Creating a Simple Crop Plan

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Creating a Simple Crop Plan


Use this job aid to create a simple crop plan in AgroGuide.  

To create a crop plan:

  1. From the Toolbar, select AGY for AgroGuide.

  2. From the AgroGuide menu, select AgroGuide.

  3. On the AgroGuide Tree window, select a client from the entity tree, and then select the farm, field, or subfield for the crop plan.

  4. Click the Crop Plan button in the lower left section of the AgroGuide Tree window to display the AgroGuide Crop Plan window with the selected Client, Farm, Field, and Subfield displayed.

  5. Click New.

  6. In the Crop Plan Name box, the default crop plan name can be edited by typing a new name for the crop plan, up to 50 characters.

  7. If crop plans have been previously defined for the land entity, you can select one of them as the basis for the new crop plan using the Defined Crop Plans drop-down list.

  8. Or, in the Crop box, select a crop from the drop-down list of crops defined for the agronomy system.

  9. Update the Crop Year box if needed. Note: The default crop year is set to the current year if the current month is January through August. If the current month is September through December, the default crop year is set to the next year.

  10. The area box contains the area of the land entity, as set up on the AgroGuide Tree window, but can be updated as needed.

  11. In the Previous Crop box, use the drop-down list to (optional) select the previous crop for the land entity.

  12. In the Previous Yield box, you can (optional) type the yield obtained from the previous crop.

  13. In the Soil Test box, use the drop-down list to select from the list of available soil tests. A farm level crop plan allows selection of soil tests for the client or farm. A field level crop plan allows selection of tests for the client, farm, or field. A subfield level crop plan allows selection for the client, farm, field, or subfield.

  14. In the Recommendation box, use the drop-down list to select a recommendation for the crop plan. This populates the Nutrients and Products & Services grids on the window. Note: Recommendations are set up using the AgroGuide – Recommendation Systems window under Crop Plan Setup.

  15. Update any of the Nutrient or Product and Service information as needed for the new plan. Add additional nutrients to the crop plan by clicking the Add drop-down below the list of included nutrients. Add additional products and services by clicking the Add drop-down below the list of included treatments.

  16. Click Ok to save the new crop plan and exit the window, or click Apply to save the plan and remain on the AgroGuide – Crop Planning window.

A concise financial analysis of the crop plan can be calculated for the selected crop plan:

  1. Click the Financial Analysis Tab.

  2. In the Price Level box, use the drop-down list to select the level to use for this crop plan.

  3. In the Price Schedule box, use the drop-down list to select the schedule to use for this crop plan. Note: Price levels and schedules are set up in the Inventory package. Individual unit prices for items on the sales order can be adjusted using the Sales Order tab.

  4. Click Apply to save the changes and recalculate the analysis.

After a crop plan has been created, you can generate a Sales Order for the plan:

  1. Click the Sale Order Tab.

  2. In the Price Level box, use the drop-down list to select the level to use for this crop plan, if it has not already been selected.

  3. In the Price Schedule box, use the drop-down list to select the schedule to use for this crop plan if it has not already been selected.

  4. In the Sales Order Location box, use the drop-down list to select the location to assign to the sales order.

  5. Click Create Sales Order.

  6. The sales order is created with the current date and the next available sales order number. Can also use the sales order tab to view the sales order or to remove individual items from the sales order.

Learn more about Crop Plan feature:

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