What are the Basic Patronage Processing Steps?

AGRIS Customer Documentation

What are the Basic Patronage Processing Steps?

Here is an overview of the basic steps to process Patronage:

Here are the more detailed Patronage Refund processing steps with the related navigation paths:

1.  Accumulate Patronage Activity

Verify that all names in name/address are flagged for “Accumulate Patronage”
All names will accumulate patronage. This makes it easier to balance the activity.
NAM > Name/Address > Name/Address Maintenance > Select Name > General Information
Note: These can be mass updated using Name/address export spreadsheets.

Verify that all commodity codes and product codes have been defined as patronage codes in PAT > Patronage Codes.

Accumulate your activity by month.
You can balance for the year but if there is a problem, it’s easier to find month by month.
PAT > Process Activity > Accumulate

2. Balance Patronage to Ledger

Balance Activity to Ledger.
Patron Activity Report – Pat > Report Manager > Activity Report > Standard > Product Activity Report (detail or summary)
INV Activity = Compare the Patron Activity to the Sales in ledger
GRN received activity = Compare patron activity to delivery sheet reports.
Grain Sold activity = Compare patron activity to settlement report.

Balance all activity so that you are paying out on the right amounts.

3. Compress Patronage Activity

Verify that all your name/address misc. fields are updated for patronage payment.
Beginning/Ending NAM Misc. Fields 1 through 6 are to be used to select the patrons for the payback.  An example would be Member flag versus Patron flag or “pay patronage” flag.
NAM > Name/Address > Name/Address Maintenance > Select Name > Reporting Codes.
Note: These can be mass updated using Name/address export spreadsheets.

Compress the activity to combine the monthly accumulations into a single record for the year
AND to update the activity with the Name Misc. fields.
AGRIS will payout patronage using these fields so you have to compress to get the right fields on the activity.
Pat > Process Activity > Compress Activity

4. Transfer patronage

Transfer activity for patronage transfers to move activity between names, such as partnerships where each partner collects the patronage.
Pat > Process Activity > Transfer Activity

5. Compress again, if needed

Compress activity again, if you need to update the NAM Misc. fields.
This function can be done repeatedly until you get the activity correct.

6. Setup Patronage refund and Integration

Setup your Patronage Refund
Pat > Setup > Patronage Refund

Verify your integration to AP.
PAT > Setup > System Integration

Verify that your patronage codes have the correct rates for payback.
PAT > Patronage Codes or Update Patronage Codes.

Run the Projected Refund Summary Report to Verify Dollars
PAT > Report Manager > Patron Activity > Projected Refund Summary report

7. Issue patronage Refund 

If everything is balanced and verified, then issue the dividends/equity for the accumulated patronage.
This creates Vouchers in A/P to be paid.
Pat > Patronage Refunds.

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