CINCH R18.3 Process Manufacturing

CINCH Customer Documentation

CINCH R18.3 Process Manufacturing

CINCH Software
Process Manufacturing Manual
Version 18.3 M2
December 2019Introduction
What's in this manual?
Symbols & conventions
Additional resources
Part 1: Setup & Cards
Chapter 1: Manufacturing Cards
Activity Code Maintenance
Work Center Maintenance
Recipe Maintenance
Build on Sale Item
Chapter 2: Manufacturing Setup
Manufacturing Setup
Part 2: Procedures
Chapter 3: Manufacturing Transactions
Manufacturing Entry
Manufacturing Receipts Entry
Chapter 4: Manufacturing Inquiries
Chapter 5: Manufacturing Reports


This information was current as of December 2019. Refer to the ReadMe/What's New documents accompanying updates for the most updated information about CINCH Software.
This introduction is divided into the following sections:

What's in this manual?

This manual introduces the user to CINCH Software Process Manufacturing and presents important information on using the system. It is divided into the following parts:

  • Part 1: Setup & Cards. Explains how to setup process manufacturing information which includes activity codes, recipes and work centers.
  • Part 2: Procedures. Explains how to use Manufacturing Entry and Manufacturing Receipts Entry for producing items made from recipes.

Symbols & conventions

This manual uses the following symbols and conventions to make specific types of information stand out.



The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts, and suggestions.

The warning symbol indicates situations the user should be especially aware of when completing tasks. Typically, this includes cautions about performing steps in their proper order, or important reminders about how other information in the software may be affected.

The conventions table explains how we refer to chapter, sections, acronyms, and other information in the document.



Creating a batch

Italicized type indicates the name of a section or procedure.

File >> Print

The (>>) symbol indicates selections to make from a menu. In this example, from the File menu, choose Print.


Small capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence.

For Information on common button functionality (Save, Clear, Delete, Notes, etc.), please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics™ GP System User's Guide Manual, Page 30-36.

Additional resources

To access the online documentation, choose Help >> Contents, then select the type of information you're looking for.
Use the following tools to learn how to use Microsoft Dynamics™ GP & CINCH Software. Many of the documentation resources are provided in online format, either as an online help file or as an Adobe Acrobat .PDF file.

To learn about Microsoft Dynamics™ GP

Use the Tutorial (Help >> Tutorial) to learn how to move around in Microsoft Dynamics GP, and how to perform basic procedures in each module.
Use the Sample Reports (Help >> Sample Reports) to view samples of Microsoft Dynamics GP reports, in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format.

To find information about a window that's not displayed, choose Help >> Index, type the name of the window and choose Display. To complete day-to-day tasks

Use the online help for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Help >> About This Item, or press F1) to view context sensitive assistance about windows, fields, alert messages, and procedures. The user also can choose the help icon button in each window. Use the online manual (Help >> Printable Manuals) to view the printed manuals online in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format.

Part 1: Setup & Cards

This part explains how to setup information needed to use CINCH Software Process Manufacturing. This will include activity codes, work centers, and recipes.

  • Chapter 1: Manufacturing Cards – This chapter explains how to create the different activity codes, work centers and recipes needed when entering manufacturing information.
  • Chapter 2: Manufacturing Setup – This chapter explains how to define default and required information for the Manufacturing and Manufacturing Receipt Entry windows.

Chapter 1: Manufacturing Cards

This chapter explains how to create the different activity codes, work centers and recipes needed when entering manufacturing information.
The chapter is divided into the following parts:

Manufacturing Setup & Cards

Activity Code Maintenance

Activity Code Maintenance

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section explains how to create activity codes that can be used in Manufacturing Entry and Manufacturing Receipts Entry.

Adding Activity Codes

1. Open the Activity Code Maintenance window.
(Cards>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Activities)

2. Enter an Activity Code ID.
3.Enter a short description for the Activity Code. This is primarily used as an alternate sort in the Activity Lookup window.
4.Enter an Activity Description.
5.Choose Save to save the Activity Code.

