words, one trade won't happen without the other like rolls or "Bracket" or other more complicated trades.

  1. Open the Futures & Options Entry window. (Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Trade Entry)

2. The Offer Number will default with the next available offer number, but can be changed if necessary.
3.Select the Broker associated with the trade.
4.Select the Hedge Account that will be tied to the future/option. Only hedge accounts assigned to the selected broker will be available. The Hedge Account must also be assigned to the Trader selected.
5.The Trader ID field will default with the Microsoft Dynamics GP user login. Depending on Futures & Options setup, the user may or may not be able to change it.
6.If the transaction is not being completed at this time, enter the Batch Number to save the transaction in.
7.The Offer Date will default with the system date, but can be changed if necessary.
8.Select the Commodity for the transaction.
9.The Branch will default with the branch the user is currently logged in to, but can be changed if necessary.
10.If filling the trade at this time, enter the Filled Date. The Date will be rolled down to each transaction line.
11.Once the Filled Date is entered, the Filled checkbox will automatically be marked on the header and each line. The checkbox cannot be manually unmarked.
12. Enter the following information in the scrolling window. Some of this information is optional and/or only needed to record the information given to the broker for offers waiting to be filled:

  • Action – Select Buy or Sell
  • Type – F (Future) or O (Option)
  • P/C – N/A, Put or Call
  • Ticker
  • Strike Price – will be edited if an Options type offer is being entered. It will be the Unit of Measure price associated with the Options Price.
  • Price/Prem
  • # Contracts
  • Size – Full or Mini. This will default from Hedge Account Maintenance. The quantities for the contract size are taken from the selected Boar Ticker, which is then used on the Long/Short, Contract Position and Mark to Market reports. (Number of contracts times the quantity of the contract size).
  • Board – display only from the Ticker selected.
  • Board Month/Year – display only from the Ticker selected.
  • Price Type – the way the price will be established at the time of the trade.
    • Market – Accept the Market Price at the time of the trade.
    • Price – Only create the trade at the Price Specified.
  • Term – The time length to perform the trade.
    • Good for Day – If the trade isn't completed by the end of the day, it will expire.
    • Good Till Cancel – The offer will be available for completion until the date entered in Cancel On field.
  • Cancel On – If Good Till Cancel was selected for the Term, enter the Cancel on Date. If the offer is not filled by the date, it will expire.
  • Reference – Enter any additional information.
  • Hedge Item:
    • If the selected Item has a hedge item(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry it will default.
    • If the selected Item has multiple hedge item(s) defined, Multiple will display in the Hedge Item field.
    • If the selected Item does not have a hedge item defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry the item will be used as the hedge item with a factor of 1.00000 and percent of 100.00000.
  • Hedge Item Expansion opens the Hedge Item Entry window.

    • The hedge item(s) defined in Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry will default for the selected Item.
    • The user is allowed to make any changes to the Hedge Item Entry (Item, Hedge Factor or Percentage) for the selected Offer, however a hedge item is required for every contract. If the contract is not going to be hedged the Percentage value can be set to zero.
  • Hedge Factor:
    • The Hedge Factor will default to 1.0 if the Futures and Option Setup, Set default Hedge Factor to 1.0 checkbox is marked.
    • The Hedge Factor will default to the Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry, Hedge Factor if the Futures & Options Setup, Set default Hedge Factor to 1.0 checkbox is not marked.
  • Hedge Month/Year – Will default with the Board Month/Year, but can be changed if necessary.
  • Hedge Month/Year expansion opens the Position Entry window.

    • Offer Number will display the offer that is being positioned.
    • Action displays action type for the trade line.
    • Type displays whether this was a future or an option (F or O).
    • Ticker will displayed for the hedge item being positioned.
    • Scrolling window:
      • Displays current position records for this hedge item.
        • Each Position Entry, Position ID that has Futures Contracts selected to Create Position Records selected will be listed.
        • User is allowed to add, edit or delete the current position records.
      • Period is the month/period this record is currently positioned in.
      • Year is the year this record is currently positioned in.
      • The Hedge checkbox will always be default as marked but this can be unmarked.
        • If the Hedge check box is marked and the offer has a hedge item a position record will be created for each Position ID/Hedge item(s) combination.
        • The position records are used to determine in which month contract quantities are displayed on the Long Short Inquiry for the specified hedge item(s).
  • Filled Date – display only. Will fill with the Filled Date entered on the Header.
  • Filled checkbox – display only. Will become marked when the Filled checkbox on the header is marked. When marked, the offer will be considered filled and become a trade after posting.
  • Comment ID – Select or enter any comments for the trade.
  • Market Zone – Select the Market Zone associated with the trade.
  • Contract Number – Select the Purchase/Sales Contract associated with the trade.
  • Enter any user defined information. The prompts will display based on Futures & Options Setup.
  • Expiration Date – display only, the date the transaction will expire, based on the Term and/or Cancel on Date.
  • Commissions, Fees, Total Commissions – display only. The Brokers Commission for this trade, based on the information setup in Broker Maintenance.

13.Choose Save to save the offer that is not ready to be filled to the Batch. Once you have received confirmation from the broker that the offer has been filled, the user can call up the offer and enter the correct additional information.
14.Choose Delete to delete the offer that has been entered. Only offers can be deleted. Once an offer has been filled (posted) and it becomes a Trade, the user will have to perform any maintenance in the Trade Maintenance window.
15.Choose Post if the offer has been filled and to post it individually. This will create a trade in the system. The user can also save the offer to a batch and do a batch posting at a later time to post multiple offers at one time.
16. Choose Match to offset the filled trade with a previously posted trade. The Trade Matching window will be displayed allowing the user to match with available posted trades. After matching the trade and posting, the offer will be updated and matched at the same time.

Trade Maintenance

Trade MaintenanceD2HML|C1H Manual

Maintaining Trades

The Trade Maintenance window allows the user to update information for trades that have been filled and posted as they are used in risk positioning. These actions are to record the activity from the brokerage account. If the trade has been fully matched, the user will be unable to perform any actions against it unless they unmatch it.

  1. Open the Trade Maintenance window. (Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Trade Maintenance)

  1. Select the Trade Number to edit.
  2. Everything in the window is display only except the Hedge Item, Hedge Factor, Hedge Month/Year, Comment ID, Reference and User Defined fields.
  3. Contract Number is editable, however the data is NOT validated so any contract number can be manually entered or selected.
    • The contract Lookup is a drop down list with Purchase Contract and Sales Contract options.
  4. Hedge Item Expansion opens the Hedge Item Entry window.

  • The hedge item(s) defined in the Item Extensions Maintenance, Hedge Item Entry will default for the selected item.
  • The user is allowed to make any changes to the Hedge Item Entry (Item, Hedge Factor or Percentage) for the selected offer, however a hedge item is required for every contract. If the contract is not going to be hedged the Percentage value can be set to zero.
  1. Hedge Month/Year expansion opens the Position Entry window.

