AGRIS Customer Documentation

Financial Statements not Printing Balances: Fast Things to Check

Fast things to check when balances are not printing on a financial statement


  1. Have SJIs been run and posted to the ledger for the period being analyzed?

    1. Go to LDG > Select Journal Period and select the period being worked on.

      1. image-20240610-191818.png


    2. Go to LDG > Journal Entries > System Journal Entries and posted entries.

      1. This will not duplicate entries if this step has been done previously

      2. image-20240610-191751.png

  2. Was Calculate Account Balances run for the proper period?

    1. Go to LDG > Financial Reporting > Calculate Account Balances

      1. image-20240610-191920.png


    2. Choose option 1 to calculate prior period comparatives, option 2 to calculate prior year comparatives, or option 3 to calculate current information only.


  1. Try rerunning the financial statement

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