KSI Blender Interface to AGRIS (AGS-25061)

AGRIS Customer Documentation

KSI Blender Interface to AGRIS (AGS-25061)


Provides customer with a new blender integration choice that is centralized and web based.


Integration Summary

Agroguide has been updated to support integration with KSI blender system.  Support includes sending planned formulation/blending information and receiving actual blending results.

KSI blender integration is based on Agroguide’s planned release concept and data exchange folder structure.  Agroguide writes payloads to KSITo folder and processes returned results from KSIFrom folder.

Payload exchange management is controlled by a new on-premise Agroguide blender agent service that communicates with KSI web based system.  Service sends payloads to KSI from KSITo folder, monitors KSI system for results, and writes KSI result payloads back to KSIFrom folder.

Agroguide’s auto control service monitors KSIFrom folder and posts actual blend results into data tables.

KSI Extended Option: SYS > Maintenance > Dataset Maintenance > Extended Options > AGY

Access to KSI integration is controlled by Agroguide extended option 20.


Automated Control Setup: AGY > General Setup > Automated Controls

  1. KSI automated control is designated by selecting KSI from Auto Blender Type dropdown list.

  2. Product cross reference, Setup button, is disabled for KSI auto blender type. KSI system is responsible for creating KSI’s internal product list.


Equipment Maintenance: AGY > General Setup > Equipment - Edit

  1. KSI equipment serial number supplied by KSI. Serial number is required input.

  2. Set weight and volume capacity to force Agroguide blending to calculate creating a single batch representing the entire blend. Sending single batch meets KSI’s requirement to receive the entire blend.

  3. Select KSI auto control from drop down list to associate blender equipment with KSI auto control.


Blending Screen - Blender Selection

  1. KSI blender assigned from blender drop down list.

  2. Number of batches should will default to 1 because the blender weight and volume capacity exceeds the blend weight and volume.

    1. Note: If number of batches is greater than1, manually reset to 1 in order to send entire blend to KSI in one batch.

Data Exchange

  1. Exchange File Folders
    - Exchange file folder location is identified in automated control setup. Folders must be created prior to assigning in automated control setup. Example folder names: Parent folder KSI with subfolders KSITo and KSIFrom.
    - Both the AGRIS system and the Agroguide blender agent must have full access rights to folders.

  2. Exchange File Naming Convention
    - KSITo files: AGRIS\KSI exchange file use the planned release file naming convention.
    XML[auto blender type][sequence number]_[dataset number]_[blend number]_[release number].xml
    Example: XMLKSI0000000001_044_0000096770_00000001.XML
    - KSIFrom files: Returned file has the same name as to file written by Agroguide in “to” folder.
    Note: With other planned release integrations, the returned files name would include the batch number. Adding batch number to file name feature, has been dropped because KSI does not support returning individual batches.

  3. Exchange File Data Elements
    - TenantId (New): The AGRIS dataset identifier. For MSSQL dataset, the true assigned Tenant Id. For PSQL dataset the Dataset Unique Id that appears in dataset maintenance or AGRIS help about report. Note: PSQL dataset unique id may be re-assigned. If re-assigned, AGRIS blender agent must be updated with new dataset unique id.
    - density and densityuom (New): Provided by Agroguide from product table. When KSI receives a product that is not in their product list, KSI will create the product and assign the product name, density, and density uom provided by Agroguide. Note: KSI does not support storing actual dry product density information. KSI requires dry product density to be set to 1 lb/gal. The AGRIS blender agent automatically sets the required dry product density information prior to submitting to KSI.
    - BatchNo: Batch number value remains set to “Planned” in exchange file returned by KSI. Results are returned as a single batch.

Installation & Implementation

AGRIS / KSI implementation consists of three parts, AGRIS install, Agroguide Blender Agent install and configuration, and KSI system configuration.

  1. AGRIS Install and Agroguide configuration: KSI support is available with the release of AGRIS 24.0 SU6 and later versions. Refer to sections above for Agroguide configuration setup.

  2. Agroguide Blender Agent install and configuration: Agroguide blender agent install and configuration is separate from the AGRIS install and Agroguide configuration.
    - Installation and configuration instructions are described in Confluence page “Cultura AGY Blender Agent Web Services Setup”.
    - Prior to installing, collect information from both AGRIS and KSI necessary to setup blender agent configuration. From AGRIS: Dataset Id (Tenant Id or Dataset Unique Id), dataset location codes, and auto control path. From KSI: API URL, Partner Name, Private Key, Public Key, and Machine serial number.



  3. KSI: External configuration controlled by KSI.


  1. Agroguide: Log entries are written to \Datasets\AgyAutoService.log file.

  2. Agroguide Blender Agent: Log entries are written to files located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agris-KSI.Agent.

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