File Types

AGRIS Customer Documentation

File Types

The following types of files may exist within the AGRIS\DATASETS folder or a numbered subfolder. The file types listed here refer to the file extensions unless otherwise noted. DATABASE FILES:

  • Package Files = These are actual database tables and contain data prevalent to the package they are associated with (i.e. ACP files refer to data in the Accounts Receivable Package). These files are critical to AGRIS running successfully.

    • ACP = Accounts Payable System

    • ACR = Accounts Receivable System

    • AGR = System Files (used to track licensing, security, system parameters, errors, etc.)

    • AGY = AgroGuide

    • BIN = Storage Management System

    • BLK = bulkWeigh

    • BNK = Bank Management System

    • CFT = Electronic Data Interchange

    • DTR = Data Transfer System

    • GRN = Commodity Management System

    • INV = Inventory Management System

    • LDG = General Ledger System

    • NAM = Name/Address System

    • ONE = oneWeigh

    • PAT = Patronage Accounting System

    • PAY = Payroll Accounting System

    • POS = AGRIS Point of Sale

    • SJI = System Journal Interface

  • ^^^ = Pervasive Delta files. These are generated when the Pervasive Backup Agent is in use and files are being updated. These files track the changes made to the files that are being backed up. The data from these files should automatically be appended to the original file when the backup is complete or when the file is next accessed.

  • ^01, ^02, ^03, etc. = When Pervasive data files exceed 2GB in size, the original file is capped at 2GB and the additional data is created that has the same name of the file, but an *.^01 extension (i.e. TICKETS1.GRN and TICKETS1.^01). If the *.^01 file exceeds 2GB in size, then an *.^02 file is created and so on. With the AGRIS V9.5.0 release, which runs on PSQL V10, we recommend unchecking the "Limit Segment Size to 2GB" setting. By unchecking this setting, applying the new value and restarting the PSQL engines, these types of files should be merged back into a larger master file the next time the file is rebuilt. Files are most commonly rebuilt automatically during dataset conversions.


  • AB~. = Files that begin with 'AB~', regardless of their extension, indicate temporary files that AGRIS creates automatically while performing operations such as building a report. These files are created by the system as needed and should be deleted by the system automatically as soon as the operation is complete. If the operation does not complete successfully, the AB~. files will remain in the numbered dataset folder. There is a utility in AGRIS that can clean up temporary files that are more than 3 days old, which can be accessed by clicking Utilities > Remove Temporary Files > OK.

  • RDF = Generated when graphic/advanced reports or HTML documents have been printed to the screen using the Preview option at the printing menu. As of V9.5.0.6 these files will use a naming convention of AB~.XML and thus be cleaned up with the cleanup utility in AGRIS (Utilities > Remove Temporary Files > OK{*}).

  • SW*.* = Files that begin with the letters 'SW' and are followed by 6 digits, regardless of their extension, indicate temporary files that AGRIS creates automatically while performing operations such as building a report. Some modules in AGRIS do not refer to all temp files as AB*.* and instead use SW*.* to denote the files as temporary work files. These files are created by the system as needed and should be deleted by the system automatically as soon as the operation is complete. If the operation does not complete successfully, the SW*.* files will remain in the numbered dataset folder.

  • WC*.* = Files that begin with 'WC', regardless of their extension, typically indicate work files generated automatically by the system. They should be cleaned up automatically when they are no longer needed, but this is sometimes not the case. Files with dates older than the current date can probably be safely deleted.

  • WS*.* = Files that begin with 'WS', regardless of their extension, generally refer to work files generated automatically by the system. They should be cleaned up automatically when they are no longer needed, but this is sometimes not the case. Files with dates older than the current date can probably be safely deleted.

  • XML = Extensible Markup Language files. Typically generated by AGRIS when document tracking is turned on. Various applications or utilities that rely on communication with AGRIS and require document tracking to on include iView, AIP, AgLogic, and automated blender controls. These files may also be created in relation to Fuel Connect, running the test harness utility within AGRIS, and when generating Active Forms (otherwise known as 'Graphic' Forms). As of V9.5.0.6 these files will use a naming convention of AB~.XML and thus be cleaned up with the cleanup utility in AGRIS (Utilities > Remove Temporary Files > OK{*}).


  • ### or L## (001, 013, H10, I13, etc.) = These files are reports that were sent to the report spool. They generally start with a number and consist almost entirely of numbers with perhaps a few letters. When the dataset files are sorted by name, these files are normally placed before an of the package-specific database files (i.e. AGY, ACP, GRN). These reports can be deleted when they are no longer needed.

  • CSV = Comma separated value. These are generally reports generated by AGRIS that can be opened in a spreadsheet application such Excel. Files with this extension may also be import files for AGRIS.

  • DAT = Data files. These files may be associated with a variety of operations including file transformations, which may occur within the CFT/EDI package. File transformations take place when export files are created in AGRIS that can then be imported into another application such as Farm Plan, Agrimine, AAWCO Warehouse Examiners, etc.

  • TXT = These file types can result when non-graphic forms/reports that are previewed to the screen and then saved inside the dataset using the default file extension. Files with this extension may also be import/export files for AGRIS.

  • XLS = Typically created when a user creates a spreadsheet in AGRIS and then saves it as an XLS file instead of a CSV file. As with CSV files, these kinds of files may also be import files for AGRIS.


  • ARM = Agronomix Report Manager. These are files not used by AGRIS and are likely carryovers from the old version of the system.

  • DDF = Data dictionary files. These files are used when creating ODBC connections to the AGRIS database and should match the files in the AGRIS\DDF folder exactly.

  • EUD = Help file for dates (European version - i.e. December 31, 2007 = 311207)

  • FIL = These files are generally some kind of import/export file that is used by AGRIS. Most commonly ticket files coming from the oneWeigh package will have this kind of extension.

  • LOG = Log files that usually contain general information about operations.

  • PQT = Validation (import/export) files associated with the POS program.

  • RPT = Report files.

  • USD = Help file for dates (United States version - i.e. December 31, 2007 = 123107).

In addition to the files above, there are other file types that may be present in the AGRIS\USERPROG folder:

  • DAT = These may either be user-defined forms/reports themselves or related index files.

  • RPX = User-defined forms or reports.


~Document Written By Alisa Mueller

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