Work Center Maintenance

Work Center Maintenance

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section explains how to create work centers that can be used in Manufacturing Entry and Manufacturing Receipts Entry.

Adding Work Centers

1.Open the Work Center Maintenance window.
(Cards>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Work Centers)

2.Enter a Work Center ID.
3.Enter a short description for the Work Center. This is primarily used as an alternate sort in the Work Center Lookup window.
4.Enter a Work Center Description.
5.Choose Save to save the Work Center.

Recipe Maintenance

Recipe MaintenanceD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to create recipes (Bill of Materials) that are used in Manufacturing Entry and Manufacturing Receipts Entry.

Adding Recipes
  1. Open the Recipe Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Recipes Maintenance)

  1. Enter a Recipe ID.

This must be a unique ID different from any Item Number that has been setup in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Item Maintenance window.

  1. Mark the Inactive checkbox to make this recipe unavailable in the Manufacturing Entry windows.
  2. Enter or select the Item Number that this recipe is going to produce or consume.

This item must have an Item Type of Sales Inventory selected in the Item Maintenance window.

  1. Mark the Primary checkbox to mark the Item Number as the primary item for the recipe. During the cost allocation process, the primary item will have any remaining fractional amount of the cost applied to it. Only one Primary item is allowed per recipe.
  2. The Recipe Desc and Recipe Short Desc fields will default in with the corresponding descriptions entered in the Item Maintenance window, but may be changed if necessary.
  3. In the Recipe Type field, choose either Produced or Consumed. The options of setup and labor cannot be chosen for the Recipe Item number.
  4. When the recipe type Produced is selected, select a Cost Method of Accrual, Current or Standard.
  5. Def Site, when populated will default to the line when the item is selected on any new lines added to the recipe.
    • Within Manufacturing Entry, when the selected recipe and/or recipe lines has a site is defined, that site will be used for each line created.
  6. Enter a Revision Number if desired. This field is a user-defined field that allows for internal tracking of recipe changes and does not increment automatically.
  7. The Recipe U of M field is display only and will be based off the Item Number U of M Schedule ID selected in the Item Maintenance window.
  8. In the Apply Cost Using field, select Weight, Trx Units (Quantity), Manual or Base UOM to specify how cost is going to be allocated to the item.
    • When Base UOM is selected the cost will be converted back to the base unit of measure for produced item(s).
  9. The % field will become available if Manual is selected in the Apply Cost Using field. Enter the percentage of the total cost of the consumed items to apply. The sum of the percentages assigned to the recipe must total 100%.
  10. Enter the following information in the scrolling window:
  • Select a Recipe Type from the following list:
    • Produced
    • Consumed – Subtracted from Inventory and the costs are "allocated" to the produced items.
    • Labor – Subtracted from Inventory and the costs are "allocated" to the produced items.
    • Setup – Represent fixed quantity entries. When setup items are merged into the Manufacturing windows, the quantity remains the same regardless of the quantity of the recipe being produced.
  • Enter or select the Item Number or Recipe being produced or consumed.
  • The U of M will default in with the Item Number's Base U of M, but may be changed if necessary.
  • Enter the fractional quantity (up to 5 decimal places) to produce or consume in relation to the primary Recipe Item.
  • If the Recipe Type is Produced, select a Cost Method or Accrual, Current or Standard.
  • If the Recipe Type is Produced, select an Apply Cost of Weight, Unit, or Manual.
  • The Apply % field will become available if Manual is selected in the Apply Cost field. Enter the percentage of the total cost of the consumed items to apply.
  • Select Primary if the item is the main item produced. During the cost allocation process, the primary item will have any remaining fractional amount of the cost applied to it. Only one Primary item is allowed per recipe.
  • The S (subassembly) checkbox is display only and will be marked if a recipe has been added as a component of another recipe.
  • The Item Description field is display only and will display the description of the Item/Recipe selected.
  • If the item is a recipe type of consumed, enter a Scrap %, which indicates a scrap or salvage factor. When the scrap % is entered, the calculated recipe quantity is increased by this scrap %.
  • The Current Cost field is display only and displays the Current Cost from the Item Maintenance window.
  • The Standard Cost field is display only and displays the Standard Cost from the Item Maintenance window.
  • The Item Weight field is display only and displays the Item Weight from the Item Maintenance window
  1. Choose Save to save the Recipe.

