Agent - Remove mapped datasets

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Agent - Remove mapped datasets

When you encounter a dataset that is no longer needed to be displayed for end users the steps below allow you to remove the agent.

(Technical level = Medium)

(Resource requirements = AGRIS server access)



  1. Log into the server where the AGRIS Agent is running.

  2. Stop the agent service PSQL or MSSQL


  3. Right-click and select properties to identify where the agent is installed.


  4. Navigate to the folder listed in step 3.a. make changes to the dbconnections.config in BOTH the Server and Smart Client folder.



    3. Locate the DBConnections.Config in the Server folder and create a backup copy.

    4. Open the official DBConnections.Config with a text editor to remove the dataset that is no longer needed !!!! NOTE - You must remove all instances listed below for that dataset!!!!!


        1. Delete this dbconnection

        2. change this, it should be what is in 3

      2. Save and exit and repeat the process in the smart client folder.


    5. Navigate to the Service and restart the service again.


This method could crash the agent permanently if there is mistake in dbconnection during editing it

  1. Log into the agent health (production or CTD) where the AGRIS Agent is running.

  2. Without filtering via search, find the agent in the list which needs to be updated

  3. Verify agent is online

  4. Refresh the Agent

  5. Scroll down till you find file named ‘dbconnection.config’

  6. Right click and open inspect, go to network tab.

  7. Hit download button, and select corresponding call on network.

  8. Copy text from response tab and save it in text editor on desktop as ‘dbconnection.config’

  9. Open the DBConnections.Config with a text editor to remove the dataset that is no longer needed !!!! NOTE - You must remove all instances listed below for that dataset!!!!!


      1. Delete this dbconnection

      2. change this, it should be what is in 3

      3. Save the file

  10. Open Developer Panel


  11. Open Upload Files, and click choose Files (select updated dbconfiguration.config file from desktop). Finally click upload file button.


  12. Now restart the service, and check online status and wait for it to come back online.


    Note: step 6,7 and 8 will be simplified once AH-289 is completed


Once you restart the service the changes will be seen in all applications.

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