AGRIS Customer Documentation
Using the Restricted (R) Name ID Status
Using the Restricted (R) Name ID Status (aka Boycott)
Name ID Status Options: Active / Inactive / Temporary / Restricted
The status is set in Name Address Maintenance option 3. General Information on the specific name ID
Active: can use the name ID in any package
Inactive: prevent any new transactions from being added except Payments on Account
The only way to make payments on an inactive account is through AGRIS directly; not using the Web Service API or File Imports.
Temporary: name ID was added on the fly such as in OneWeigh or more work needs done on the Name ID for setup
Restricted: give a warning, but allow override if the user has override privileges in System Security
When entering new transactions for a Name ID, give a warning if the Status for that Name ID is Restricted, with possible security override.
System Security allows or prevents the override of Name ID Restricted status user-by-user
Name/ Address
NAM > Name Address Maintenance > Add / View / Edit Name IDs > 3. General Information
To prevent anyone from entering new transactions on a particular customer, mark the Name ID as Inactive (I)
To control who enters new transactions on a particular customer, mark the Name ID as Restricted (R)
System Security
Customize > System Security > NAM - General Options - Override Restricted Name ID
Users with a Yes to this setting will be able to enter their login information to get past the restricted warning
Modules Changed to Use Restricted Name ID
Ticket Entry and Edit
Cross Country Ticket Entry
Contract Maintenance
Contract Pricing (for Origin / Destination Location)
Add/Edit Purchase Orders
Add/Edit Sales Orders
Stock Additions
Invoice Entry
Delivery Ticket Entry / Edit
Voucher Maintenance
Invoice Maintenance
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