Basic 429 Launching AGRIS on a Single PC

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Basic 429 Launching AGRIS on a Single PC

This generally indicates a problem that may be caused by a corrupt install or a COM+ issue on the client workstation.

Try reinstalling AGRIS on the client machine by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Start - (Settings) - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs

  2. Select AGRIS and click Remove

  3. Select the Reinstall option when prompted and click Next

  4. Click Finish when the reinstall is complete

  5. Reboot the machine

If reinstalling does not correct the error, ensure that COM+ is working correctly by checking the following:

  1. Click Start - (Settings) - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Component Services

  2. On the right-hand side of the window, double-click on (Component Services) - Computers - My Computer - COM+ Applications

  3. Right-click on Agris_ABS and select Start

  4. If Agris_ABS starts successfully, then the ball with the ‘+' should begin rotating.  This indicates that COM+ is working as expected and is not likely the source of the problem.

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