Customized Financials

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Customized Financials

AGRIS General Ledger Customized Forms

  • Provide an understanding of how financials reports work

  • Work through the creation of a simple Asset Income Statement such as a Trucking Income Statement using Summary Accounts.

  • Provide an understanding of location groupings for unique financial statements.

  • Work through the creation of a simple Gross Margin Report

This document will go over the basics of using summary accounts, forms and location groupings to create unique financials such as:
  Asset Income statement (such as Trucking P&L)
  Grain P&L vs. Retail P&L vs. Regional P&L
Gross Margin report

How Financials Work:

The Balance Sheet and the Income statement print in the order of the account codes. The reports follow the numerical listing of the account numbers.

You can print financials in this order that provide detail down to the PFC (Profit Center) or that summarize with the smallest amount of detail by Profit Center.

Here is an example of the Header/Footer Financial to Level 3 if you select the "Print Total Information Only?"

Flow through Logic of Financial Forms

  1. User selects to print a financial report.LDG >Financial Reports > Print Financial

  2. The AGRIS report is selected.Each report has a form attached to it.There are two standard forms that you cannot delete plus the Custom forms.

  3. When you choose the income or balance sheet form, then it prints the accounts in their ledger account number order based on the starting number of the account number. Each starting number is assigned to either an Balance Sheet classification or an income statement classification.

  4. After selecting the form in the report writer, it is hard-coded to that report.You only see this option in report writer.

  5. Then you decide to print only header and footer totals OR to print down to detail code or profit center detail.

  6. And you have a working financial.

Custom Financial:

The numerical listing of the Chart of Accounts controls how a financial prints.
But there are other types of financials you may want to create that are NOT in the order of the Chart of Accounts. For this reason we have the ability to custom define financial forms that would print only the accounts we need & in the order that we request.

How AGRIS Standard Forms Work:

The Standard financial forms you print from AGRIS will always print things in the order of the chart of accounts.

  • Balance Sheet Form – Prints all the balance sheet accounts in the numerical chart order.

  • Income Statement Form – Prints all the income statement accounts in the numerical account order.

These two forms are hard-coded in AGRIS.

How AGRIS Custom Forms Work:

The custom financial forms allow you to put accounts in whatever order you want them to print.
For Example: I want a Truck Income Statement. I want to see all the income that was delivered with all the truck expense for repairs & maintenance.





  5. TRUCK EXPENSE– 6490


These accounts are not next to each other in a chart of accounts. You can design a form to place them in the order I want them. Then create a user-defined financial using this Truck Form of accounts that places things in the order I need.

Why Custom Forms need Summary Accounts:

The Chart of Accounts is set up for Header & Total Accounts that will give you totals of accounts. The custom forms have the ability to add Format accounts for titles but nothing that would give a sum total of accounts in the list.
The Summary accounts allow you to add accounts together to get totals.

Steps for Creating Custom Financial:

  1. Design the form free-hand or have an example of a form you are trying to mimic. You can use a form that is already defined in AGRIS.

  2. Determine what accounts you want on the report.

  3. Create the summary accounts to give you the totals you need.

  4. Create the form using your Ledger Accounts & Summary accounts to create the sorting order of the accounts.

  5. Create a user-defined report that uses the custom form.

  6. Calculate Balances

  7. Print financials.

Create Trucking Income Statement

Step One: Design Form Free-Hand

Do a quick sketch of what you are wanting. It may just be a listing of the Chart of Accounts with the accounts you want to print circled or it may be a copy of an old financial form you use to use.
IncomeSERVICES - TRUCKING – 4340-QGTRUCKING INCOME– 4605=========================Total Income ExpensesSERVICES - TRUCKING COS – 5340-QGTRUCK FUEL EXPENSE– 6485TRUCK EXPENSE– 6490TRUCK LICENSES EXPENSE- 6500==========================Total Expenses==========================Net Profit

Step Two: Determine your Accounts

Looking at your example, figure out what accounts you want from the Chart of Accounts. Then looking at these, what totaling of these accounts do you want. These will be the summary accounts.
We need a summary account for:Total incomeTotal ExpensesNet profit

Step Three: Setup the Summary Accounts

LDG – Maintenance Options – Summary Accounts

Add New Summary Account Setup

  1. A summary account consists of a "header" and list of "detail" lines. The header is information common to the associated detail lines.

  2. The Add New Summary Account option on the Summary Accounts Sub-menu displays the first screen in the Add New Summary Account series.