Copying Recipes
  1. Open the Recipe Maintenance window.

(Cards>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Recipes)

  1. Select the existing Recipe ID that will be copied. The Copy button becomes active after recipe is selected.

  1. Selecting the Copy button opens the Copy Recipe window.

    • Recipe ID and Recipe Desc will default with the recipe selected to copy.
    • User enters the New Recipe ID this will be the new Recipe that is created.
    • OK button, returns the user to the Recipe Maintenance window with the New Recipe ID.
  1. Choose Save to save the Recipe.

Build on Sale Item

Build on Sale Item

D2HML|C1H ManualThis section explains how to setup a "Build on Sale" Item. A "Build on Sale" item is a manufactured item that is built when sold. The system will, at invoice posting, automatically create a process manufacturing transaction to create the inventory for the item being invoiced. The invoice will then consume the inventory that was created.

For Information on creating an Invoice, please see the CINCH Grain/Sales/Seed Software Procedure manual.

Adding a "Build on Sale" Item

1.Open the Item Site Extensions Maintenance window.
(Cards>>Inventory>>Quantities/Sites>>Select an Item and Site >>Additional>>Item Qty Extensions)

2. Select the Build on Sale checkbox to indicate that this item when sold from this site will be built upon invoicing.
3. Enter or select a Recipe ID that will be used to build the item.
4. Choose Save to save the options.
5.Choose Clear to clear the screen without saving.
6. Choose Delete to delete saved options.

Chapter 2: Manufacturing Setup

This chapter explains how to define default and required information for the Manufacturing and Manufacturing Receipt Entry windows.
The chapter is divided into the following parts:

D2HML|C1H Manual

Manufacturing Setup

Manufacturing SetupD2HML|C1H Manual

This section explains how to set manufacturing defaults and required information.

Setting Manufacturing defaults and requirements

1.Open the Manufacturing Setup window.
(Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>> Setup>>Cinch Manufacturing)

2.Choose information to default in to the Manufacturing and Manufacturing Receipts entry window:

  • Activity Code
  • Work Center
  • Site
  • Cost Method
    • Accrual
    • Current
    • Standard
    • Manual
  • Apply Cost
    • Weight
    • Trx Units
    • Manual
    • Base UOM, when selected the system will apply the cost of a produced item at a Base Unit of Measure level.
  • % of Cost
  • Variance Warn Level
  • Cost Warn Factor, when defined the system will use the factor when determining if the cost being calculated for a Produced Item falls within a certain tolerance.
    • If the Cost is outside the tolerance the system will warn the user and NOT post the Manufacturing Transaction.
      • Cost Warning validation is done on both Current and Standard Cost and user will be warned if outside one or both of the tolerances.
    • The system will use the Factor to determine a range the cost can fall into. For example if the Item has a cost of $5 the system will both multiple and divide the $5 by the Factor in this case 2 to come up with a cost range of $2.50 - $10.00 and warn the user if the cost falls outside this range.
  • Default UOM will be used in Manufacturing Entry to default in the Unit of Measure when the user selects an Item. The options are:
    • Selling
    • Base

3.Mark the Activity and/or Work Center Required checkboxes to require that they be entered before a manufacturing transaction can be saved.
4.Mark the Recipe Required checkbox if the user should not be able to manually add lines to a recipe in the Manufacturing Entry windows.
5.Mark the Require Stock checkbox if the user cannot post manufacturing transactions unless there is sufficient inventory.
6.Mark the Negative Warning checkbox for the user to be warned that the inventory will be going negative when they tab off a line in Manufacturing Entry. This warning will appear for Inventory items only (not Service, Misc, etc.).
7. Mark the Allow Zero Cost Checkbox to allow a Zero Cost receipt. The Cost Override will continue to allow a zero cost item for those companies that do NOT have this option set.
8. In the Transaction User Defined section, enter the prompts that will be displayed in the Transaction Header User Defined fields of Manufacturing Entry.
9.In the Line User Defined section, enter the prompts that will be displayed in the scrolling window line expansions of Manufacturing Entry.
10.Choose OK to save the changes.h1. Part 2:Procedures
This part explains how to use CINCH Software Process Manufacturing. This will include using recipes in Manufacturing and Manufacturing Receipts Entry.

