AGRIS Customer Documentation
How To Correct A Customer and Position Out Of Balance
The following process must be completed when no processing is occurring in the commodity package.
Under GRN-Customer Status-Customer Status Reports-
Leave the Location code, commodity code, and customer name id blank for both beginning and ending unless you are running it for a specific commodity/location.
Next answer Y to everything from No delivery sheet down to On HoldFor subtotal option select option 2 (Print Customer Subtotals Only)
For "Print Totals By Storage Receipt Type?", answer N unless you are looking for specific receipt type being out of balance
For validate totals select Y
When choosing output device we should send this to Spool or to Screen/Notepad (the report can be very large; if sending to Spool first then print it to Screen/Notepad from there)
Once it appears scroll or page down to the last page of the report. This page shows the totals for each Location/Commodity. A * symbol after any amount means that at least one customer is out of balance under that application.
Scroll through the report under the Applications that are out of balance and note the Customer ID's. They will also show a * symbol by their balances. Remember there could be more than one Name ID out of balance.To correct the out of balances, in GRN-Customer Status-Customer Status-Put in a P for Purchase and enter the first Customer Name ID that is out of balance.
Drill into the commodity and application type, you will probably get a message that says no records found
Hit the Back button, it will come up with a separate window saying it is out of balance do you wish to correct? Answer Y.
After fixing all out of balance accounts or if there were none, rerun above report using option 3 (Grand totals page only)
Under GRN-Commodity Positions- Position Inquiry-Select the Commodity and Location. Get to the screen where you have your previous date, Increase, decrease, adjustment and current position date columns. Compare the far right column, which is your current position date, to the figures on the Customer status report. The No delivery sheet figure on the report will not tie to anything in position inquiry. Add the Unpaid and Delayed Price figures together to compare to the Company Owned Unpaid figure on the Position Inquiry. Everything else should have a direct match from the report to the screen positions.
If the position does not match, use the Alt-E on the Keyboard. Alt E is a secured function and appropriate security is needed. This will open up the Increase and the current position columns. In the far right column, which is the current position date, blank out the incorrect total and put in the total from the report. Hit enter. The correct figure will now be displayed.
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