    • Offer Number will display the offer that is being positioned.
    • Scrolling Window:
      • Displays current position records for this hedge item.
        • Each Position Entry, Position ID that has Futures Contracts selected to Create Position Records selected will be listed.
        • User is allowed to add, edit or delete the current position records.
      • Period is the month/period this record is currently positioned in.
      • Year is the year this record is currently positioned in.
      • The Hedge checkbox will always default as marked but this can be unmarked.
        • If the Hedge checkbox is marked and the offer has a hedge item a position record will be created for each Position ID/Hedge item(s) combination.
        • The position records are used to determine in which month contract quantities are displayed on the Long Short Inquiry for the specified hedge item(s).
  1. Choose Match, Exercise or Roll to open the corresponding window and perform that action.
  2. Select Void to void a trade that has been entered with errors. Contract Journal Entries will be created to reverse any previous entries written.

Trade Matching

Trade MatchingD2HML|C1H Manual

Matching Trades

The Trade Matching window will allow the user to match any buy and sell trades together to offset each other. The user will be able to select offsetting trades until the Number of Contracts selected equals the Number of Contracts for the trade displayed in the window.

  1. Open the Trade Maintenance window. (Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Futures & Options Entry or Trade Maintenance>>Match Button)

  1. Select the Trade Number to match.
  2. The header information will be display only from the trade selected.
  3. Matching Date, defaults to user date but can be changed.
  4. If the trade has already been matched with offsetting trades, the trades will be displayed as marked in the scrolling window along with other trades that could be selected to offset the original trade. The user will be able to unmark and select different trades if desired if the matching has not been posted. If the match has been posted, the user will need to Void the match to edit the selected matches.
  5. Trade Match Auto Apply Order will default from Futures & Options Setup, Trade Match Auto Apply Order setting but can be changed. The drop down list has the following options:
    • FIFO, when selected the system will match the oldest trades first. FIFO is the default setting and if setting is not defined FIFO will be used.
    • Trade Date – FIFO, when selected the system will match any trades with the same Trade Date, the lowest price will be selected first. Then, any of the remaining trades will be matched starting with the oldest date.
  6. Choose Auto Apply to automatically offset the trade against existing trades displayed in the scrolling window. The process will start with the oldest offsetting trade.
  7. Choose Post after you have offset the trade correctly. The system will calculate the gain/loss and write GL journal entries.
    • The IRPSNumber from the IRGNTradeApplyOpen table will display within the Journal Entry, Reference field.
  8. Select the Void button to unmatch any previously matched trades. This will allow the user to delete any trades or match them against different trades in the system.

Trade Options Exercise

Trade Options ExerciseD2HML|C1H Manual

Exercising Options

The Trade Options Exercise window allows the user to create a Futures Contract for the option that has been exercised.

  1. Open the Trade Options Exercise window. (Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Trade Maintenance>>Exercise button)

2. Information from the trade displayed in Trade Maintenance will default in to the header and is display only.
3. The user can then enter information for the new trade that is being created in to.

  • Type – will display the type entered in Trade Maintenance. Display only.
  • Select the corresponding Ticker. The Board, Board Month, and Year will be display only and will display based on the Ticker selected.
  • The Hedge Month and Year will default in to the Board Month and Year but can be changed.
  • Enter the Price information.
  • The Commissions and Fees will be automatically calculated based on the price entered.
  1. Choose OK to create 2 new trades and write the corresponding information to the correct tables. One trade will offset the original option, the other trade will be the new futures trade. The window will then close and return back to the Trade Maintenance window.
    • Original option trade is marked as exercised and a new offsetting Futures trade is created.

Trade Roll

Trade RollD2HML|C1H Manual

Rolling Trades

The Trade Roll window will allow the user to roll an individual or multiple trades into new trades. From this window, the user will be able to "Roll" trades from positions that are expiring into new positions in future months. Any open Trades will need to be matched before a Roll can take place.
1.Open the Trade Roll window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Trade Maintenance>>Roll button or Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Roll Trades)

2. For an individual trade, the Trade displayed in the Trade Maintenance window will default in to the scrolling window.
3. When rolling multiple trades, the user will be able to filter the trades to be rolled by the following fields in the header:

  • Broker ID
  • Hedge Account
  • Ticker ID

4. After filtering on the above fields, clicking the Redisplay button, all of the appropriate active trades will be displayed in the scrolling window. The user will then be able to mark any or all of the trades that will be rolled into the new position.

  • # Contracts represents the number of open contracts on the Trade.
  • # Selected represents the number of contract to be rolled.
    • When the trade number is selected # Selected will default with # Contracts. This value can be edited to split or roll only a portion of the trade.
  • # Remaining is automatically calculated and represents the number of contracts that will remain after the # Selected is Rolled.

5. Enter the Close Price that will be used on the offsetting trade match transaction.
6. The following header fields on the right side are for the new trade being rolled into.

  • Trade Number
  • Trade Date
  • Ticker
  • Price
  • Select the Additional Roll to Info expansion button to open the Roll To Information window. Enter any required information as needed.

7. Selecting the Roll Button will do the following.

  • Create and match a Trade for the selected number of contracts. The trade will be matched with the original contracts.
  • Create a Trade for the selected number of contracts for the rolled contract with the new ticker and price.

Chapter 3: Reports & Inquiries

This chapter will explain how to run various reports and inquiries in the system. The user will also learn how to enter price schedules and projections, which will be used in various reports
This Chapter is divided into the following sections:

QueryingTradesD2HML|C1H Manual

Risk Management Reports & Inquiries

Options Price Schedule Entry

Options Price Schedule EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Options Price Schedule Entry window is used to create price schedules for the options, which will be used on the Mark to Market Report and the Futures/Options Open Position Report. The user also have the option to enter Beta, Delta and Gamma measurements for the price schedule.

