AGRIS Customer Documentation

Warehouse Receipts

Warehouse Receipts



How to enter WHR with direct tickets.



Enter Inbound & Outbound Direct Tickets. Enter a sales contract. Inbound ticket to apply to Open Storage, Outbound ticket to apply to Sale Contract. Produce Delivery Sheets on both Tickets. Produce a Sales Settlement for amount wired from Customer. Apply from Storage on Inbound to move from Open Storage to WHR.

When Loading Out against WHR, go to Apply From Storage & move from WHR to Open Storage the amount of bushels of WHR that have been Cancelled & returned. Apply Client Loadout of the Outbound Tickets to Remove from Storage.

*In this case it was agreed upon to only Apply 55,000 bu per barge, any bu over that amount was left in Hold. A Sale Contract will be written for an agreed upon price to Apply later. Client Loadout amounts will need to be Settled & at that time any charges to CME for Storage or Handling Fees can be added to create the Invoice.

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