Creating an Invoice - Invoice a Sales Order

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Creating an Invoice - Invoice a Sales Order


Use this job aid to invoice a sales order. A sales order commits inventory but does not relieve inventory until it is invoiced. If there are active sales orders for the Ship to Name Id on the invoice, a sales order number box will appear on the invoicing screen to be used to select sales orders for invoicing. You can invoice the entire sales order as is, invoice just specific items from a sales order.

Note:  To view more detailed information about buttons and features not covered in this job aid, refer to the Creating an Invoice - Charge on Account topic link below.

To invoice a Sales Order:

  1. From the Toolbar, click INV for Inventory.

  2. From the Inventory menu, select Invoices.

  3. From the Invoices menu, select Invoice Entry.

  4. In the Location Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the location code where you want to maintain the invoice, or type the location code where you want to maintain the invoice.

  5. In the Ship To Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the customer ordering the merchandise from your company, or type the customer ordering the merchandise from your company.

  6. In the Pickup/Delivery box, type P for pickup or D for delivery.  An entry P will apply state/county taxes from pickup location. An entry of D will apply the state/county taxes associated with the customer Name ID.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Review and edit any of the Price Level/Schedule, Invoice Terms, Invoice Type, State/County, Invoice Date, Ship date, Ledger Date. Click OK.

  9. If there are valid Sales Orders available for invoicing associated with the Name Id, an Order Number window displays.

  10. In the Loc box, the current location defaults, or you can click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the location code, or type the location code that will record the line item activity. The ledger account assigned to the CS system account code for cost of goods sold in SJI is affected at the location identified by the activity location code.

  11. In the Order Number box, click Lookup.  An order limiting criteria search screen appears. Click the Filter button to enter information that can help filter the order(s) for which you are searching. The Sales Order Selection screen lists open sales orders for the selected ship-to name ID. To pull all orders for the Name Id, leave the boxes blank.

  12. The Sales Order Selection screen lists open sales orders for the selected ship-to name ID. Line items on a sales order number are indicated in a format XXX-YYYYYY-ZZ, where XXX is the location code, YYYYYY is the order number, and ZZ is the line item number. The entire sales order is the first line number of the sales order and is indicated without the ZZ (see highlighted line in the screen shot in step 11).

  13. Click OK.

  14.  The Items that were on the Sales Order that you selected will be listed.

  15. There are two methods of applying a sales order to the invoice:

Option 1: Select all line items on a sales order.

  • To select all line items on a sales order exactly as ordered, choose the first line (without the ZZ) of the desired sales order and Click Select.

  • All items on the sales order are selected for application with a single selection. The Other Reference box field reflects the descriptive title assigned in Setup Information, where this field may be set to required or optional entry. The contents of this box may be passed forward to the invoice from the sales order and/or delivery ticket. This field is available for printing on delivery ticket reports through the Report Writer Features and may be viewed at the invoice level through A/R inquiry options.

  • In the Other Reference box enter information if not filled out.

  • Answer the question, Should Every Item On This Order Be Completed? with a Y for Yes, or N for No, I to use the Item Threshold that is set in the Setup Information for your Item.

  • Click OK to add all line items on the sales order to the invoice. Now all the line items display in the line item summary window on the invoice entry screen.

  • To edit a line item's quantity, price, splits, or unit of measure Click Edit.

  • Highlight the line item you want to edit and Click Select.

  • In the Order XXX-YYYYYY-ZZ Completed? box, a value to Y will mark the line item as filled, or if the quantity is reduced, a value of Y will mark the item as under-filled. In both cases the item on the sales order is completed. A value of N does not change the order status and leaves the remaining quantity committed for future invoicing.

  • The Weights button is provided so you can total weights of line items and apply that total to a freight service item on the invoice if needed. This would typically be done after adding last item to the invoice. The last item added to the invoice would typically be freight if freight charges are invoiced as a separate line item.

  • To return to entering line items on the invoice, Click Continue.

Option 2: Invoice individual line items from the Sales Order.

  • To select individual line items, choose the desired line number and Click Select.

  • The line item entry resumes at the Quantity input box. If the invoice is applied to a line item on a sales order and if the quantity shipped is not equal to the remaining quantity on the line item of the sales order, the Completed? box is open for entry. A value of Y to the question “Completed?” will mark the line item as filled, or if the quantity is reduced, a value of Y will mark the item as under-filled. In both cases the item on the sales order is completed. A value of N does not change the order status and leaves the remaining quantity committed for future invoicing.

