AGRIS Customer Documentation
Editing a Manual Voucher
Use this job aid to edit manual vouchers in the Accounts Payable system. To protect the integrity of the balance in the General Ledger, some boxes on manual vouchers may be changed only on the original date of entry. The specific boxes that you can edit on vouchers from other sources, such as item vouchers, payroll tax vouchers, commodity costing vouchers, and promotional costing vouchers are restricted.
To edit a manual voucher:
From the Toolbar, click ACP for Accounts Payable.
From the Accounts Payable menu, select Vouchers/Credit Memos, and then select Voucher Maintenance.
Select Edit a Voucher.
In the Location Code box, type in the location code or click Lookup or type * and press Enter to change the location code.
In the Voucher Number box, type in the voucher number or click Lookup or type * and press Enter to search for the voucher you want to edit. This scenario assumes you do not know the voucher number. Click OK.
Click the Filter button and set your filter.
Click OK.
Select the voucher you are wanting to edit.
Update Ledger Date if necessary - Click OK.
In the Actual/Estimate box, change estimate to actual (A) if necessary
Edit the Voucher Date, Name Id Type, Voucher Type, and Voucher Terms if necessary.
Click Next.
In the Due Date box, change the date if necessary.
In the Voucher Amount box, change the total dollar amount (excluding discounts) of the voucher if necessary. If you are entering a credit memo, precede the amount with a minus sign (-).
In the Discount Amt box, the Or Discount Pct box, and the Or Net Amount box change the values if necessary.
In the If Paid By box, change the qualifying discount date if necessary.
In the Their Invoice Number box, change the vendor's invoice number if necessary.
In the Description box, change the description for the voucher if necessary.
In the Voucher Remark box, change the additional comment for the voucher if necessary.
Click Next.
Click OK.
At the Do You Wish To Verify Disbursements? prompt, click No.
In the boxes: Salesperson, Zip Code, Frght Mrkt Zone, Origin Location, Delivered - can be set to required or optional, if required an * will be in the field. These are user defined labels and may be different on your screen.
In the 1st Grn Ticket#, Grn Contract # and Their Order number - can be set to required or optional use, if required an * will be in the field.
In the Ship From Name Id, Shipper Name Id, Agent/Broker Id, change the name id for an individual or company associated to the voucher if necessary. The name id must exist in Name and Address.
Click Next.
At the Edit G/L Distribution? prompt, click Yes.
In the Loc box, type or search for a different location if necessary.
In the GL Account box, make any necessary changes to the general ledger account.
In the Execution Id# box use * to select options. Click OK.
Select Save/Exit to finalize voucher edit or Back to make additional changes.
Learn more about Vouchers and Credit Memos feature:
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