Entering Option Price Schedules

1. Open the Options Price Schedule Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Options Price Schedules)

  1. Enter the Price Schedule ID.
  2. Enter a Description for the Price Schedule.
  3. The Market Date will default with the user date, but can be changed if necessary.
  4. Select the Item that corresponds to the Price Schedule.
  5. The user may choose the Initialize button to populate the scrolling window with the open type/ticker/strike price combinations.
  6. If setup for integration to the DTN web service, select Integration Service.
    • DTN is currently the only supported integration service.
    • If no services are available, the drop-down and E-Price Retrieval button will be disabled.
  7. The Ticker X-Ref will default from for the selected user and integration service defined in User Credentials.
  8. Select the E-Price Retrieval button to initiate the integration to the DTN web service to retrieve price quotes for each ticker symbol displayed in the scrolling window.
    • Strike Price with will be updated with the prices returned from the integrations.
    • If the user is subscripted to the DTN Service, GetOptionGreeks the E-Price Retrieval process will retrieve the Delta and Gama Geeks values.
      • Greeks are available in the end-of-day capacity, but not historically.
      • Greeks will only be returned if the "Market Date" is today's date. Otherwise only the price will be returned.
    • If the logged in user does not have User Credentials setup, user will be prompted and integration will not run.
    • If there are any errors retrieving pricing a message window will open stating error.
  9. Enter the Ticker, Option Type, Strike Price and Current Cost for as many Tickers as necessary.
  10. Beta – A measure of how closely the movement of an individual stock tracks the movement of the entire grain market. This is for informational purposes only.
  11. Delta – A measure of the relationship between an option price and the underlying grain price. For a call option, a Delta of .50 means a half-point rise in premium for every dollar that the grain price goes up. For a put option contract, the premium rises as grain prices fall. As options near expiration, in the money contracts approach a Delta of 1. Delta values can be used for risk consideration on the Contract Position and Long Short Reports.
  12. Gamma – Sensitivity of Delta to unit change in the underlying. Gamma indicates an absolute change in delta. For example, a Gamma change of 0.150 indicates the delta will increase by 0.150 if the underlying price increases or decreases by 1.0. Results may not be exact due to rounding. This is for information purposes only.
  13. Choose Save to save the Option Price Schedule.

Price Schedule Entry

Price Schedule EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Price Schedule Entry window is used to create price schedules, which will be used on the Mark to Market and Futures/Options Open Position Reports.

Entering Price Schedules

1. Open the Options Price Schedule Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Commodity Trading>>Futures Price Schedules)

  1. Enter the Price Schedule ID.
  2. Enter a Description for the Price Schedule.
  3. Select the Price Component restriction which is required to create a new Price Schedule, the options are:
    • Basis Only will populate the scrolling window with contracts that only have a basis price entered, no board price and no contract price. No futures contracts will be included.
    • Include Basis this option will populate the scrolling window with all contracts that meet the selected criteria.
    • Exclude Basis this option will populate the scrolling window with all contracts except the ones with basis only. Exclude Basis is the default value but can be changed.
  4. The Market Price Date will default with the user date, but can be changed if necessary.
    • If a user attempts to change a date on a saved schedule, they will be prompted that prices have already been entered. If they continue all prices will be removed and will have to be entered again.
      • When multicurrency is enabled the new date will require a new Exchange Rate, this causes all the values to be recalculated.
  5. Select the Item that corresponds to the Price Schedule.
  6. The Futures Symbol and Board of Trade will default from the Item (Item Extensions Maintenance), but can be changed if necessary.
  7. Price UOM, allows the user to enter prices based off the selected UOM.
    • Weight UOM – The Weight UOM from the Item Extension Maintenance for the selected item.
    • Futures UOM – The UOM associated to the Board Ticker.
    • If the Price UOM is switched, the system will convert the entered pricing to the selected UOM. Price will be calculated based on the conversion factor entered on the UOM Schedule for the selected item.
  8. Enter the Default Basis that will be rolled down to each ticker line.
  9. Display Currency, is based on the selected Board of Trade Currency ID.
    • If multicurrency is enabled and the selected Board of Trade currency is different than the functional currency, the user can select which currency to view pricing values in.
  10. Delivery Position is required and represents the Position Id that will be used as the delivery portion of the price schedule (in the scrolling window, those fields are Period and Year).
  • , will be displayed next to the position lookup if contracts exist without position records. Drill back on the icon will open the Unpositioned Contract Inquiry listing all contracts.

10. Market/Futures Position is required and represents the Position Id that will be used as the market position of the price schedule or for futures contracts (in the scrolling window, those fields are Futures Month and Year).

  • , will be displayed next to the position lookup if contracts exist without position records. Drill back on the icon will open the Unpositioned Contract Inquiry listing all contracts.
  1. The Initialize button will fill the scrolling window based on the selected information.
  2. If setup for integration to the DTN web service, select Integration Service.
    • DTN is currently the only supported integration service.
    • If no services are available, the drop-down and E-Price Retrieval button will be disabled.
  3. The Ticker X-Ref will default from for the selected user and integration service defined in User Credentials.
  4. Select the E-Price Retrieval button to initiate the integration to the DTN web service to retrieve price quotes for each ticker symbol displayed in the scrolling window.
    • Futures Price with will be updated with the prices returned from the integrations.
    • If the logged in user does not have User Credentials setup, user will be prompted and integration will not run.
    • If there are any errors retrieving pricing a message window will open stating error.
  5. Filter by Currency, when multicurrency is enabled this will allow the user to filter the lines in the scrolling window based on the Currency ID on each line.
  6. Drill back on the Filter By Currency label will open the Contract Currencies window.
    • Clicking the Update Rate button will update the Exchange Rate on the schedule.
    • When multicurrency is enabled and contracts exist in currencies other than the Functional Currency, the system will check for currency Exchange Rates for those currencies. If the current rate doesn't exist, the user will be prompted to update the rates.
  7. Scrolling Window:
  • Select the View, sort by from the drop down list:
    • By Period – Year, the default value, sorts by Period, Period Year, Futures Month then Futures Year.
    • By Year – Period, sorts by Period Year, then Period, then by Futures Month and Futures Year.
    • By Futures Month – Year, sorts by Futures Month, then Futures Year, Period and Period Year.
    • By Futures Year – Month, sorts by Futures Year, then Futures Month, Period and Period Year.
    • Drop down list also contains the Delete Line option.
  • Period is the delivery period for this price schedule line.
  • Year is the position year for this price schedule line.
  • Futures Month/Year are based on the ticker symbol.
  • Entering a Future Price will populate all future month/year that match. If the future price is changed after initially entering only the selected record will be updated.
  • When a row is highlighted the Details button becomes enabled. When selected the Price Schedule Detail Inquiry window opens to display the detail information for the selected line.

    • Type is the origin of the contract, Purchase, Sales or Futures.
    • Contract Number, the contract number that comprises the Position.
    • Date is the contract date.
    • Contract Type, Purchase, Sale or Trade.
    • Customer ID, the Vendor ID for purchase contracts, Customer ID for sales contracts, and Hedge Account for future contracts.
    • Name, the Vendor Name for purchase contracts, Customer Name for sales contracts, and Trader ID for future contracts.
    • Price Qty, the total priced quantity for the specific delivery period/price record combination of the price schedule.
    • Del/Can, the total of the delivered or canceled quantity for the specific delivery period/price record combination of the price schedule.
    • Net Qty, is the total remaining quantity for the specific delivery period/price record combination of the price schedule.
    • Total Qty is the total of the Net Qty lines.
    • Contract Number expansion will drill back to the Purchase Contract Entry, Sales Contract Entry or Trade Maintenance based on the origin of the contract selected.

