Create Sales Order from Default

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Create Sales Order from Default


Use this job aid to create a sales order by using a previous sales order as a default. Using a default to create a new sales order saves time if you are going to create several sales orders that are the same for multiple customers. When defaulting one sales order from another, the user will have the option to copy prices, remarks, custom formula components, and Name/Address transaction code fields (invoice terms, price level, etc.) from the previous order. Creating sales orders increases the Committed Quantity box for inventory items placed "on order" by your customers with your company. When inventory items on the sales order are shipped through Delivery Ticket Entry or Invoice Entry, the Committed Quantity box decreases and the On-hand box decreases.

To create a sales order from default:

  1. From the Toolbar, click INV for Inventory.

  2. From the Inventory menu, select Sales Orders.

  3. From the Sales Orders menu, select Add Sales Orders.

  4. From the Add New Sales Orders window, type a Y in the Choose Default field.

  5. In the Pickup/Delivery box, type P for pickup or D for delivery. An entry P will apply state/county taxes from pickup location. An entry of D will apply the state/county taxes associated with the customer Name ID.

  6. In the Ship To Name ID field, click Lookup or press Enter, and select the name ID of the customer for whom the sales order is being created and click Select.

  7. In the Default Order # field, type the sales order number to be used as the default and click OK, or to search for the sales order click Lookup or press Enter. If the Lookup Button is used to locate the sales order number to default from, clicking select will take you to the next window.

  8. In the Order Number and Line Number windows add information to define your search or leave blank, Click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the appropriate information or type the appropriate information.

  9. Click Next/Back until you find the sales you want to edit. Click Select when you find the correct one.

  10. In the Default From Sales Order pop up window, answer the following questions then click OK:

Accounting Information
This field will default to Y if the orders are for the same two customers: Y = load from previous sales order price level, price schedule, 6 transaction codes (state/county, salesperson, etc.) name ID type, shipper name ID, agent/broker name ID, invoice terms, and their order number from the previous order. User Order Field #1 and User Order Field #2 are always copied from the previous order, regardless of how the question is answered.  N = load fields from current Name ID defaults.

Transaction Codes

Y = 

N = 


Y = load price from the previous sales order

N = load current inventory price

Miscellaneous Fields

Y = loads Shipper Id, Agent/Broker, Their Order Number

N = clears miscellaneous fields


Y = load remarks from the previous sales order

N = clear remarks

11. From the Add New Sales Order window, change the Sales Order # and Bill to Name ID if necessary.

12. Click OK.

13. In the Order Date box, the default processing date displays, if this date is not correct, type the new date, or click on the Date Lookup .

14. Edit the Order Date and Order Status fields as needed.

15. Click OK.

16. At the Price Level choose 1 - Charge or 2 = Cash

17.  In the remaining fields, use the looking glass button to edit or add any additional information in necessary.

18. Click OK.

19. At the Is This Correct prompt, click Yes if the Name ID and transactions codes are correct (click No if the Name ID and transaction codes are incorrect and correct).

20. To edit the line item(s) copied to the new sales order from the default, click on the line item to be edited then click Select.

21. To insert an additional line item, click Insert.

22. To edit comments/remarks click Remarks.

23. Click Save/Exit when complete.

24. From the Do You Want to Print This Order Form prompt, click Yes to print.


Learn more about Sales Orders feature:




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