AGRIS Customer Documentation
Exec ID Workfile Defaults
When you build your exec id workfile using the old method or the new multiple method, a question will be asked IF you do NOT use the same dates that were last saved.
”Do you want these to be the new default parameters?”
A positive response to the question updates the default parameters in the CONSTSJI.SJI file. A message indicating that the default parameters have been saved is displayed.
A negative response to this question does not change the default parameters
Why is the workfile default important?
The default work file controls where the exec id report pull from.
The default work file controls what is used to build a workfile in a report stream.
How to Verify the Default
If the toggle to use Multiple Work Files is checkmarked for the dataset, then the report stream uses multiple work files
if the toggle is NOT checkmarked, then the report stream uses the old method of a single work file.
Based on the checkmark, AGRIS falls back on the defaults.
To see the default:
AGRIS > Reports > Advanced Reports > 1. Standard > 10. System Setup > fill in SJI to SJI for package parameters.
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Note that the Multiple Exec id parameters highlighted in turquoise.
To identify WHICH work file it is using, note the WORK_FILE_GUID
This long field marks the work file but to find if it’s work file J10 to J33, you need to look at the GUID that is stored on the J08EXCFG.sji file.
AGRIS > Maintenance > File Maintenance > Display Files > Select SJI > Select J08EXCFG.SJI
select Display file > click OK through all the options, taking the defaults > until you get to the DO YOU WANT HORIZONTAL SCROLLING?
Answer YES
Note the GUID id above and the highlighted box below. Now you have your link.
Scroll all the way over to the right. Then you can view the Work File Table Name.
now you know that 378A857D-9228-4A8D-8565-D907CED85F78 = J15
And now you know your default work table.
Created by AMueller
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