16. Choose the Copy button to quickly create a copy of the Price Schedule on the screen.
17.Enter the Ticker, Market Zone, Futures Price, Basis Price, Net Price, Market Zone Adjustment and Sales Margin for as many Tickers as necessary.
18.Choose Save to save the Option Price Schedule.

Projection Entry

Projection EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

Use the Projection Entry to view how much of certain items will be needed at any given point in the future. This will enable the user to make better futures contract choices by estimating how much they will need. The projections created will be used on the Contract Position Report.

Creating Projections

1.Open the Projection Entry window
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Projections)

2.Enter a Projection ID
3.Use the scrolling buttons to select a Projection Year.
4.Enter a Description for the projection.
5. The user can optionally enter or select a Recipe ID for this projection. If user chooses not to enter a recipe, they can manually enter projection information in the scrolling window.
For more information on Recipes, please refer to the CINCH Software Process Manufacturing Manual.
6.Mark the Include First Level Only checkbox if the selected Recipe contains secondary recipes, and to only see the first level of items needed. In other words, you would only want to see the total needed for that secondary recipe, and not the total needed for all of its ingredients separately.
7.Enter the quantity for production for each applicable month in the schedule for the current selected year.
8.Choose Calculate to fill the scrolling window. All of the Items in the Recipe will be displayed, along with the quantity that will be needed each month to meet the production needs entered above. If the item is consumed during manufacturing, the C checkbox will be marked, but may be changed if necessary.
To determine if an Item is a consumable, please refer to the Recipe Entry window.
9.Choose Save to save the Projection to come back and view it at a later date.
If the user makes changes to a saved projection, they must always hit the calculate button to refill the scrolling window with the correct projections for the months.

Adding Additional Years to an Existing Projection

Adding Additional Years to an Existing Projection

D2HML|C1H ManualOnce a Projection has been created and saved, the user may add additional year information on to it.
1.Open the Projection Entry window
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Projections)
2.Select an existing Projection ID
3.Choose the new year to add from the scrolling buttons.
4.Enter the production information for that year
5. Choose Calculate to show the production information for the new year.
6. Choose Save to save the new year's information to the projection ID.
7.The next time the projection ID is pulled up, the user can use the scrolling buttons to view the numerous years' information that is setup.

Deleting Projections

Deleting ProjectionsD2HML|C1H Manual

Deleting Projections are done on a year by year basis, if a Projection ID has more than one year projected, the user may delete one year at a time, and save information for the other years.
1.Open the Projection Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Grain>>Projection Entry)
2. Select the Projection ID to delete.
3.Scroll through and select the year's information to delete.
4.Choose delete to delete the information for the chosen year.

Contract Position Report

The Contract Position Report allows the user to view the overall contract position for selected commodities and optionally use a projection ID to include future months' estimates of plant consumption and production

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual

Contract Position Report Setup

Contract Position SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

The Contract Position Report Setup window is used to choose what to see on the Contract Position Report.

Setting up Contract Position Report options

1.Open the Contract Position Report Setup window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>> Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Position Report)

The very first time this window is accessed the details will be blank. Once Report Setup information is saved, the saved details will always appear the window opened and can be edited.
2.Choose a Starting Month from the list provided.
3.Use the scrolling buttons to select a Year.
4. Optionally select an existing Projection ID
The selected Starting Month and Year will determine which years of data for the one Projection ID will be included in the report results.
5. Round To represent the decimal precision that will be displayed on the Contract Position windows.
6.Select a Report Type of Summary or Detail, Summary will be marked by default.
7.Select Unposted Contracts, Futures Contracts or both contract types to be included in the results. Both contracts will be marked by default. Choose to Include Options or Use Delta on the reports if desired.
8.In the scrolling window, all items from the Item Maintenance window will be displayed. Items that are included in the select Projection ID will be automatically selected to be included on the report. Mark any other items as necessary.
9.Select a range of Branch or Region and the appropriate From and To Branches/Regions from the lookup feature.
10.Click OK to save the Contract Position Report Setup Criteria.

Contract Position Report

Viewing the Contract Position Report

1.Open the Contract Position Report window
(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Contract Position)

2.The window will automatically populate with the options selected in Contract Position Report Setup.
The Starting Month and Year cannot be prior to the current month and year. If Setup contains an earlier starting date, the user will see a message saying, "Starting Month and Year on the Contract Position Report Setup screen are in the past. Defaulting to current month and year." The report will default to the current month and year as the starting point and the date can be edited. To avoid seeing this error each time the report is run, modify the Contract Position Report Setup to use either the current date or a future date.
3.The Summary version of this report (pictured above) shows condensed information for each commodity by month for the selected starting month and year moving forward.
4.The Detail version of this report (pictured below) shows more detailed information for each commodity by month for the selected starting month and year moving forward.

5. The detail version of the report has active selection options on the left side of the screen listed by commodity that allows the user to drill down to more specific details. Simply click on an option and the screen automatically fills with the adjusted information.
6. Once the report is generated, the user can adjust the Starting Month, Year, and Summary or Detail options and Redisplay the results.
7.Mark the Display Risk % checkbox to display the Inventory, Futures and Basis % Risks on the Position Report.
8. Decimal drop down list will default based on Contract Position Report Setup but can be changed.
9.To adjust the Commodities, Region/Branch, Projection ID or the types of Contracts included, simply go back to the Report Setup window and update the criteria there.h2.Long Short Report Setup

Long Short Report Option

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Long Short Report Option window is used to choose what to see on the Long Short Reports.
1.Open the Long Short Report Setup window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>> Setup>>Cinch Grain>>Long Short)

The Long Short Report Setup window is used to define what to see on the long short report.

  1. Enter or select a Report ID.
    • The report ID will be used for both the Long Short Report and Long Short Inquiry windows.
  2. Enter a Report Description.
  3. In the By field, choose one of the following options:

Commodity:Will display each commodity separately.
Group: Will display commodities rolled up by the group they are assigned to in the Item Extensions Maintenance window.

