On Screen Verses Printed Position

AGRIS Customer Documentation

On Screen Verses Printed Position

Instructions for correcting on Screen Position verses Printed Position

Step 1: Print the hedge position report by commodity and by location

1.Go to: Grn > Commodity Position > Hedge Report > 1)Print Standard Reports > 1) Hedge Position Report

2. Enter Commodity and Location

You can also run the Hedge Position report for all locations and commodities.

3. If the position is off and you’re working with several locations, leave the location code blank & enter through the report to the “Subtotal & Other Options” page and change the subtotal Option to a 1 for Location Codes. This will give you a page for each location & a grand total page of all locations rolled into one.

Step 2: Verify Cash and Basis Positions Match

  1. Go to: Grn > Commodity Position > Position Inquiry

2. Select the correct Commodity


3. Select the Location from the hedge report


4. Verify the totals from the hedge position report to totals on your screen

In the above example the totals match for basis and cash position.


The following example shows when the totals do not match; the cash position and Basis position are both off.

Step 3: Correct Positions

  1. To correct the positions, highlight the Cash Position Line and use ALT & E (this will open up the last column to make changes).

2. Select Ok.

3. Verify that your cash Position and Basis position match.

Do this for each location and commodity.


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