Ticket Entry - Applying Tickets to AGRIS Contracts

Ticket Entry - Applying Tickets to AGRIS Contracts

There are 4 options for contract application of the ticket at the scale.  The below are appear in rank order of common use (i.e., #1 is most common).


  1. The operator does nothing, all tickets apply to HOLD and the bookkeeper moves to the appropriate contract after tickets come in on Hold from oneWeigh.  This is most common as the contract is often not known by the driver upon arrival at country grain elevators.

  2. The operator selects Contract for application type at the scale. When the ticket is imported in the office it goes against the oldest outstanding contract for that commodity for that customer.  This works well as most want the customer to fill oldest outstanding contract first so there is no need to note the contract number at the scale.

  3. The operator selects Contract for application and enters a Contract Number in a field on the ticket, with no validation at the scale. 

  4. The operator selects Contract and utilizes contract schedule search in oneWeigh coupled with Data Replication Service (DRS) to keep contracts up to date at the scale.  This search opens into a view of the local oneWeigh AGRIS Contracts just like what the bookkeeper sees in Live (see image below).  Contracts at the oneWeigh are kept in synch with Live AGRIS via DRS and the operator selects from this up-to-date list.   


Please contact your Greenstone Customer Support or your Greenstone Account Manager if you need assistance to enable the DRS functionality to feed contract updates.  It is typically best to roll it out to one location first to perfect the process and then roll it out to the rest of your locations.