Setting the document number range

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Setting the document number range

In certain instances, you may need to set or adjust the document number range for a transaction type.


  1. Navigate to Customize> Document Numbers


  2. Select the document type you need to adjust.

  3. Adjust your configuration as needed.



You can turn on document numbers by location but if you switch it back to “Not by Location”, all history is lost.

Make a printout of document number PRIOR to flipping on additional switches for document number control.

  • Allow Unique Range for Each location - Allows you to have a unique beginning/ending range for each location. A negative response allows the same range for all documents regardless of locations. But the location code is always saved with the location, so you could have document 000995 at multiple locations, but AGRIS will always see it as unique because of the location code it was saved to.

  • Allow Unique Range by Bank code? - This is applicable only to checks and receipts. It is not open for entry on all document numbers. If Yes, then your document numbers would be set by bank code. For example: each bank may have a check number 001000, but it is unique because of the bank and location it is saved to.
    Remember to have printed out document number setup BEFORE flipping the switch back and forth.

  • Allow Operator to Change Number? - If you response to the question “use last number to default next” is no, then this must be yes for the user to key in document number. If you are using pre-numbered forms, you will want your operator to be able to match document numbers in AGRIS to the actual number on the document. You will want this answered yes.
    Answering Yes, will open the field for entry during transaction entry. Answering NO, leaves this field as the default.
    Note that the last number used will update to what is keyed. This last number used is used to provide the next document number IF you answer YES to “use last number to default next”

  • Maximum Idle time in Seconds - Document Number timeout feature to help prevent unnecessary number locking.  Each document number setup has a timeout setting for the number of seconds to wait before escaping back a step.  When this is enabled, if a user gets to a document number field, such as a ticket or invoice number, then stops or walks away from their computer, it will wait the number of seconds indicated then automatically escape back one step.  This will free up the document numbers to be used by other users, and prevent a situation where all users are unable to get a new document number because one user has locked them out. 

  • Use Last Number to Default Next? - If yes, then the last number used is added to a value of 1 to default next document number. If no, then user will have to key in document number.
    IF using location or bank code to create a unique range, this first screen is just a general default that will be used if new locations are added.

  • Lowest number allowed and Highest number allowed - Some document (control) number input fields (such as delivery ticket number) may be set to accept only numbers or a combination of alpha-characters and numbers.  If the left-most position of a normally numeric input field contains an alpha-character, the software treats the associated document (control) number input field as an alpha-numeric input field.  For example:  the range 000001 through 999999 accepts only numbers and the range A00001 through A99999 accepts both numbers and alpha-characters.
    IF using location or bank code to create a unique range, this first screen is just a general default that will be used if new locations are added.


General Rules Regarding Document Numbers

  • If you strip a dataset for another company to use, you must reset the Last Document number used or they will start their document numbers where the last history finished.

  • If you add a new location to an existing dataset and are using Unique document number range by location, the range will default from the setup screen to that location-bank code by default. it must be edited to be unique.

  • Imports - If you import in documents with a document number (not letting AGRIS assign it) the import is NOT compared to the document number range defined in setup. We will import in ANY document number.

  • Imports - if you leave the document number blank on the import file (let AGRIS assign the document number) AGRIS will use the range setup AND update the last number used on the import.

  • Imports - Recommend letting AGRIS use it’s document number and placing the imported document number in THEIR ORDER NO field for reference.


Created by RShirley, Edited by AMueller


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