  1. Choose the Include options; Unposted Contracts, Include Basis, Company Owned, Include Options, and/or Use Delta.
  2. Select a Branch Level. The available options are: Current Branch, My Branches, and All Branches.
  3. Select a Region From and a Region To range or mark the All Regions checkbox.
  4. Select a Branch From and a Branch To range or mark the All Branches checkbox.
  5. Select a Salesperson From and a Salesperson To range or mark the All Salespersons checkbox.
  6. Select a Trader From and a Trader To range or mark the All Traders checkbox.
  7. Select a Market Zone From and a Market Zone To range or mark the All Market Zones checkbox.
  8. Select a From and To Sales Contract User Defined List or mark the All Sales User Def checkbox.
  9. Select a From and To Purchase Contract User Defined List or mark the All Purchase User Def checkbox.
  10. In the scrolling window, mark each commodity to see on the report.
  11. Position is the Position ID from Position Entry that represents how the contracts will be displayed on the Long Short Inquiry.
    • Refer to Position Entry for more information on this setup.
  12. Decimals represent the decimal precision that will be displayed on the Long Short Inquiry.
  13. The Schedule section contains information that will be used by the SQL job, Long Short Inquiry, which looks for report options that should be run at that time and on that day and save a snap shot of the long short.
    • Schedule settings are:
      • Job User, the user which will be assigned to the created and last modified user in the tables and for determining which branches will be included.
      • Branch, the default branch used when the branch level for the report option is set to Current Branch.
      • Run At, a drop down list of hours used to select when the report should be run.
      • Days to Run, when marked these are the days the report will be run and the snap shot saved to the system.
    • When a report is saved the list of non-positioned records will also be saved and will be recalled when the saved report comes up. This provides a way for the user to know what items had issues when the inquiry was saved.
    • The SQL job, Long Short Inquiry, is created from the Table Utility. Click the Create Cinch Jobs button. The SQL Server Agent must be running for the job to be created and to run.
      • The job will go through the long short report options and see if a long short report needs to be generated for the time and day it is being run at.
      • The job is setup to check the long short report options every hour and every day of the week.
  14. Choose Save to save the report options.

Position Entry

Position EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

Position Entry defines how the position records will be created and displayed on the Long Short Inquiry window. The position settings are companywide settings for all items.
1.Open the Position Entry window.
(Cards>Cinch Grain>Contracts>Position Entry)

  1. Enter the Position ID, the identifier for the position record.
    • The Position ID will be associated to a Long Short Report, Report ID.
  2. Inactive checkbox, when selected the Position ID will not be used to create position records. Also the Position ID is allowed to be selected for the Long Short Report. Option/Position.
  3. Select the Create Position Records For, when selected the contract types position records will be created and included in the Long Short Inquiry.
    • Purchase Contracts, when marked a position period record will automatically be created for the purchase contract price record.
    • Sales Contracts, when marked a position period record will automatically be created for the sales contract hedge item price record.
    • Futures Contracts, when marked a position period record will automatically be created for the futures and options line.
  4. Select the Contract Synchronization Options that will determine how the position records will be created and/or updated for the contract type. If the Create Position Records For contract type isn't marked the Contract Default To drop down list will be disabled.
    • Purchase:
      • No Synchronization, position record will be created with no default period and year.
      • Delivery Start Date, position record will be created with the delivery start month as the period and the delivery start year as the year.
      • Delivery End Date, position record will be created with the delivery end month as the period and the delivery end year as the year.
      • Market Date, position record will be created with the Board month as the period and the Board year as the year based upon the ticker on the contract. If no ticker is used on the contract a market record will be created with no Board month or Board year.
        • This is the way Long Short Report records are created/displayed.
    • Sales:
      • No Synchronization, position record will be created with no default period and year.
      • Delivery Start Date, position record will be created with the delivery start month as the period and the delivery start year as the year.
      • Delivery End Date, position record will be created with the delivery end month as the period and the delivery end year as the year.
      • Market Date, position record will be created with the Board month as the period and the Board year as the year based upon the ticker on the contract. If no ticker is used on the contract a market record will be created with no Board month or Board year.
        • This is the way Long Short Report records are created/displayed.
    • Futures:
      • No Synchronization, position record will be created with no default period and year.
      • Market Date, position record will be created with the Board month as the period and the Board year as the year based upon the ticker on the contract. If no ticker is used on the contract a market record will be created with no Board month or Board year.
        • This is the way Long Short Report records are created/displayed.
  5. Select Save to save the Position ID.
  6. Select Clear without saving changes made to the Position ID.
  7. Select Delete to delete the selected Position ID.
    • Delete is not allowed once the Position ID is used on a contract.

Long Short Report

Long Short Report

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualLong Short Report allows the user to view the inventory position based on inbound and outbound transactions. Position records are viewed and/or reported on based on the Market Month. Items with multiple hedge items are displayed with the quantity displayed for the first hedge item, using the hedge factor but not the hedge percent.
This report has been replaced by the Long Short Inquiry and the Item Long Short Inquiry. Please refer to the Cinch Sales –Seed Procedure manual for more information on the Item Long Short Inquiry.

1. Open the Long/Short Report window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Long/Short)

  1. Enter or select a Report ID.
  • The default Report ID for each user can be set up in the Purchase Contract User Setup window.
  • The Long/Short Report settings and restrictions are set up in the Long Short Report Options window.

For more information on the Long/Short Report Options and Purchase Contract User Setup windows, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Choose Redisplay to display the information. The commodities that are displayed will depend on the commodities selected in the Long Short Report Options window.
  2. The left pane will be filled with a tree view sorted by commodity. The user can choose to drill down from there to see more detailed information in the scrolling window.
  3. Export will export the displayed data to Excel.
  4. Print will print the Long Short Report (IRGNLongShortSummary) for the selected report ID.

Long Short Inquiry

Long Short Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manual Long Short Inquiry allows the user to view the inventory position based on inbound and outbound transactions. Position records to be viewed and/or reported on by the Contract Delivery Period and Year or Market Month depending on the report setup.

1. Open the Long Short Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Long Short Inquiry)

  1. Enter or select a Report ID.
  • This will default from the Purchase Contract User Setup, Long Short Report ID if defined.
  • The Long/Short Report settings and restrictions are set up in the Long Short Report Options window.

For more information on the Long/Short Report Options and Purchase Contract User Setup windows, please see the CINCH Grain Software System Manual.

  1. Report ID lookup, Saved or New.
  • Saved allows user to lookup a saved Long Short Inquiry.
    • Lookup includes the Report ID the system date and time the report was created/saved.
  • New will create a new Long Short Inquiry for the selected Report ID.
  1. Report Description will default based on the selected Report ID.
  2. Item, select the item from the drop down list.
  • The drop list will be filed with selected commodities from the select Report ID.
  • Position records will only be displayed for one item at a time.
  • , will be displayed next to the Item drop down if contracts exist without position records. Drill back on the icon will open the Unpositioned Contract Inquiry listing all contracts.

    • Export will export displayed data into Excel.
    • Details will open the contract entry window to allow user to make edits to the contract that will generate the position records.
  1. Start Month, will default to the current month based off of the user date, but can be changed. It will be the first period to display detail information for.
  2. Year, will default to the year from the user date, but can be changed. It will be the year to display detail information for.
  3. Details button is a drop down list that contains each of the scrolling window column headings.
  • When the user has a position type selected in the scrolling window and they select a period from the details drop list an inquiry list window will open to display the details for the long short position quantity selected.
  • The user can also double click over a value in the list boxes and it will run the Details button scripts and show the drill back for the value clicked on.
  • When a Purchase or Sales contract position is selected an inquiry similar to this will be displayed listing the contracts that make up the value.

