Reclassify Troubleshooting

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Reclassify Troubleshooting

Reclassify Troubleshooting



I reclassified a settlement, and instead of having an "N" on the check that needed to be redone, there was a "Y.” It sent the whole amount to an A/R to the producer, but really only needed a portion of that amount sent to the A/R for the producer.


After the reclassify was done, produce a new settlement & adjusted splits again. The good check amount was entered that amount as a payment to reduce the AR by that amount. Which left the amount of the check being reissued still in AR. Suggested creating a Credit Memo in AR. Those dollars need to go back to the bank account. Code the Credit Memo to the bank of the original check. Then apply Credit Memo to the open balance of the AR Invoice.



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