D2HML|C1H Manual

Manufacturing Procedures

Manufacturing Entry

Manufacturing EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Manufacturing Entry window is used to create Manufacturing Transactions that may or may not be based off an already created recipe.

Creating a transaction in Manufacturing Entry – with Recipe
  1. Open the Manufacturing Entry window

(Transactions>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Manufacturing Entry)

  1. Tab off the Mfg Number to accept the next default Mfg Number. This number is not user defined.
  2. Enter the Date for the transaction.
  3. The Default Site will default in based off of the default site selected in Manufacturing Setup, but may be changed if necessary.
  4. Enter or select a Batch Number to save the transaction to. A batch can be added on-the-fly if necessary.
  5. The Activity Code will default in based off of the default Activity Code selected in Manufacturing Setup, but may be changed if necessary.
  6. The Work Center will default in based off of the default Work Center selected in Manufacturing Setup, but may be changed if necessary.
  7. Enter or select the Recipe ID to be used for the transaction. A recipe can be added on-the-fly if necessary, or zoom to the Recipe Maintenance window to make changes to an existing recipe, if needed.
  8. Mark the Main checkbox if the Recipe ID selected is going to be the main produced item for the transaction. During the cost allocation process, the main item will have any remaining fractional amount of the cost applied to it. Only one main item is allowed per recipe.
  9. Enter a Recipe Qty if desired, this will automatically calculate the details for the Recipe ingredients.
  10. Cost Method will default from Manufacturing Setup when the user selects an Item.
  11. Apply Cost and % of Cost, will default from Manufacturing Setup when the user selects an Item.
  12. UOM, Apply Cost UOM, will default from Manufacturing Setup, Default UOM when the user selects an Item.
    • If Default UOM is not set in Manufacturing Setup the default will be Selling.
    • When Base UOM is selected the cost will be converted back to the base unit of measure. Allocation Calculation is as follows:
      • Total Consumed is the total cost of the items in the transaction that are consumed.
      • Convert produced item quantities to their quantity in "Base" unit of measure.
      • Total the quantity in "Base" for all produced items.
      • Divide the total cost of the consumed items by the Total Quantity in Base unit of measure to arrive at a cost per unit in base.
      • Convert cost per unit in base back to the transactional unit of measure.
  13. Click the User-Defined button to enter information into the user-defined header fields.
  14. Choose the Process button to fill the scrolling window with the recipe ingredients based on the recipe qty entered above.
    • When the selected recipe and/or recipe lines has a site defined, that site will be used for each line created.
    • If the recipe and/or recipe lines does not have a site defined, the Def. Site of Manufacturing Entry will be used for each line.
  15. The scrolling window will fill in with the information based on the Recipe, but any changes can be made if necessary.

The user may or may not be able to add lines to the recipe in the scrolling window depending on if the Recipe Required checkbox is marked in Manufacturing Setup.

