AGRIS Customer Documentation

Clear Lienholders from Name

Clearing lienholders from a name ID in name address

Purpose: If you need to wipe out all the lienholders from prior growing seasons, this report and import will allow you to do them all at once instead of going into each individual name id.

You could build the report through report writer. This article assumes you have prior knowledge of report writer. If you do not, you can contact support for help.

Navigation: NAM > report manager > Name/Address Reports > 3) Report Writer Features


How To:
In report writer, hit the INSERT button

Choose to default from 1) Standard report

Use report 15. Name/Address Export Spreadsheet as your template

Click OK to get to the title field and change it so you know that this report wipes out Lienholders and
give it a file name like DELLEINS

Keep clicking OK until you get to the screen titled Additional Options in upper right hand corner
Answer No to all options but "Print Relationship information?"  Answer Yes to that one.

In the relationship type, key in 3 to 3 in beginning and ending range
Answer Yes to "include Only the Name Ids that Match This Range criteria?

On Detail Line #1, go down to the "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" field that prints in column 4600 for a size of 40.
Select this line and change the 4th N to Y.

Hit Continue to move to detail Line #2 screen
Hit Continue to move to detail Line #3 screen
Hit Continue to move to Relationships/Contact Information screen
Select CLEAR button to wipe out all the fields from printing

Answer YES to remove all fields

Answer NO to add all fields for testing

Continue to save/exit report.

This report can be run from the name/address user-defined reports.
Once you run the report, it will give you a CSV file that can be imported back into AGRIS to wipe out all lienholder, so be sure you really want them all gone before you import this file back in.

~Written By Alisa Mueller

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