  3. Type a character from A through Z in the Summary Level input field. A coding scheme of summary levels should be determined prior to creating the first summary account. A way to visualize summary levels is that level B summary accounts are nested inside level A summary accounts, and level C summary accounts are nested inside level B summary accounts.

  4. Type a summary code in the Summary Code input field to identify the summary account. This field and the Summary Level field identify a specific summary account as a unique account. A1000, B1000, and C1000 are three separate summary accounts. The Summary Level and Summary Code fields are available for range selection in the Summary Accounts Report.

  5. Type a descriptive title in the Description input field. The title assigned here appears on various screens and reports.

  6. The Insert Button will allow you to add/insert new accounts into the summary account. As indicated at the bottom of the screen, type 1 for posting or 2 for summary account in the Account.

  7. Delete Button will allow you to select a line in the account to delete.

  8. Continue Button saves your work.

  9. Cancel Button exist the summary account without saving your changes.

Step Four: Setup the Form

LDG – Financial Reports – Form Definition

  1. Form Maintenance – will take you to adding/editing forms.

  2. Delete Form – will allow you to delete a form.

  3. Resequence Form – when adding accounts, you have to number each line. You might go 10,20,30 but then later find you want to insert accounts in between 10-20. You need 11-accounts added & you only have 9-lines. Resequence will let you start your numbering of lines again with a different gap.

  4. Copy Form – makes a copy of an existing form so you don't always have to start form scratch.

  5. Print Form Definition – Prints a copy of the forms to paper.

Form Maintenance

  1. Select form maintenance.

  2. Select the form code to edit or enter a new code to start a new form.

  1. I inserted the TRK.

  2. Form Code displays at top of form with Description.

  3. Report Type – you must select a report type if adding new form.

  4. Edit Button – allows you to select a sequence line & change the settings for that line.

  5. The Save button allows you to save the form.

  6. Insert Button allows you to insert new posting or summary or format accounts into the form.

  7. Delete button allows you to remove a line from the form.

  8. Cancel button will exit you from the form without saving your changes.

Sequence Number - input field is open only when inserting (adding) a new sequence line. Type the desired sequence number in the space provided.
Since the Sequence Number field controls the order of appearance of accounts on the financial form, the sequence numbers should be assigned in the desired order and with enough space to insert more lines in the future. Although the Resequence option is not a time-consuming process, assigning the sequence numbers in increments of 100 provides space to insert an additional 99 lines between each existing sequence number before having to use the Resequence option.
Type of Account - Type 1 for detail or 2 for format account
1 = A detail account may be either a posting account from the Chart of Accounts or a previously defined summary account.
2 = A format account is defined on the next screen as either a header or a total account.
Before/After This Line - As indicated in the Before/After legend box, the user may control the printing and appearance of the account when printing a financial statement. For example, sub-total accounts may be printed with a single underline while totals and grand totals may be printed with a double underline. If needed, a blank line or a new page may also be included in the account definition.
Reverse Sign on Value? - The minus sign may be included in the printing of accounts with credit balances. The default value established in Setup Information may be overridden on specific sequence lines. A positive response to the question "Reverse sign on value?" omits the minus sign when printing a credit balance for this account. A negative response to this question outputs the minus sign in front of the credit balance. So if the account normally has a credit balance, like sales income, AGRIS will place a minus sign on the amount because it's a credit balance. But if your staff sees a minus sign on Fuel Sales Income, they are going to think they are losing money instead of making money. So the rule is to answer Yes on any account that maintains a credit balance, such as liabilities, equity, income, contra-revenue, & contract-expense accounts.
Detail Account

Reference Code Type - type 1 for posting or 2 for summary.
Posting = will allow you to key or search ledger account codes.
Summary = will allow you to key or search for the summary level & code.
Review the identifying description. A positive response to the confirmation question "Is this correct?" adds the sequence line to the financial form if the form is "saved" and redisplays the summary screen. A negative response to this question repositions the cursor for further action.
Format Account

Format Type - Type 1 for a header account or type 2 for a total account.
Header Account – will begin an accumulation for totals.
Total Account – will give the final amount of the accounts from the header to the total account.
Format Level - controls the accumulation of totals and sub-totals and the indention from the left margin on custom financial forms. Type the format level in the space provided. The balances in all posting accounts inside a bracket are accumulated for subtotals. The brackets within brackets are also accumulated for subtotals. A rule to remember: A lower level number indicates a larger, more encompassing bracket than a higher level number. Format levels are zero through nine (0-9) and the pound sign (#), which is similar to the zero level in that a major total is produced. The accumulation process does not reset to zero in the pound sign format level.
Description – title of the format account that will be printed on financial statements using this custom financial form.

