AGRIS Customer Documentation

Running an Income Statement by Location

How to run an Income Statement by location


  1. Calculate account balances in LDG > Financial Reporting > Calculate Account Balances

    1. image-20240618-205221.png

  2. Run the income statement by going to LDG > Report Manager > Financial Reports > 1. Print Standard Reports and choose the income statement to run

    1. image-20240618-205329.png

  3. Use the G/L Location Filter to filter by location. Each location will need run separately

    1. image-20240618-205419.png

Note: Ledger accounts in the Chart of Accounts must be flagged to allow financial statements by location for this to work.


Another income statement option is LDG > Report Manager > Advanced Reports > 1. Print Advanced Reports > 2. Income Statement (Multi Period Financial Form) and this also has location filters.

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