Voiding an Invoice in a Month Already Closed

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Voiding an Invoice in a Month Already Closed

How to properly void an invoice in a month that has had SJIs already run

This is the process for voiding an invoice that was keyed in a month that has already had the SJIs run with monthend processes completed to prevent an out of balance from the voided invoice not reaching the ledger through the SJI creation process.


In the current month that is not yet closed:


  1. Key an invoice for the negative amount of what was originally billed. This will return the product.

    1. The quantity and dollars will be negative. This should be done at the same price as what was originally billed so as to equally return the product to inventory.

    2. This will create a credit memo that will be applied to the invoice originally billed incorrectly and will zero it out.

      1. The credit memo can be applied immediately after the invoice is completed in invoice entry, or in ACR > Invoices / Credit Memos > Apply Credit Memos.

      2. If applying through ACR, apply the credit memo in the current month.

    3. The customer will see this negative invoice return on their statement.

    4. In the current month, rebill the invoice correctly. The customer will see the invoice was return then rebilled correctly on their statement.

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