    • Report ID, Date and Time will default from the Long Short Inquiry.
    • The top scrolling window will list the detail records for the selected position type.
      • If multiple hedge items are setup for primary transaction item, a separate detail record will exist for each hedge item.
        • The Contract Qty displays the full contract amount.
        • The Price Qty and Position Qty will be calculated by taking contract quantity times the hedge factor times the hedge item percentage.
    • The bottom scrolling window can be used to view current (new/changed) records since the original report was run or records from a previously saved report. Click the Get Current button to get the current position records or do a lookup to retrieve saved records.
    • Export will export the displayed records into Excel.
    • Reconcile will open Long Short Reconcile and display the reconcile records for the selected record.
    • Details will open the inquiry zoom for the selected record.
  • When a futures and option position is selected the Futures & Options Inquiry will be displayed.

    • Details will open the Trade Inquiry Zoom for the selected record.
  • When the Company Owned position is selected the Company Owned Inquiry will be displayed. Inbound In Transit net quantity is included in the Company Owned amount.

    • Allows the user the ability to see the DPR Company Owned to Long/Short Company Owned adjustments, i.e. pending records for DPR dates that have not been closed.
      • Posted & Unposted Scale Tickets Applied to a priced purchase contract, with detail drill back to the tickets.
      • Unposted Shipment applied to a priced sales contract, with detail drill back to the shipments.
      • Unposted Cinch Sales Invoices, with detail drill back to Sales Invoices lines that are applied to a sales contract but not posted.
      • In Transit tickets will have description of Open DPR Inbound In Transit. Unloaded In Transit tickets that are not yet posted tickets will have description of Unloaded In Transit.
    • The Rollup checkbox will determine the display in both the scrolling windows.
      • When marked will display records grouped by description. All transactions with the same Description will be combined in the following columns:
        • Description
        • Item – if grouped will use the item selected as the group item.
        • Position Qty, combined quantity for the rolled up description.
      • When unmarked will display by individual transactions. By default checkbox will be unchecked.
    • System will suppress the zero position quantity records from being inserted into the long short report tables.
  1. Scrolling window display:
  • Description is the description of each long short position type.
  • Total is the total overall position for the long short position type.
  • Previous is the sum of any quantities previous to the start month and year.
  • Month Year details is a scrolling window list that will display each month/year that have position records.
  1. Save will save the report and all related records that make up the Long Short Inquiry.
  2. Export button is a drop down list, with the following options:
    • Single Item, when selected the reports selected item will be exported to excel.
    • All Items, when selected all commodities or commodity groups specified for the selected report ID will be exported to excel.
  3. Print will print the Long Short Report (IRGNLongShortSummaryMI) for the selected report ID.
    • The report looks very similar to the existing Long Short Report accessed from Long Short Report window, except the total column will be the first column, like in the Long Short Inquiry window.
      • The previous column is a total everything prior to the first month/year displayed on the report.
      • The future column is a total of everything beyond the last month/year displayed on the report.
      • The report will generate a new page per item.

Long Short Reconcile

Long Short Reconcile

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualAllows the user to view and clear all records that affect the Long Short position of an item. When records are cleared they are moved to history and can only be viewed from Long Short Reconcile Inquiry. The Long Short Reconcile clearing is very similar to reconciling a bank statement.

  1. Open Long Short Reconcile window.

(Microsoft Dynamics GP> Tools> Routines> Cinch Grain> Long Short Reconcile)

  1. The Report ID field will contain the Long Short report identification.
    • The Report ID governs the records brought into the Long Short Reconcile, i.e. restrictions of My Branches, Region, Branch, etc. In order to ensure that records are not displayed in multiple Report IDs be sure that no branches are in multiple report options being reconciled.
    • Unposted price records will ALWAYS be brought into the Long Short Reconcile window whether or not the Unposted Contracts checkbox is checked in the Long Short Report Options window.
    • The Report ID Lookup button open the Long Short Reconcile Lookup window which lists the Report ID's that are in process. The reconcile description is included in the expanded second line of the scrolling window.
  2. The Item field will determine the commodity item to be reconciled.
  3. The Reconcile Time/Date field is for the user entered date and time through which to review the transactions, any transactions not previously cleared through this time and date will be displayed in the scrolling window.
  4. The Description field is for the user defined description of the given reconcile process.
  5. The Previous Balance field defaults the Ending Balance from the last completed reconcile.
    • Editable on the first reconcile only, the user is allowed to enter a starting value.
  6. The Ending Balance field is manually entered and is the current balance of the overall Long Short report either from Cinch or from a manual log kept by the trader(s).
  7. The Calculated Balance field is derived by taking the sum of the Previous Balance and any long position entries marked as Clear and deducting any short position entries marked as Clear.
  8. The Difference field is derived by netting the Calculated Balance from the Ending Balance.
  9. Rollup checkbox when selected rolls together the documents that offset each other to provide a summary effect of the contract activity. The system will display one line with the Net (either long or short) or, if they offset each other to zero, the rolled up line will not show at all.

    • By default Rollup checkbox is marked when the Report ID and Item are selected.
    • When selected, the scrolling window display will changed and the long short information will be grouped by source and document number and show the net effect.
    • When a document is selected all of the detail records with that source and document number will be selected in the background so that when processing occurs all of those records will be reconciled and sent to the history tables.
  1. When rollup checkbox is not selected, transactions will be displayed in detail:
    • The Date/Time field is the stored date and time a change or transaction affecting the Long Short was saved.
    • The Name field contains the description of the customer or vendor.
    • The Document field is one from this list:
      • Sales Contract number
      • Purchase contract number
      • Trade number
      • Inventory Transaction document number
    • The Type field contains a brief description of the transaction.
    • The Price field is populated from:
      • Price field of the contract.
      • Trade price of the trade.
      • Unit Cost of an inventory transaction.
    • The Mo/Yr field contains the Market period (month and year) assigned to the contract price record.
    • The Long field quantity is the long position affecting the long short.
    • The Short field quantity is the short position affecting the long short.
    • The Clear checkbox field, when marked, will include the associated line item in the reconciliation.
      • Marking or unmarking the Clear checkbox of the scrolling window header will check or uncheck all the displayed transactions.
    • The Customer/Vendor field contains the code of the customer or vendor assigned to the contract or trade transaction.
    • The Branch field contains the company branch in which the transaction occurred.
    • Board contains the Board Price for the selected document.
    • Basis contains the Basis Price for the selected document.
    • Zero Basis checkbox will be marked if the Basis Price on the selected document has been defined as Zero.
  2. The Save button will save the reconcile record.
  3. The Clear button will clear the window without saving.
  4. The Delete will delete a saved Report ID of an item and clear the window.
  5. The Finish button will transfer those records with the Clear checkbox marked into the history tables.
  6. The Print button will create a report of the information of the window.
    • Only the records displaying in the scrolling window will be printed.