  • Choose the expansion button to see more information based on the item selected:

  • The Work Center will default based on the Manufacturing Setup information. This may or may not be required depending on if the Work Center required checkbox marked in Manufacturing Setup.
  • The Item Description is display only and will default from the Item Maintenance window.
  • The IV Account (Inventory Account) defaults from the Inventory Account field entered in Item Maintenance. This is the account that will be reduced for a consumed item or increased for a produced item.
  • The Offset Account will default from the Assembly Variance Account entered in Item Maintenance. This is the account that will receive the offsetting amount for the item.
  • Manufacture Date:
    • When the Produced Item is setup to track lot numbers, the Manufacture Date will default to match the Mfg Number Date, however the date can be changed.
    • The Date will be stored on the created lot number when the transaction is posted.
    • The field will be disabled if the item is not setup to track lot numbers or if the Type is Consumed.
  • Expiration Date will be enabled when the Item is setup to track lot number and when the type is Produced. The Date will be stored on the created lot number when the transaction is posted.
  • Select the Assembly Number that is tied to this transaction. Assembly Number is used when the site is setup as a Vendor Consignment Site within Location Code COMP Entry. And only Assemblies with a Disposition Type of Storage or Grain Bank are allowed to be selected.
    • If grain bank is to be consumed, the user will select the grain bank assembly that will be consumed from. The selected assembly must be for the branch as the transaction. If there is not enough quantity available on the selected grain bank assembly, when the transaction is posted the overrun amount will create a Grain Bank Overage transaction
  • The Unit Weight is display only and will show the Shipping Weight from the Item Maintenance window.
  • The Qty Allocated is display only and will show the quantity allocated in the Base U of M.
  • The Post Date is display only and will show the date the line was posted.
  • The IV Document Number is display only and will show the Inventory Transaction Number the line was posted to.
  • Enter or select a Comment ID to be included with the line item.
  • Click the User-Defined button to enter information into the user-defined line item fields.
  1. The Quantity Available field will show the quantity available for the focus line. (On Hand – Allocated)
  2. The Consumed Quantity field will show a running total for the consumed items. (Consumed+Labor+Setup)
  3. The Consumed Cost field will show a running extended cost total for the consumed items.
  4. The Produced Quantity field will show a running total for the produced items.
  5. The Produced Costs field will show a running extended cost total for the produced items.
  6. Click the Print Icon to print the Edit List or the Manufacturing Production Sheet from the drop down list.
  7. Choose Save to save the transaction.

Creating a transaction in Manufacturing Entry – no Recipe

If the Recipe Required checkbox is not marked in Manufacturing Setup, the user will have the ability to create a transaction in Manufacturing Entry without entering a Recipe ID.
1.Open the Manufacturing Entry window
(Transactions>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Manufacturing Entry)
2.Tab off the Mfg Number to accept the next default Mfg Number. This number is not user defined.
3.Enter the Date for the transaction.
4.The Default Site will default in based off of the default site selected in Manufacturing Setup, but may be changed if necessary.
5.Enter or select a Batch Number that to save the transaction to. A batch can be added on-the-fly if necessary.
6.The Activity Code will default in based off of the default Activity Code selected in Manufacturing Setup, but may be changed if necessary.
7.The Work Center will default in based off of the default Work Center selected in Manufacturing Setup, but may be changed if necessary.
8.Leave the Recipe ID and Recipe Qty blank.
9.Choose the Cost Method of Accrual, Current, Standard, or Manual.
10. When a Cost Method of Accrual is selected, select to Apply Cost by Weight, Unit or Manual.
11. When Apply Cost Manually is selected, enter a percentage of the total cost of the consumed items to apply.
12.Click the User-Defined button to enter information into the user-defined header fields.
13.Enter the following information in the scrolling window:

