Balance in Committed Quantity but No Sales Orders

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Balance in Committed Quantity but No Sales Orders

What to do when a balance is showing in the committed quantity but no sales orders are able to be found

  1. The committed quantity is the quantity of inventory on sales orders for that item. If an item has a committed quantity, but no active sales orders, the verify function must be run to clean this up.

  2. Go to INV > Sales Orders > Verify On Order / Committed

    1. image-20240528-195556.png
  3. Choose option 1. Calculate report and update balances

  4. Use the parameters to filter to only certain criteria if desired. Leaving blank will verify all inventory items.


  5. A report will print showing all updates to the inventory items.


Note: If there are sales orders on the item that are able to be found through running sales order reports or in inventory status inquiry, cancel or delete any invalid sales orders that are causing the balance.

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