AGRIS Customer Documentation

Printing an Execution Id Listing


Use this job aid to print an execution Id listing. The listing is sorted in numerical order by location code and execution Id number. The Execution Id Listing includes the following information: location code, execution Id #, description, setup date, execution date, close date, sales terms, purchase terms, quantity, unit of measure, group code - commodity code, group code - product category, group code - item number, and status code.

To print an execution Id listing:

  1. From the Toolbar, click SJI for System Journal Interface.

  2. Select Execution Id, and then select Execution Id Maintenance.


  3. Select Print Execution Id Listing.


  4. The Beginning and Ending boxes limit the selection of execution ids to include in the listing. It is not necessary to specify all range selections. If left blank, the listing includes records with all combinations of the specific range. If all ranges are left blank, then all execution ids are included in the listing.

  5. In the Includes Codes and Descriptions? box, type Y to print the codes and their descriptions from the Name and Address system for all selected execution ids on the listing, or type N to exclude the addition information from the listing.

  6. In the Includes Budget Distributions? box, type Y to print the budget distribution information for all selected execution ids on the listing, or type N to exclude this additional information from the listing.

  7. Click OK.


  8. In the Printer box, type the number associated to the place you want your report to print.

  9. In the Print Type box, type the number associated to the characters per inch to print the report in.

  10. In the Copies box, type the number of copies of the report you want to print.  

  11. In the Pages From and To boxes, type the page number range you want to print the report for.  Leave the boxes blank to print all pages.

  12. Click OK.


Learn more about Execution Id Maintenance:

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