  • Select the item type of Produced, Consumed, Labor or Setup.
  • Enter or select the Item Number
  • The Unit of Measure will default in with the Base U of M for the Item Number selected, but may be changed if necessary.
  • Enter the quantity of the item the recipe will need.
  • If the item needs to come from a lot number, enter or select the lot number. If the lot number is for a consumed Item the system will check the following:
    • Item Maintenance Options, Warn checkbox and Days before Lot Expires:
      • Checked, the system will validate if the Lot Number Expiration Date falls between the number of days to expire. If it does the user will be warned and ask if they want to use the selected lot.
      • Unchecked, no validation will be done.
    • Inventory Control Setup, Use Expired Lots in Other Transactions checkbox and Password.
      • If checked, user is allowed to select a Lot Number where the Expiration Date has passed.
      • If unchecked, user will not be allow to select an expired Lot Number.
      • If the Password field is populated, user will be required to enter the password before the lot can be selected.
  • The Unit Cost will default in with the Current Cost from Item Maintenance, but may be changed if necessary.
  • The Extended Cost will automatically calculate as Quantity*Unit Cost and cannot be changed.
  • The Cost Method, Apply Cost, and Cost % fields will fill in from the corresponding field in the window header, but may be changed if necessary.
  • Select the Main checkbox if the item is the primary item for the recipe. During the cost allocation process, the main item will have any remaining fractional amount of the cost applied to it. Only one main item is allowed per recipe.
  • The Recipe Qty is display only and will only be filled if a Recipe ID is selected in the window header.
  • The Activity Code and Site will fill in from the corresponding fields in the window header, but may be changed if necessary.
  • The Total Weight will automatically calculate as the Shipping Weight * Quantity, and cannot be changed.

14. Click the Print Icon to print the Edit List or the Manufacturing Production Sheet from the drop down list.
15.Choose Save to save the transaction.
For information on the expanded scrolling window in Manufacturing Entry, please see Creating a Transaction in Manufacturing Entry – with Recipe.

Posting a Transaction in Manufacturing Entry

Posting a Manufacturing Transaction will update the Inventory with the line items. The user will have the option to post the selected line item, all consumed items, or the entire transaction.
1.Open the Manufacturing Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Manufacturing Entry)
2.Enter or select the transaction to post.
3.Choose Post to open the Manufacturing Posting window

4.The Select Line Information will display the line information selected in Manufacturing Entry.
5.Choose one of the following options:

  • Post Selected Line – When this is chosen, only the line displayed in the Selected Line Information section will be posted to inventory.

Posting of Produced Line Items will only be permitted after ALL consumed items have been posted.

  • Post All Consumed – When this is chosen, all of the items that are consumed (Consumed, Labor or Setup) during the transaction are posted to inventory.
  • Post Transaction – When this is chosen, the entire transaction will be posted to inventory.
  1. Choose Post to post the transaction.
    • System will not allow posting if transaction does not meet the following cost validations:
      • Zero Cost produced item(s).
      • If the produced item cost is greater than the Cost Warn Factor times the item's Standard cost, system will not allow posting and the item's Standard cost is not 0.00.
      • If the produced item cost is less than the Cost Warn Factor divided by the item's Standard cost, system will not allow posting and the item's Standard cost is not 0.00.
      • If the produced item cost is greater than the Cost Warn Factor times the item's Current cost, system will not allow posting and the item's Current cost is not 0.00.
      • If the produced item cost is less than the Cost Warn Factor divided by the item's Current cost, system will not allow posting and the item's Current cost is not 0.00.
    • Cost Validation Override, when the cost on a Produced Item doesn't fall within the warning range entered in Manufacturing Setup the user is able to override the Posting validation by marking the Cost Override checkbox on the line.
    • Manufacturing Edit list has been modified to include the warning for any Cost outside the range based on the Factor entered in Manufacturing Setup and for any item that has a $0 cost.

Reversing a Posted Transaction in Manufacturing Entry

1.Open the Manufacturing Entry window.
(Transactions>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Manufacturing Entry)

2. By default the system chooses the weight allocation method for allocating costs. Therefore it is recommended to have the Shipping Weight setup on Item Maintenance for manufactured items.
3.The Reverse Posted Transaction Icon becomes active when a new Mfg Number is determined. When selected the Manufacturing Hist Lookup window opens.

  • Select a posted Manufacturing Number and Click Select button.

4. The selected posted transaction will be returned to the Manufacturing Entry window as follows:

  • Previously Produced items will be changed to Consumed.
  • Previously Consumed items will be changed to Produced.
  • By default the Cost Method is Accrual and an Apply Cost is Weight.
    • If the Produced item does not have a cost, verify weight is entered for the item.
  • The Recipe Qty (if entered) is set to the negative amount of the original transaction.

