AGRIS Customer Documentation
Execution Id's
Use Execution Ids to link transactions together by assigning a value to a common field called the Execution Id. A box in the Chart of Accounts determines if transactions are to be tracked for specific ledger accounts.
A report similar to a general ledger report or an income statement can be produced for each execution id. Transactions assigned to the same execution id are grouped together on the report. Since an execution id can represent a project or a piece of equipment, the profit/loss can be easily reported for the project or piece of equipment.
In order to produce any of the execution id reports, a work file containing the transactions must be created. The work file contains only those transactions that existed at time of the creation of the work file. Any transactions that are entered or posted in the dataset after the creation of the work file will not be included in the execution id reports. Purged and deleted transactions are not included in the work file. Since the work file may consume a massive amount of disk space, an option to delete the work file is provided. The work file should not be deleted until the appropriate reports have been generated.
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