Step Five: Create User-Defined Report for Custom Form

Access the Report Writer of the Financial Reports menu option.
Insert a new report & copy from an existing one, either standard or user-defined. It's always easier to copy from a report & tweak it than it is to start from scratch.

Setup Title Screens

These screens show you the basic information you see in any AGRIS report writer.

Define Print Fields

Not Needed for this Example.
Define Calculation Fields
Not needed for this Example.

Assign Form

Assign either the standard forms, Balance Sheet or Income Statement, or use the Custom Form option.
If you select 3) Custom Financial Forms, you will be able to key/search for one of your custom forms.
Remember the form is how your accounts will print vertically on the report.
Select the 3) Custom Financial FormsThen the new Form Code TRK

Range Selection Criteria

Key in any information you want to default each time you run the report.
The user will be able to blank out anything you key if they edit the parameters upon report selection.

Additional Options

Description Line #1-#3 – Key any information you want to print in the upper-left-hand corner of the form. This might be information regarding the ledger period, for example, end of quarter.
I would recommend keying in PRELIMINARY – PRELIMINARY – PRELIMINARY in this area so that you can print the financials for preview & having something permanently on the document warning yourself & manager that you are still looking at balances.
Apply Conversion Factors to Amounts? – allows you to divide the amounts on the report by a factor so that you are not displaying down to the penny.
Print Lines with Zero Value? - includes accounts with a zero balance in the report. A negative response to this question excludes accounts with a zero balance from the report.When designing a report for the first time, answer YES to this so that you can see that everything is going to print in the correct space.
Print Total Information Only? – excludes posting accounts from the report.It Only prints the headers and footers on the report.

Financial Statement Detail

Field Name – all the fields that you can be given a place to print across the horizontal range of the paper
Note that by scrolling down this screen you will see the fields that we defined in Field Definition along with the fields that we created using Calculate Fields.
Column – the report is broken down to columns going across a page. The number of columns is defined under the <Options> button. Each field that is to print must have the column number keyed that it should start printing in.
Size – how many positions/columns will this field take up on the report.
Decimal – how many decimal positions will this field use.
Type – controls whether this is a character or number field. If number, then it defines commas printing for thousand amounts or dollar signs printing. You can also set a field to NOT print here if the amount is zero.

Step Six: Calculate Financial Balances

The Calculate Account Balances option extracts information from the general ledger files which is used to calculate account balances and builds a work file for use in producing the financial reports/statements. The work file combines information for use in the Financial Reports option that was extracted from the YTDENTRY.LDG (journal entry) file, PRIORBAL.LDG (prior year journal entry) file, and YTDBUDGT.LDG (budget information) file.
Once the information has been extracted, it remains unchanged in the work file for producing the various financial statements until the work file is either deleted or a new work file created. If the balances in the general ledger change as a result of additional journal entries being posted or reversed in the current or prior journal periods, or if the budget information is changed, then extracted information is no longer accurate. The Calculate Account Balances option must be completed again.

Step Seven: Print the New Financial

Your custom financial will always be under the User-Defined reports.
Select the report to print from the list of user-defined forms

Adjust the Range Selection Criteria & additional Options.

Select your printer & print.

Income Statement – Trucking Income Example

Location Groupings for Unique Financials

Each location can be associated with up to five location groups. Each location group is alpha-numeric, up to five characters. These groups allow reporting by locations not sequentially numbered.
This is especially useful when reporting by enterprise, region, or manager; such as: feed – fuel – agronomy - grainNorth – South – East – WestDave Thompson – Bill Mueller – Elizabeth Simpson
Reports can then be based on the location group rather than a range of locations. And this functionality extends to financial reports.

Define Location Groupings

AGRIS > Maintenance > Location Maintenance > Select Location
Each location has 5 groupings that can be defined to that location.

This function of AGRIS has no pre-defined fields or setup.
The fields will always be named Location Group A through Location Group E.
We do not have an option to change that title.
The values in those fields are not searchable and do not have pre-defined setup.
So they must be keyed in correctly each time and when you use them, you must know what you are keying in.
I suggest setting up a master key and placing it as a background image of your dataset or as a note in the FAQ that a user can print out and place around their keyboard.
To give you an example of a background image might look like:

How to Use Location Groupings in Financials

This Location Group option is available on any AGRIS report, but we will focus on the financials.
AGRIS > LDG > Financial Reports > Print Financial
Select your report to print.
Hit the <Locations> button

Then key in your Location Group range.