  • As each line item is added to the invoice, the user can edit those line items. To edit line items Click Edit.

At this point the instructions are the same as completing the charge or cash sale invoice; however, the final possible steps to completing the invoice are listed below in case you need to review them.

16. The user may now add other items to the invoice by using the Item Number box, or blank out the Item Number box and Click OK to continue.

17. To reprice a specific line item, highlight the item and Click Select. You can now edit the price level, price schedule, or type in a new price.

18. To reprice all items on the invoice to a new price level or schedule, Click Reprice All. For more information about repricing go to the Inventory Pricing Menu topic.

19. To edit tax and discounts, Click Tax/Discounts.

20. In the Sales Tax Type box, type the option number that you want to use for this invoice. The tax percentage defaults from the tax tables and is used to calculate the tax amount if the client is set to taxable and if the inventory item contains a default sales tax table. To change this amount, type over the current value.

21. Click OK.

22. In the Discount Type box, a discount type defaults. To change the discount type, type over the current value.

23. Click OK.

24. In the Discount Date box, click the Date Lookup button, and select the date by which the invoice must be paid for the customer to receive the discount. If the invoice is paid after that date the discount will not be applied.

25. Next to Discount Amount, the total amount of the discount appears.

26. Click OK, to continue the invoice.

27. To automatically apply prepayments, Click Prepayments.

28. In the Prepayment Type box, type the option number for the type of prepayment to be applied.

29. In the Location Code box, the current location defaults, or you can click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the location code, or type the location code that will record the line item activity. The ledger account assigned to the CS system account code for cost of goods sold in SJI is affected at the location identified by the activity location code.

30. Click OK.

31. In the Amount to Apply box, type the dollar amount to be applied to the invoice.

32. Click Yes.

33. Click Continue.

34. In the Invoice Number box, the defaulted invoice number appears. You may type over this invoice number and enter a new one as long as it does not repeat an invoice number that was previously used in the system. Blank out the invoice number box if you want to use the next control number. Control numbers are sometimes used for manual invoices in AR/AP, and the system generated invoice number is used with item invoices.

35. Click OK.

36. In the Due Date box, select or type the due date for payment.

37. User Field #1 and #2 are miscellaneous boxes, the use of which is determined by your particular setup.

38. In the Description box, the default description of the item displays, if the description is not correct, type a new description.

39. In the Xref Document box, type a cross-reference document number, or use the Lookup button to locate the document number you want to associate with the invoice. This is typically used when issuing a credit for a specific invoice and that invoice needs to be referenced to the credit invoice being created.

40. You now have two choices for continuing the invoice, which are described in the next two steps.

41. Choice #1, Click OK, to continue to the miscellaneous reporting fields. In these 10 boxes you can enter information such as Agent/Broker, Farm, Shipper Name ID, etc. for use in reporting additional details. After entering the miscellaneous reporting information, Click OK, to proceed to the comments/remarks windows. Two windows containing eighteen boxes of remarks are displayed. Type any pertinent information in the desired box. These input boxes reflect the descriptive titles assigned in Setup Information. The values in the any of these remark boxes can be carried forward to a delivery ticket and/or invoice if the descriptive titles match. To change this amount, type over the current value.  Remarks:  With the Forms Design module, the remark boxes can be tailored to the needs of the individual site. For example: the first screen of remarks may be reserved for the vendor's copy of the order and the second screen of remarks could be printed on an in-house release form. 

42. Choice #2, Click Save/Exit, if the invoice is complete and you want to proceed to printing.

43. At the Do You Want To Print This Invoice? prompt, Click Yes.

44. Select an invoice form.

45. In the Shipping and Billing Name and Address boxes, verify the information. If the information is not correct, type new information.

46. In the Message Line #1 - #4 boxes, the standard messages display, if the information is not correct, type a new message to print on the invoice form.

47. A maximum of four standard message lines can be defaulted on each invoice form. The same messages are output on all invoices forms. Overridden message lines appear on all succeeding invoices until the user escapes to, or returns to, the Invoices Menu. The standard message lines are not permanently changed by overriding them on this window. To make the changes permanent, the system manager should change the default message lines in Setup Information.

48. In the View/Edit Invoice Specific Remarks?, type Y to edit the Remarks boxes, or type N to continue.

49. In the Printer box, type the number associated to the place you want your report to print.

50. In the Copies box, type the number of copies of the report you want to print.

51. In the Pages From and To boxes, type the page number range you want to print the report for. Leave the boxes blank to print all pages.

52. Click OK.

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