Long Short Reconcile Inquiry

Long Short Reconcile Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Conditional|platform=manualThe Long Short Reconcile Inquiry window allows user to view both reconciled and unreconciled records that affect the Long Short.

  1. Open Long Short Reconcile Inquiry window.

(Inquiry> Cinch Grain> Long Short Reconcile Inquiry)

  1. Range drop-down selections:
    • Region
    • Branch
    • Market Zone
    • Item
    • Date/Time
    • Purchase Contract
    • Sales Contract
    • Trade
    • Inventory Adjustments
  2. Rollup drop down list restriction, options are:
    • No Rollup, when selected each long short reconcile record will be listed individually.
    • By Document, when selected display will group the long short reconcile records for the document.
      • The information displayed will be grouped by type and document number.
      • If the net effect of the rollup is 0, the document will not be displayed.
    • By Document & Date, when selected will group the long short reconcile records for the document for each date that is affected.
  3. The Reconciled checkbox, defaults as not checked, when checked the transaction list will include historical records.
  4. The Unreconciled checkbox, defaults as checked, will include records not reconciled.
  5. The Cash Position checkbox, defaults as checked, will include Cash positions.
  6. The Basis Position checkbox, defaults as not checked, when checked will include Basis positions.
  7. The Purchase Contracts checkbox, defaults as checked, will include Purchase Contracts.
  8. The Sales Contracts checkbox, defaults as checked, will include Sales Contracts.
  9. The Trades checkbox, defaults as checked, will include Futures & Options trades.
  10. Inv Adjustment checkbox, defaults as checked, will include sales documents and adjustments made using Item Transaction Entry.
  11. The Date/Time field is the stored date and time a change or transaction affecting the Long Short was saved.
  12. The Branch field contains the company branch in which the transaction occurred.
  13. The Document field contains:
    • Sales Contract number
    • Purchase Contract Number
    • Trade Number
    • Inventory Transaction Document Number
  14. Document expansion button opens the document Inquiry Zoom.
  15. The Type field contains a brief description of the transaction.
  16. The Position field will identify either Cash or Basis depending on the transaction's effect on the Long Short.
  17. The Price field is populated from the Price field of the contract.
  18. The Long field quantity is the long position affecting the long short.
  19. The Short field quantity is the short position affecting the long short.
  20. The Clear checkbox field identifies whether the transaction has been cleared or not.
  21. The Customer/Vendor field contains the code of the customer or vendor assigned to the contract or trade transaction.
  22. The Name field contains the description of the customer or vendor.
  23. The Mo/Yr field contains the Market period (month and year) assigned to the contract price record.
  24. The Rcncl Time field contains the time of reconciliation.
  25. The Rcncl Date field contains the date of reconciliation.
  26. The Rec User field contains User ID information.
  27. The scrolling window can be sorted by the following:
    • Document column heading, when selected will sort the data by the Document number.
    • Long column heading, when selected will sort the data by the Long quantity.
    • Short column heading, when selected will sort the data by the Short quantity.
    • Customer/Vendor column heading, when selected will sort the data by the Customer/Vendor ID.
    • Item column heading, when selected will sort the data by the Item number.
  28. The OK button will close the window.
  29. The Clear button will clear the window without saving.
  30. The Redisplay button will query the tables for records meeting the criteria entered.
  31. The Export button allows the user to export the displayed records to Excel.

Mark to Market Reports

Mark to Market ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

The Mark to Market Report is essentially an inventory/contract valuation report. It is also known as an "Unrealized Gain/Losses on Contracts" Report. At the end of a financial period, this report can be used to compare inventory and contract commitments. The Reports will calculate the gain/loss using the Price Schedule that includes delivery period/market month combinations.
A cutoff or snapshot can be created to allow the user to capture the status of inventory, contracts, futures and options at a point in time. This cutoff must be done prior to any new activity entered into CINCH. The cutoff information can be used to calculate the Mark to Market at a later date." 

Printing the Mark to Market Report

1.Open the Mark to Market Report Window
(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Mark to Market)

2.Select the Report option to print.
3.If running any of the Mark to Market History Reports, select a Cutoff Date from the scrolling window or select the Create Cutoff button to open the Mark to Market Date Cutoff window to create a new cutoff date.

4. Select an existing Price Schedule.
5.Choose Summary or Detail for the report type, Summary will be marked by default.
6.Choose to Include Inventory, Contracts and/or Futures Contracts. All will be marked by default.
7.Select the report criteria:

  • Enter a Futures Trader From and To, or leave the All Futures Traders checkbox marked.
  • Enter a Contract Trader From and To, or leave the All Contract Traders checkbox marked.
  • Enter a Market Zone From and To, or leave the All Market Zones checkbox marked.
  • Enter a Branch From and To, or leave the All Branches checkbox marked.
  • Enter a FOB Point From and To, or leave the All FOB Points checkbox marked.
  1. Choose Print to print the Mark to Market reports.
  2. Reports have not been modified for multicurrency, however the following information has been added to the temp table, IRGNMarkMarketLINETEMP, which will allow a multicurrency user to create or modify a report.
    • IROrigContractPrice – The originating value of the contract at the time it was entered.
    • IRNewContractPrice – The new functional value of the contract at the time the Price Schedule was entered.
    • Currency ID – The Currency ID on the Contract.
    • Currency Index – The Currency Index on the Contract.
    • Exchange Rate – The new Exchange Rate at the time the Price Schedule was entered.
    • IRCtrExchangeRate – The Exchange Rate at the time the Contract was entered.
    • Prices that are calculated and stored in the table are based on the Weight UOM from the item.

Overview/Location of all Mark to Market Reports

Mark to Market by Contract Type



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Mark to Market by Contract Type


Calculation of the gain/loss for inventory, remaining quantities of market priced purchase & sales contracts along with futures contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report is sorted by contract type.
The Inventory quantity will be split into a Priced and an Unpriced line. The Unpriced amount will come from the cost of the unpaid tickets that have been posted to inventory. The Priced amount will be the Total Inventory amount minus the Unpriced Amount.

Mark to Market by Month



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Mark to Market by Month


Calculation of the gain/loss for inventory, remaining quantities of market priced purchase & sales contracts along with futures contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report is sorted by the market month of the contracts.
The Inventory quantity will be split into a Priced and an Unpriced line. The Unpriced amount will come from the cost of the unpaid tickets that have been posted to inventory. The Priced amount will be the Total Inventory amount minus the Unpriced Amount.