5. When posted the lines will create inventory transactions that will offset the original transaction's posting.

Manufacturing Receipts Entry

Manufacturing Receipts EntryD2HML|C1H Manual

The Manufacturing Receipts Entry window provides a simplified method of creating and posting manufacturing transactions. This entry screen requires minimal data entry, requiring a recipe, creates a manufacturing transaction on-the-fly and posts immediately. If information such as lot numbers is required, the user will need to create the transaction in Manufacturing Entry.

Creating and Posting a transaction in Manufacturing Receipts Entry
  1. Open the Manufacturing Receipts Entry window.

(Transactions>>Cinch Manufacturing>>Manufacturing Receipts)

  1. Enter or select the Recipe ID the transaction is going to be based off.
  2. The Item Number and Description will display based on the Recipe ID, and cannot be changed.
  3. Enter the Recipe Qty.
  4. Enter or select the Batch Number for the transaction.
  5. The Site, Activity Code and Work Center will default in from the defaults set in Manufacturing Setup, but may be changed if necessary.
  6. Enter Reference that will be passed on to the Manufacturing transaction.
  7. Enter the User Defined fields that will be passed on to the Manufacturing transaction.
    • The field labels will be populated from Manufacturing Setup, User Def 1 and User Def 2 fields.
  8. The Print Edit List will become active if a transaction fails to post, this will allow the user to run the edit list to determine the manufacture transaction number(s) that needs attention.
  9. Choose the View Manufacturing Errors button (expansion button next to Recipe ID) to open the Manufacturing Errors window.

  • From here, the user may drill down on the Manufacturing Number to the Manufacturing Entry screen, and fix whatever may be missing or incorrect.
  1. Choose Post to post the transaction. If there are errors while posting, the Manufacturing Errors window will be displayed and the user can fix any remaining errors.

Chapter 4:Manufacturing Inquiries

This chapter will explain how to view Manufacturing Inquiries in the system.
The chapter is divided into the following parts:

D2HML|C1H Manual

Manufacturing Inquiries

Manufacturing Inquiry

Manufacturing Inquiry

D2HML|C1H Manual1.Open the Manufacturing Transaction Inquiry window.
(Inquiry>Cinch Mfg)

2. Mfg Number Expansion button opens the Manufacturing Transaction Inquiry.

Chapter 5: Manufacturing Reports

There are several reports that can be used to view the CINCH Software Process Manufacturing information.
The following table lists the processing manufacturing reports available in CINCH Software.

D2HML|C1H Manual

Manufacturing Reports

Printing Manufacturing Reports

Printing Manufacturing Reports

D2HML|C1H Manual
1. Open the Manufacturing Reports window.
(Reports>>Cinch Manufacturing)

2. To print the Manufacturing Activity report, complete the following options/restrictions:

  • Select the Destination of the report.
  • Choose one of the following sorts from the drop down list:
    • Date
    • Item Class
    • Item Number
    • Activity Code
    • Work Center
  • Enter the Restrictions for the report.
    • Select to Include Work, History or Both.
    • Enter or select a From and To Class, or leave the All Classes checkbox marked.
    • Enter the Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
    • Enter or select a From and To Item, or leave the All Items checkbox marked.
    • Enter or select a From and To Activity, or leave the All Activities checkbox marked.
    • Select a From and To Type, or leave the All Types checkbox marked.
  • Choose Print to print the report.

3.To print the Recipe Accuracy report, complete the following options/restrictions:

  • Select the Destination of the report.
  • Enter the restrictions for the report.
    • Choose to Include Work, History or Both
    • Enter the Date From and To dates, or leave the All Dates checkbox marked.
    • Enter or select the Recipe ID to report on. This field is required.
  • Choose Print to print the report.

Viewing Manufacturing Reports

The following are examples of each of the Manufacturing Reports:
Manufacturing Activity – By Date

Manufacturing Activity – By Item Class

Manufacturing Activity – By Item Number

Manufacturing Activity – By Activity Code

Manufacturing Activity – By Work Center

Recipe Accuracy

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