AGRIS will produce a report that includes all locations with the AGY classification in the location Group A of each location code.

Creating a Gross Margin Statement Example

The gross margin statement that can be created in AGRIS is comprised of summary accounts, placed on a form, and then attached to a report.
It is one of the more complex custom financial reports that can be designed as it uses the Report Print fields to print unique accounts horizontally across a report based on if they are in the summary account designed on the form.
The following pages will repeat some of steps we covered in building a Trucking income Statement. Please refer back to those pages for detail on what is glanced over in the following steps.

Step One: Design Form Free-Hand

Do a quick sketch of what you are wanting.
I would recommend inserting a new AGRIS dataset and loading the ledger defaults. Then printing off the example of a gross margin statement there.

Step Two: Determine your Accounts

Looking at your example, figure out what accounts you want from the Chart of Accounts.
Use the default lodaed ledger to create a setup to mimic.
For gross marins you are going to have a summary account that includes every income, cost, and asset that relates to that product cateogry grouping.
For example: Fertilizer gross margin will have the inventory asset, the inventory sales, and the cost of sales.

Step Three: Setup the Summary Accounts

LDG > Chart of Accounts > Summary Accounts > Add New Summary Accounts.
See Step Three of trucking income for field detail.

Step Four: Setup the Form

LDG – Financial Reports – Form Definition – Form Maintenance – Key in new form code.

Step Five: Create User-Defined Report for Custom Form

Access the Report Writer of the Financial Reports menu option.AGRIS > LDG > Financial Reports > Report Writer > Insert >
Copy from existing standard Gross Margin Report

Insert a new report & copy from an existing one, either standard or user-defined. It's always easier to copy from a report & tweak it than it is to start from scratch.

Setup Title Screens

Define Print Fields

This is already set up on all financial reports. This screen allows you to create two fields for each account balance, the beginning balance & the ending balance turning each account into two unique values. The basic work of this screen is done. The only time to edit it would be to control the group of account information to print if you have multiple account types in a summary code.

For example, your gross margin summary account includes:
Inventory asset
Inventory sales
Inventory cost of sales
Summary account total
In printing a gross margin we want columns to print for each summary account saying:

You can see the summary accounts but I have to be able to break out Beginning Inventory or Cost of Sales which are portions of summary account. Define Print Fields allows for this.
Look lets drill down into line 4)

Usually, you would only change the Account Group on any of the fields that may be printing. This gets it to look at just the type 5…cost of sales… or type 4…Sales accounts… that make up a total summary account.
Field Name – Title of the new field you are defining
Reporting Period – each time you print a financial you have to recalculate balances. The Reporting Period is referring to the calculated balance.Current or prior balances of the period or Year-to-date
Data – Allows you to select the type & amount/quantity to print.
Type of Data
A - Actual – change for this month
B - Beginning Balance – the beginning balance of the account
D – Budget – Budget amount on the account
E – Ending Balance – the ending balance of the account
F – Forecast – the forecast amount on the account.
Account Group – this is where you select what accounts to pull from the summary account to create a new field. These codes are associated with the account definitions that were done in setup.

  1. Define Calculation Fields

Now that the new fields are defined, there is where you can use them in calculations. The example above is for a gross margin report.
We are taking our newly defined fields & using the calculation fields to give them a different title & create new fields.
Purchases are a field that is backed into in this example: We do not have a purchases account. We represent the purchases by:
Ending Inventory
PlusCost of Sales
LessBeginning Inventory
Other fields are being multiplied times 1.0 so we can create different titles for the field other than what was defined on the previous screen.

Assign Form – pick the GMEX you designed.

Range Selection Criteria – key in any ranges you want to limit to.

Additional Options – answer YES to print zero balances and other detail you may want.

Financial Statement Detail – If you are using the existing standard report to create, then the columns and field positions are already designed.

Step Six: Calculate Financial Balances

As this is a new form, re-calculate the financials.See Truck Income Statement example for detail.

Step Seven: Print the New Financial

Your custom financial will always be under the User-Defined reports.

Gross Margin Report Example

~ Document Written By: Alisa Mueller 10/2014

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