8005 Error

8005 Error

Unable to Open Scale Com Port(x), Code = 8005 or 8020

Windows will not allow oneWeigh to access the port.


Windows often identifies the scale indicator hooked to the PC Com Port as a Serial Mouse

Another program could be open and have exclusive access to the Com Port

The Com Port could be damaged

Complete the following steps to correct this error:

  1. Exit out of ticket entry and close agris to the Windows Desktop.

  2. Go to your Windows search bar and type in “Device Manager” and select it.

  3. Select MICE & OTHER POINTING DEVICES from the hardware menu.

  4. Find a device called MICROSOFT SERIAL BALL POINT.(If not found go to end of this article)

  5. Right click on this device and choose DISABLE, answer YES to are you sure.

  6. Be sure to disable the device, do not remove device.

  7. Close out and open agris and then ticket entry.

Error will not occur again when disabled is chosen. If removed, Windows will find device again when PC is re-started.

If Serial Mouse is not found:

  1. Open Agris

  2. Go to One > Setup Info > Connection Summary

  3. Select the scale having the issue

  4. Note what comm port it has selected

  5. Exit out of ticket entry then agris

  6. Go to your Windows search bar and type in “DEVICE MANAGER” and select it.

  7. Select “Ports (COM & LPT)”

  8. Find the comm port it is using

  9. Right click it and select “DISABLE”, answer YES to are you sure

  10. Right click again and select “ENABLE”

  11. Reopen agris and then ticket entry

  12. If error persist please contact support at 1 (800) 366-2474 or my.support@culturatech.com

Verify that Com Port is operational and not damaged.

NOTE: This behavior may also manifest as an 8012 error.

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Using the 'display live scale weight option' can sometimes cause this error. Upgrading to V9.5.0.16 or higher is recommended if using this feature.

Monday, 21 February 2011 Posted by: DREW NORRIS

May also be reported as a 'COM Error' if using the live scale weight option in the chalkboard.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013 Posted by: DREW NORRIS

The 8005 error has also been observed when multiple devices are configured in oneWeigh to all use the same COM port. At it's basic level, the 8005 error simply indicates that the port we're trying to use is already open and is generally due to other program or process accessing the port already.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 Posted by: DREW NORRIS

We have recently had a couple if instances where Vertical Scale software ( competitors scale program) is loaded on the pc. In the startup folder there were 2 files running, Scaletrac and Scalewgh (sp). That software grabs com port and will not release. Uninstalled anything related to Vertical and Scale trac and we were good.

Thursday, 24 September 2015 Posted by: Larry Karraker

8020 error resolved by updating the windows driver for the Profilic USB to serial adapter.

Monday, 24 April 2017 Posted by: Larry Karraker

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