Guide Through oneWeigh [Quick Tip]

Begin New Day

  • Open AGRIS

  • Click on File

  • Begin New Day

Check the date to make sure it is the right day you are wanting, and click OK.

New Commodity Position Records Will Now be Created. Continue? Click Yes.

This will bring you back to the Main Screen.


Click on the oneWeigh icon to launch oneWeigh and go to Ticket Entry.




To Add a Ticket

On the Ticket Entry screen in oneWeigh click the Add button, or press the F2 key on the keyboard

To Edit a Vehicle

On the Ticket Entry Screen in oneWeigh click the Edit Vehicle button, or press the F3 key on the keyboard.

To Delete a Ticket

On the Ticket Entry screen click the Edit Vehicle button, or press the F3 key on the keyboard.


On the Vehicle screen click the Delete button, or press the F3 key on the keyboard.

If you want to delete the ticket, click on Yes, if not click on No.

To Add a Customer

On the ticket entry screen click the Customer button, or press the F5 key on the keyboard.

Enter a unique Name ID, then click the Droplist button, or press Enter on the keyboard.

Click Yes, or press Enter on the keyboard, if you want to add the Name ID to the Name ID list.

Enter the Customer information.

Name ID type is a required entry. Click the drop list button and then click the proper Name ID Type.

Click the Save button, or press the ATL/S keys on the keyboard.

To Add a Shipper

On the Ticket Entry screen click the Shipper button, or press the F6 key on the keyboard.

Enter a unique Name ID, then click the Drop list button, or press Enter on the keyboard.

Click Yes, or press Enter on the keyboard, if you want to add the Name ID to the Name ID list.

Click No, or press the Tab key then the Enter key on the keyboard, if you do not want to add the Name ID to the Name ID list. Enter the Shipper Information. Name ID type is a required entry. Click the Drop list button and then click the proper Name ID Type.

Click the Save button, or press the ATL/S keys on the keyboard.

To Print a Ticket

On the Ticket Entry screen click the Print button, or press the F8 key on the keyboard.

To Re-Print a Ticket

On the Ticket Entry screen click the More Options button and then the Reprint Ticket button, or press the F12 key and then the F9 key.

To View the Pending Ticket List

On the Ticket Entry screen click the View Tickets button, or press the F10 key on the keyboard.

To Weigh a Vehicle

On the Ticket Entry screen click the Weigh button or press the F12 key and then the F2 key on the keyboard.

To Reweigh a Vehicle with One Weight Already on the Ticket

On the Ticket Entry screen click the More Options button and the Reweigh button or, press the F12 key and then the F10 key on the keyboard.

A message box will appear asking to weigh again. Click No not to weigh or press Enter on the keyboard. Click Yes to weigh or press the Tab key then the Enter key on the keyboard.

To Reweigh a Vehicle with Two Weights Already on the Ticket

On the Ticket Entry screen click the Weigh button, or press the F12 key and then the F10 key on the keyboard.

A message box will appear asking you which weight does you want to replace and if the load is Inbound or Outbound. Click the correct answers and click the OK button or press Enter on the keyboard. If you do not want to Reweigh, click the Cancel button or press the Tab key then the Enter key on the keyboard.

To Manually Enter a Weight

Disconnect the interface cable from the scale indicator.

On the Ticket Entry screen click the Weigh button, or press the F12 key and then the F2 key on the keyboard.

A message box will appear indicating a scale port error. Click the Cancel button, or press the Tab key and then the Enter key on the keyboard.

This message box will appear when no automatic weights have been weighed. Enter the amount of weight and click OK or press Enter on the keyboard. To cancel, click Cancel or press Tab and then Enter key on the keyboard.

To Enter Bin Information

On the Ticket Entry screen double click on the Bin Display.

Choose the appropriate information and click Save, or press Alt/S on the keyboard.

To view a Bin go to More Options, and then click Bin Info. and select the Bin you want to view.

Press Exit to return to the Ticket Entry Screen.

-A.K. 4/11/24