AR Aging for Prior Period

AGRIS Customer Documentation

AR Aging for Prior Period

Customer Question:  We are wondering if it is possible to run a report to go back about a year or so for each month for the balance for one months old, two months old, and three+ months for our ACR reports.

What we would like is the ability to go back into last year at (example:  March 2018) and compare it to March of 2019 etc.


AGRIS Solution:

Age AR for the desired month.  In Accounts Receivable go to Account Processing and select Aging & Finance Charges.  Set the response to the question Calculate Finance Charges/Interest Credits/Historical Balances to N = No.  Click on OK.  In the screen print below I used a date of 033118. 


Confirm this is the date you want to use by hitting yes

Do not set as default for every time you run aging by hitting no

You have now aged for the prior month.

Next, print an AR Aging Report for the above month.  There are found ACR>Report Manager>AR Balance Reports. You can select the one you wish to use based on your reason for needing the report.

Open the report and move to the screen titled Subtotal & Other Options.  If you only want totals set the response to Print A/R Balance Detail to N = No.


On the next screen titled Additional Options, set the response to the question Calculate Ledger Reconciliation to Y = Yes.  Click on OK.

On the next screen set your Calculate Balance As of to the desired date and then print your report for the totals you want to compare.



~ Written by Phil Lehnhausen 


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