AGRIS Customer Documentation

How To Add US Standards to Commodity

NOTE: Users need to be out of AGRIS when updating the commodity.

Go to GRN>Commodity Tables>Commodity Codes


Select either Add a New Commodity or View/Edit, depending on if this is a new or existing commodity.


Enter the commodity and the location code


Hit next on this screen, nothing to change


Hit next for this screen and the next for the 32 main discount codes


On the 8 additional discount screen, add in US Grade discount code and put the default tables as #-#.


This will trigger a new screen to come up, where you can enter the grade requirements.

Enter the grade requirements for each discount. The discounts are listed at the top of the table. The blank square under the discount codes allows you to determine if the grades are a minimum or maximum. (< would be if the grade must be under this number. For example, for a #1 corn the moisture must be below 14%. > would be if the grade needs to be above the number. For example, for corn #1, test weight needs to be above 56)



It will give you the ability to add grades for every discount you have listed in the 32 original grades, the USDA will not require grades for all of those, it is ok to leave the ones not required blank.


Hit Save and Exit. It will ask if you want to add this to all locations, hit yes if all locations need to have US grades.



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