Adding a New Name ID

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Adding a New Name ID


This document will walk you through adding a new name Id.

To add a new name id:

  1. From the Toolbar, click NAM for Name and Address.

  2. From the Name and Address menu, select Name/Address Maintenance, and then select Add New Name Id.  

    NAM - Add New 02.png
  3. At the Do You Want to Print A Log Of Names Added? prompt, click No is the default.  You would only want to print a report if you had numerous names to add.



  4. In the Name Id box, type a unique identifier This unique identifier will be associated with all transactions involving the name id it represents in the system. Then click OK.

  5. In the Description box, type the last name, comma, then press the space bar, and type the first name. Example: Conati, Chuck

  6. In the Address Line #1 box, type the first line of the address.
    Type the street number and street name, post office box number, suite number, drop box number, tec. in the OPTIONAL Address Line #1 input field.
    Address Line #1 is optional. You can put more information about the name id, such as c/o or attn:.
    But this is an extra line for the address. 

  7. In the Address Line #2 box, type the second line of the address.
    This line is where they receive their mail at. Thi is where their accurate mailing address should be. 
    The USPS standard read Zip code, state, city, and expect mailing address to be the next field read from the bottom up.
    This will also affect how your W-2 and 1099 Tax Reporting documents print and report to government entities.

  8. In the City, State, Zip box, type the city, state, and zip code.

  9. In the country code, search for the country.  Note, this can be left blank if you do not do business outside of your country or origin.

  10. In the Primary Phone Number box, type the phone number.

  11. In the Type box select the type of name id you are adding (for example: customers, farm/split account, landlord, etc.). Name Id Types are user define and can be setup by going to NAM > Setup Information > Name Id Types.

In any of the fields with a magnifying class, click it or type * and press enter. Select the appropriate information to be assigned to the name id.

  1. Attach

  2. Click OK to review/update main Name ID fields. Select OK again to continue to step 16.      

  3. Save/Exit - Saves information and closes window.

  4. Cancel - removes entered information and closes window.

  5. The Contract Information page will display with Contact/Remark Types. 

Contract/Remark Types are user defined. See How to add a New Contract/Remark Type

  1. Highlight a Contract/Remark Type and hit the Select button to enter information for the Contract/Remark Type.

  2. Click Continue to bring up the Name ID menu. User can select the next Name Id setup option.

  3. Click Insert to add a Contract/Report Type that did not default or add an additional existing Contact/Report Type.

  4. Click Delete to delete the Contract Information for the selected line.

  5. Click Save/Exit to save the Name ID. If this is a new Name ID, the system will indicate that Reporting Codes will need to be added prior to saving/exiting.

  6. Click Back to bring you back to the main Name Id fields.

  7. Select Reporting Codes, from the Name ID menu, to display/enter the Reporting Codes for the Name Id.

    1. NAM Misc Field1-6 are user defined Name Id Codes which can be setup by going to NAM > Setup Information > Code Descriptions (Field Names) & Name Id Codes (Lookup options).

    2. State/County are user defined State/County Codes which can be setup by going to NAM > Setup Information > State/County Codes (Lookup options).

    3. Salesperson, Territory, Market Region, Origin Location & Destination Loc are user defined Transaction Codes which can be setup by going to NAM > Setup Information > Code Descriptions (Field Names) & Transaction Codes (Lookup options).

    4. Ok

    5. Save/Exit

    6. Cancel

  8. Select General Information to open General Information window.

    1. In the Commodity Discount Table box, enter Y, customer will receive grain assessment (discounts/premiums) or N, customer will not receive grain assessment (discounts/premiums).

    2. In the Active/Inactive/Temporary box, enter A for active customer, I for inactive customer, T for Temporary customer or R for Restricted.

    3. In the Accumulate Patronage? Enter Y, N or W (Withholding Required).

    4. In the Account Since box, the date defaults to current date, however, can be edited.

    5. In the Social Security/Federal Id Number box, enter the customer’s social security number or federal id number.

    6. In the parent ID box, key in another name ID to assign a parent ID to this newly added name ID which will allow this name ID to be consolidated to other accounts. Or you may leave blank.  Parent ID only works in the commodity system

    7. The next three fields in this screen are user-defined fields which can be setup by going to NAM > Setup Information > General Information.

    8. In the Registered Name for Federal ID, type in the name you wish to show on tax documents.

    9. Attach (Paperclip) pertains to AttachToo.

    10. OK

    11. Save/Exit

    12. Cancel

  9. Select Accounting Information to open Account Information window.  

    1. The first four fields on this screen relate to sales tax. If the customer should be charged tax, then answer these flags Y. If the customer should not be charged, then enter a N

    2. In the require their document number box, enter a Y if you want the customer’s document number to be required on all documents.

    3. In the Finance Charge Table box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the finance charge table to be assigned to the name id.

    4. In the Invoice Terms Code box, click Lookup click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the invoice terms assigned to the name id.

    5. In the Voucher Terms Code box, click Lookup click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the voucher terms assigned to the name id.

    6. In the price level box, type in a 1 for price level 1,2 for price level 2, or leave blank to assign a price level at the time of invoicing. (Price levels are set up in Inventory Management. They allow you to set pricing levels for different customers).

    7. In the price schedule box, click Lookup or type * and press enter to search for a price schedule or leave blank for no price schedule. (Price schedules are set up in Inventory Management and allow you more flexibility with pricing)

    8. In the sales credit limit box, enter the customer’s sales credit limit. A negative amount allows for no credit. A zero amount is unlimited credit and a positive amount allows the customer to charge up to that amount.

    9. In the purchase credit limit box, enter the customer’s purchase limit. A negative amount allows for no credit. A zero amount is unlimited credit and a positive amount allows the customer to charge up to that amount.

    10. In Bank Codes For defaults, you have the ability to default unique bank codes for direct deposit purposes. Leave blank if this name ID is not using direct deposits.     

    11. Click OK.   

    12. Save/Exit

    13. Cancel

  10. Select Product License (This screen allows you to enter the customer’s license number for restricted products.)

    1. In the type box, enter a 0 for all products, 1 for product category, or 2 for item number. Then click OK.  

      1. If you select 0 for all products, you can then type in the license number and expiration date.

      2. If you type in 1, you can then click Lookup or * to search for the product category then enter the license number and expiration date.

      3. If you select 2, you can click Lookup or * to search for the item number and then enter the license number and expiration date.  

      4. Ok

      5. Cancel

    2. Select Save/Exit. 

  11. Select Relationships to display relationships with other installed packages.

    1. For more information on Lienholders - Patronage Splits, see Name Id's with Relationships

    2. For more information on Bill To/Remit To - Sales Agent/Broker, see ???

    3. For more information on Alternate ID & Other Name Ids.

  12. Select Commodity Information to display the following window. See Commodity Information for more information.

  13. Select Save/Exit

If a field(s) does not exist in a window, the package that the setting will be used in is not installed or security has been restricted.

Learn more about the Name & Address feature:



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