Mark to Market by Delivery



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Mark to Market by Delivery


Calculation of the gain/loss for inventory, remaining quantities of market priced purchase & sales contracts along with futures contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report is sorted by the delivery month of the contracts.
The Inventory quantity will be split into a Priced and an Unpriced line. The Unpriced amount will come from the cost of the unpaid tickets that have been posted to inventory. The Priced amount will be the Total Inventory amount minus the Unpriced Amount.

Options Mark to Market



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Options Mark to Market


Calculation of the gain/loss for unexpired options. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected.

Mark to Market by Contract Type – Hist



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Mark to Market by Contract Type - Hist


Calculation of the gain/loss for inventory, remaining quantities of market priced purchase & sales contracts along with futures contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report uses quantities from a cutoff of data and is sorted by contract type.
The Inventory quantity will be split into a Priced and an Unpriced line. The Unpriced amount will come from the cost of the unpaid tickets that have been posted to inventory. The Priced amount will be the Total Inventory amount minus the Unpriced Amount.

Mark to Market by Month - Hist



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Mark to Market by Month - Hist


Calculation of the gain/loss for inventory, remaining quantities of market priced purchase & sales contracts along with futures contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report uses quantities from a cutoff date and is sorted by the market month of the contracts.
The Inventory quantity will be split into a Priced and an Unpriced line. The Unpriced amount will come from the cost of the unpaid tickets that have been posted to inventory. The Priced amount will be the Total Inventory amount minus the Unpriced Amount.

Options Mark to Market - Hist



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Options Mark to Market - Hist


Calculation of the gain/loss for unexpired options. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report uses quantities from a cutoff date.

Mark to Market by Delivery - Hist



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Mark to Market by Delivery - Hist


Calculation of the gain/loss for inventory, remaining quantities of market priced purchase & sales contracts along with futures contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report uses quantities from a cutoff date and is sorted by the delivery month of the contracts.
The Inventory quantity will be split into a Priced and an Unpriced line. The Unpriced amount will come from the cost of the unpaid tickets that have been posted to inventory. The Priced amount will be the Total Inventory amount minus the Unpriced Amount.

Basis Mark to Market



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Basis Mark to Market


Calculation of the gain/loss for remaining quantities of basis priced purchase & sales contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report is sorted by the delivery month of the contracts.

Basis Mark to Market - Hist



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Mark to Market>> Basis Mark to Market - Hist


Calculation of the gain/loss for remaining quantities of basis priced purchase & sales contracts. Calculation is based upon the pricing information entered on the price schedule selected. The report uses quantities from a cutoff date and is sorted by the delivery month of the contracts.

Trade Reports

Trade ReportsD2HML|C1H Manual

Printing Trade Reports

The Trade Reports window allows the user to run different Futures/Options reports and Hedge Account Statements.
1.Open the Trade Report window.
(Reports>>Cinch Grain>>Trade Reports)

2.Select the Report to print.
3.Select the Price Schedule to report on.
4.Select the Options Price Schedule to report on.
5. Enter Option Expiration date to limit report by option expiration date.
6.Choose to Include Unposted or Posted transactions.
7.Enter any of the following report restrictions.

  • Hedge Account
  • Trade Date
  • Commodity
  • Trader

8.Choose Print to print the report.

Overview/Location of all Trade Reports

Futures/Options Open Position



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Trade Reports>> Futures/Options Open Position


Listing of the trades that have not been matched.

Futures/Options Trade Activity



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Trade Reports>> Futures/Options Trade Activity


Chronological listing of the trades for each hedge account, used to ensure that all broker activity has been entered.

Hedge Account Statement



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Trade Reports>> Hedge Account Statement


Activity records in a format similar to your broker to assist with periodic balancing.

Futures/Options Trade Gain/Loss Detail



Reports >> Cinch Grain >> Trade Reports>> Futures/Options Trade Gain/Loss Detail


Listing of the trades that have been matched. Includes gain/loss as well as fees & commissions.

Unpositioned Contract Inquiry

Unpositioned Contract InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

Unpositioned Contract Inquiry window

The Unpositioned Contract Inquiry window allows the user to view the contracts that do not have a position period or have the position period created but the month or year is blank. It also allows the user to drill down to that particular contract so the position record can be created or updated.

  1. Open the Unpositioned Contract Inquiry window.

(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Unpositioned Contract Inquiry)

  1. Lookup Position ID, a position period must be selected prior to displaying records.
    • When a period is selected the scrolling window will automatically be refreshed with records for the selected position period.
    • If the user clears the position period the scrolling window will also be cleared.
  2. Include Contract Type checkboxes determine which contract types are displayed. By default all checkboxes are marked.
    • Purchase Contracts checkbox, if the checkbox is marked the query will look at purchase contracts to see if there are position records that qualify. If it isn't marked the query will not look at purchase contracts.
    • Sales Contracts checkbox, if the checkbox is marked the query will look at sales contracts to see if there are position records that qualify. If it isn't marked the query will not look at sales contracts.
    • Futures Contracts checkbox, if the checkbox is marked the query will look at futures and options contracts to see if there are position records that qualify. If it isn't marked the query will not look at futures and options contracts.
  3. Include Contract Status checkboxes determine which contract status are displayed. By default all checkboxes are marked.
    • Unposted, when selected will include unposted contracts.
    • Posted, when selected will include posted contracts.
  4. Scrolling window displays all the contracts that are not positioned and qualify based on the include selections.
    • Type is the contract type, Purchase, Sales or Futures.
    • Number is the contract number.
    • Contract Number drill back, the type of contract determines the window that will open.
      • A purchase contract, it will zoom to the purchase contract screen.
      • A sales contract, it will zoom to sales contract entry.
      • A futures contract, it will zoom to futures and options entry.
    • Customer is the customer on the contract.
    • Item is the contract item.
    • Quantity is the quantity on the purchase contract price line, sales contract delivery line or the futures and options line.
    • Ticker is the ticker on the contract line.
    • Net Price is the net price from the contract line.
    • Reason is the description of why the record is appearing in this window, "Position Record Missing", "Period Missing" or "Year Missing".
  5. Number of records is the total number of contracts displayed in the scrolling window.
  6. Clear will clear the restrictions and scrolling window.
  7. Redisplay will refresh the scrolling window with any changes.
  8. Export will export displayed data to Excel.

Futures & Options Open Inquiry

Futures & Options Open InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

Futures & Options Open Inquiry window

The Futures & Options Inquiry window can be used to query existing offers and/or trades. The user can also select the Trade Entry, Trade Maintenance of Trade Inquiry buttons to open the corresponding windows to easily complete, maintain and/or query them.
(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Trade Inquiry)

Trade P&S Gains Inquiry

Trade P&S Gains InquiryD2HML|C1H Manual

Trade P&S Gains Inquiry window

The Trade P&S Gains Inquiry window can be used to view gains or losses on trades that have been P&S'd.
(Inquiry>>Cinch Grain>>Trade PS Inquiry)

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