Adding or Editing Cards in Name Address

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Adding or Editing Cards in Name Address

How to Add or Edit Cards in Name Address

NAM > Name Address Maintenance > View / Edit Name ID > Select the name ID for the card > choose the Cards button


To insert a new card:

  1. Choose the Insert Button

    1. image-20240301-125514.png

To edit an existing card:

  1. Highlight the card and select to open and make changes

    1. image-20240301-125449.png
    2. Fields when editing a card:

      1. Card Number: account number of the card (up to 25 characters), required field

        • Note: Depending on setup, a dataset can allow assignment of the same Card Number to multiple Name Ids. (NAM > Setup Information > General Information “Allow Assignment of Same Card Number To Multiple Name Ids? Y/N”)

      2. Card Program: select the card program, if applicable

        1. This is setup under the Inventory Pricing Menu and is optional

          1. See Adding a New Card Program for more information

      3. Issue Date: date the card was issued, card is not valid prior to this date

      4. Expiration Date: date the card expires, optional field

      5. Passphrase: free form entry field of 20 characters, recommended to be used as the card PIN or similar security key, but is optional

        1. Access to this field is controlled by System Security under Name/Address Maintenance

      6. Status: indicates if the card is active or not

      7. image-20240301-125701.png
      8. Remarks button: Use remarks button to access, may enter multiple remarks on the card, are optional

        1. Use back button to return to card entry screen

        2. image-20240301-130119.png
  2. Select locations

    1. Use the Locations button when adding or editing a card

      1. image-20240301-130226.png

      2. Allows specification of valid locations for the card if it is not valid at all locations

        1. Defaults to all locations

        2. If changes are made, select Save to save changes and exit this screen



When finished adding or editing cards, back out of the cards screen and do 9. Save/Exit on the Name ID



If you’d like to learn more about this functionality or workflow, please contact Greenstone Support at 800-366-2474 or mysupport@culturatech.com and reference this Knowledge Base Article.



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