How to Reverse Finance Charge Invoices

AGRIS Customer Documentation

How to Reverse Finance Charge Invoices

How to Reverse Finance Charges from ACR

For instances such as running finance charges twice or encountering an error when processing


  1. Run an AR invoice report to obtain the finance charge invoice numbers:

    1. ACR > Report Manager > AR Invoice Reports > 1. Standard > 2. Monthly Invoice Register.

    2. Filter by ledger date (What ledger date was put on the finance charges when they were ran? Put that date here)

    3. For document type at the bottom of the first page, input 3 to 3 for finance charge invoices only.

  2. Find the beginning and ending invoice numbers for the range of finance charges that need reversed. Write this down.

  3. Now go to ACR > Invoices / Credit Memos > Invoice Maintenance > 4. Void Manual Invoices > 2. Void Multiple Manual Invoices.

    1. Input the reverse date as the same date as the ledger date from when finance charges were run. This will allow the invoice numbers to be reused

    2. Fill in beginning and ending location code used on the invoices

    3. Input the invoice number range from the AR invoice report written down in step 2

    4. Input the invoice ledger date

  4. AGRIS will ask if you want to reuse the invoice numbers. Then say Yes to void, and Yes to Are you sure.

  5. The finance charge invoices from that date are now voided.


Written by S. Pykare 8.23


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