AGRIS Customer Documentation
List of SJI Transaction Codes
List of SJI (System Journal Interface) Transaction Codes
This table shows how the SJI transaction codes for each package are normally mapped
Package | Code | Transaction Description | Type of Account | Package Comments |
Accounts Payable | AP | Accounts Payable | Liability |
Accounts Payable | DT | Discounts Taken | Contra-Cost |
Accounts Payable | PM | Disbursements | Asset | Usually "BANK" type will follow Bank code on transaction |
Accounts Payable | PP | Prepayments | Contra-Asset |
Accounts Payable | TA | Transfer to/from AR | Clearing Account | This is a unique clearing account and is shared with AR |
Accounts Receivable | AR | Accounts Receivable | Asset |
Accounts Receivable | BB | Budget Billing | Asset | Two unique accoutns for handling budget billing: 1 for product delivered, and 1 for reoccuring invoices |
Accounts Receivable | CT | Cost of Free Sales | Advertising / Damaged Expense | Drive to account other than COGS in order to keep Gross Margin from being understated |
Accounts Receivable | D 1 - 4 | Tax Discounts | Liability |
Accounts Receivable | DT | Discounts Taken | Contra-Sales |
Accounts Receivable | FC | Finance Charges | Inocme |
Accounts Receivable | IC | Interest Credits | Expense |
Accounts Receivable | PM | Payments | Asset | Usually, "BANK" type will follow Bank code on transaction |
Accounts Receivable | S 1-4 | Taxes | Liability |
Accounts Receivable | SL | Invoice Sales | Sales |
Accounts Receivable | TA | Transfer to / from AP | Clearing Account | This is a unique clearing account and is shared with AP |
Accounts Receivable | ?C | Promotional Costing | Expense/Liability |
Accounts Receivable | ?P | Promotional Pricing | Income/Asset |
Accounts Receivable | CS | Cost of Sales (Purchases) | Cost of Sales/ Expense |
Accounts Receivable | PP | Prepayments | Contra-Liability |
Accounts Receivable | SM | Invoice Free Sales | Expense / Damaged Income | Drive to account other than COGS in order to keep Gross Margin from being understated |
Bank | BT | Bank Transfer Clearing Account | Clearing Account | This is a unique clearing account |
Grain | !A | Freight | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !B | Brokerage | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !C | Other | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !D | Misc. Price #4 (Minimum Price) | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !E | Misc. Price #5 (Premium Price) | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !F | Misc. Price #6 (Strike Price) | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !G | Misc. Price #7 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !H | Misc. Price #8 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !I | Misc. Price #9 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !J | Misc. Price #10 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !K | Misc. Price #11 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !L | Misc. Price #12 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !M | Misc. Price #13 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !N | Misc. Price #14 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | !O | Misc. Price #15 | Expense | Only used if a voucher is to be created at settlement time. |
Grain | ?? | Other discounts and premiums | P = Income S= Cost of Sales | There are exceptions like drying income, handling income, carrying charges |
Grain | AI | AR Invoice / Credit Memo | Clearing Account | This is a unique clearing account |
Grain | AR | AR Reduction | Clearing Account | This is a unique clearing account |
Grain | CL | Client Load Out | Cost of Sales | This drives quantity only |
Grain | CR | Cash Receipt | Asset | Usually "Bank" type will follow Bank code on transaction |
Grain | CX | Cancelled Contract | Other Income | Can do unique things for the brokerage account |
Grain | GA | Grain Assessment | P = Liability |
Grain | GC | Grain Check | Asset | Usually "Bank" type will follow Bank code on transaction |
Grain | GR | Grain Purchase/Sale | P = Cost of Sale S= Income | This always drives to the ledger by Purchase or Sale plus each of the commodity codes. Can do unique things for the brokerage account |
Grain | SC | Storage Charge | P = Income |
Grain | ZS | Zero Settlement | Clearing Account | This is a unique clearing account. Cannot be seen in the work file. Only appears on SJI reports. |
Grain | ZY | Advance Deduction | P= Asset S= Liability | The ZZ and ZY codes need to go to the same account |
Grain | ZZ | Advance Given / Received | P= Asset S= Liability | The ZZ and ZY codes need to go to the same account |
Inventory | AJ | Adjustment Expense | Cost of Sales |
Inventory | CA | Cost Adjustment | Cost of Sales | For Cost Percent items, this should be coded to the inventory asset account |
Inventory | IV | Inventory | Asset | Unique setup requirements for cosignment inventory and type 6 inventory items. |
Inventory | PC | Physical Count Expense | Cost of Sales | For Cost Percent items, this should be coded to the inventory asset account |
Inventory | SE | Service Expense | Expense |
Inventory | TC | Transfer Clearing | Clearing Account | This is a unique clearing account |
Payroll | BD | Bank Direct Deposits | Asset | Usually "Bank" type will follow Bank code on transaction |
Payroll | CL | Company Loan Payment | Asset |
Payroll | D? | Deductions | Liability |
Payroll | EH | FICA HI Expense | Expense | Employer's share |
Payroll | EI | Earned Income Credit | Contra-Liability | This is an offset to Federal Withholding and is added to employee's check |
Payroll | EO | FICA OASDI Expense | Expense | Employer's share |
Payroll | FE | FUTA Expense | Expense |
Payroll | FH | FICA Hi Withholding | Liability | This is withheld from employee |
Payroll | FO | FICA OASDI Withholding | Liability | This is withheld from employee |
Payroll | FW | Federal Withholding | Liability | This is withheld from employee |
Payroll | LW | Local Tax Withholding | Liability | This is withheld from employee |
Payroll | NT | Check Amount | Asset | Usually "Bank" type will follow Bank code on transaction |
Payroll | OI | Other Income | Expense |
Payroll | OP | Overtime Pay | Expense |
Payroll | RP | Regular Pay | Expense |
Payroll | SE | SUTA Expense | Expense |
Payroll | SW | State Withholding | Liability | This is withheld from employee |
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